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Common dental procedures. .
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Endo Review - Maxillary First Molar Access Prep
Thanks everyone for answering the previous quiz (answer was B) Here is the answer post with some great photos to help everyone understand
The first step of Endodontic Treatment is preparation of the access cavity, which is the opening in the dental crown that permits ✔️Localization ✔️Cleaning ✔️Shaping ✔️ Disinfection ✔️ and ✔️3-Dimensional Obturation of the Root Canal System a very important step!
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I was having a horrible day at work today, I was/am sick, feverish, dizzy and I could not afford to miss another day at work.
A very poor patient had an appointment today and he could not afford to miss his work as his daily wages are the means of his livelihood.
Not doing his work today meant his day was wasted.
This was a very emotional + physical challenge for me .
I had planned on not doing much work today as my head was spinning but seeing the patient I couldn’t refuse. .
Sometimes there’s people who are in much more need than you.
Alhamdulillah I started work and finished the root canal successfully. It was a lower left 7. (2nd Molar)
I’m happy with the results.
The sacrifice was worth it.
Now I’m going to rest, a much needed rest to cure my fever, medicines later for my cough and a lot of for my weak body. .
Doctors get sick too guys and it sucks so much.
Today I felt like such a grown up, like a mom! Someone who has to work even if she’s sick.
I think I’m hating on the adult life. . .
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⚙️Pontic Design Share your answer for everyone to benefit @Guided.Dental
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Oral Radiology Tell us what you see, share your answer @Guided.Dental
We will answer the question together in a future post
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Review the Cephalometric
✴️More info:
✔️A = Deepest point of the concavity of the anterior profile of the maxilla.
✔️B = Deepest point of the concavity of the anterior profile of the mandibular symphysis.
✔️S (sella) = Midpoint of sella turcica.
✔️N (nasion) = Most anterior point of the frontonasal suture.
✔️Or (orbitale) = Most inferior and anterior point of the orbital margin.
✔️Po (porion) = uppermost point on the osseous external auditory meatus.
✔️ANS = Anterior nasal spine.
✔️PNS = Posterior nasal spine.
✔️Go (gonion) = Point of bisection of the angle of the mandible.
✔️Me (menton) = Lowermost point on the mandibular symphysis.
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Which Anatomical Landmark is this❓
What is the significance of this landmark? Follow is and turn ON post notifications We will answer it together.
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⚙️Restorative Dentistry⚙️ Tooth Preparation Question
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What is the main difference between these two preparations?
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Answer : C.
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