demistyle matrixprofesional matrix тркмеридиан demi lovatics makeupgeek milani makeupmafia магазиндляплаваниякраснодар ddlovato demilovato makeupbydemi biolagemoringaoil morphe hakurobrushes instahairstyle lightmaster loreal lovatic lovato makeup makeupaddict makeupartist ddlovatohot jordana demilovatofan lovaticfamily lovaticforever тркмеридиан
~Dear demi, this collage is specially for you. ❤We Just wanna let you know that we love you so much, we wil always be by your side and we are so thankfull for everything you do, your music, your beautifull words, your smile, your pure, your support and help and for Just beeing yourself. ~You are so kind, sweet, nice, talented, pretty, strong, lovely and you are so big inspiration for millions of people. You always make us happy or even cry with the beautifull moments.❤ We are so proud of what you have achieved and that you have achieve your goals.❤❤ Remember that we, lovatics, wil always support you and we wil always be there for you. We can say so much about you, but like the collage tells you: WE LOVE YOU. Nometter what. Even that the change that you wil see this is so small, we hope you like the collage. ❤ ~I wanna say tysm to everyone who helped me with the collage, i'm so thankfull for all the pictures and love you send. I couldn't make this collage without you. Comment if you see your picture. I'm sorry the collage wasn't how i wanted because that wasn't possible because of the number of photos. I tried to tag some of you but i can't tag all❤
~Please help with tagging @ddlovato and sharring it. Because you are also a part of this collage. We hope so demi can see it, and not for ourselves but for demi, that she can know that we are here for demi. Have a nice day all. ❤
#demistyle #demi #demifan #demilovatofan #demilovatoicons #lovaticfan #lovaticpage #lovaticfanpage #demilovatofans #lovatics #lovaticfamily #lovaticforever #demifanpages #collagefordemi #collage #fanpagecollage #collagelovatics #demilovatocollage #positivefordemi #lovatocollage
#UltraKorea is pleased to announce @demisoda_official as the Official Sponsor for Ultra Korea 2018
한국인이 좋아하는 과일을 선별하여 1991년 발매된
#데미소다의 Demi는 반, Soda는 탄산수를 뜻하며
탄산이 절반이라 부드럽고 산뜻하여 부담없이 즐길 수 있는 #저탄산과즙음료 입니다.
#DemiStyle을 컨셉으로 남들과 다른 당당한 20대를 지지하는
#데미소다가 2018년 #울트라코리아2018과 함께합니다.
Incorporating Korea’s favourite fruits #demisoda was released in 1991.
#DemiSoda's Demi meaning half, Soda meaning carbonated water.
It is a soft carbonated juice drink that can be enjoyed freely because it is soft and refreshing and because it has half the carbonic acid.
#DemiStyle is different to others with a concept aimed at people in their 20’s.
# Demi Soda is together with # Ultra Korea 2018.