destiny2 destiny2curseofosiris destiny2warmind destiny2forsaken destiny bungie destiny2thegame xbox cayde6 gaming warlock hunter titan forsaken uldrensov destinyhunter destinytitan playstation4 destinywarlock osiris fireteam fortnite halo epicgames xboxone playstation anthem rainbowsixsiege destiny2competitive
“Golden Marcher”
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Credit: literallythebestguy on Reddit
#destiny #destiny2 #hunter #warlock #titan #cayde6 #destiny2thegame #desitny2forsaken #bungie #halo #fortnite #uldrensov #destinyhunter #destinywarlock #destinytitan #fireteam #osiris #destiny2warmind #destiny2curseofosiris #xbox #playstation4 #epicgames #gaming #destiny2forsaken #forsaken #xbox #ps4
(See previous post for my speculation about him)
#destiny2forsaken #destiny2curseofosiris #destiny2thegame #destinyps4 #destinyxboxone #ps #ps4 #xbox #xboxone #xboxonex #xboxmemes #ps4memes #curseofosiris #cayde6 #ikorarey #commanderzavala #vanguarddestiny #crucible #destiny2warmind #infiniteforest #gambitdestiny2 #destinygambit #sleepersimulant #crucibledaily #crucibledestiny #destiny2crucible #destinymemes
“Rogue Simulation”
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Credit: Vault-Tec on Reddit
Helmet : Omega Mechanos
Gauntlets : Annealed Shaper Gloves
Chest : Chromatic Fire
Boots : Scatterhorn Boots
Bond : Annealed Shaper Bond
New Age Black Armoury on all pieces
#destiny #destiny2 #hunter #warlock #titan #cayde6 #destiny2thegame #desitny2forsaken #bungie #halo #fortnite #uldrensov #destinyhunter #destinywarlock #destinytitan #fireteam #osiris #destiny2warmind #destiny2curseofosiris #xbox #playstation4 #epicgames #gaming #destiny2forsaken #forsaken #xbox #ps4
“Rogue Hawk”
———————————————————————————— Follow me for more fashionable guardians ————————————————————————————Credit: Destiny Fashion on Reddit
#destiny #destiny2 #hunter #warlock #titan #cayde6 #destiny2thegame #desitny2forsaken #bungie #halo #fortnite #uldrensov #destinyhunter #destinywarlock #destinytitan #fireteam #osiris #destiny2warmind #destiny2curseofosiris #xbox #playstation4 #epicgames #gaming #destiny2forsaken #forsaken #xbox #ps4
“Kill Bill”
Helmet : Wing Contender - Cargulo Bristle
Gauntlets : Red Moon Phantom Grips - Cargulo Bristle
Chestpiece: Insight Rover Vest - Desert of Gold
Boots : Lucky pants - Dawning Hope
Cloak : Refugee cloak
Credit: Destiny Fashion on Reddit
#destiny #destiny2 #hunter #warlock #titan #cayde6 #destiny2thegame #desitny2forsaken #bungie #halo #fortnite #uldrensov #destinyhunter #destinywarlock #destinytitan #fireteam #osiris #destiny2warmind #destiny2curseofosiris #xbox #playstation4 #epicgames #gaming
“New Eververse Armor”
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#destiny #destiny2 #hunter #warlock #titan #cayde6 #destiny2thegame #desitny2forsaken #bungie #halo #fortnite #uldrensov #destinyhunter #destinywarlock #destinytitan #fireteam #osiris #destiny2warmind #destiny2curseofosiris #xbox #playstation4 #epicgames #gaming #destiny2forsaken #forsaken #xbox #ps4 #d2
Follow me for more fashionable guardians
Credit: LithiumOutrage on Reddit
Armour is the last wish set with helm of saint-14 shaded with Melchizedek bramble.
#destiny #destiny2 #hunter #warlock #titan #cayde6 #destiny2thegame #desitny2forsaken #bungie #halo #fortnite #uldrensov #destinyhunter #destinywarlock #destinytitan #fireteam #osiris #destiny2warmind #destiny2curseofosiris #xbox #playstation4 #epicgames #gaming #destiny2forsaken #forsaken #xbox #ps4
Thanks @destiny_memes_4_kids for the idea
#destiny2forsaken #destiny2curseofosiris #destiny2thegame #destinyps4 #destinyxboxone #ps #ps4 #xbox #xboxone #xboxonex #xboxmemes #ps4memes #curseofosiris #cayde6 #ikorarey #commanderzavala #vanguarddestiny #crucible #destiny2warmind #infiniteforest #gambitdestiny2 #destinygambit #sleepersimulant #crucibledaily #crucibledestiny #destiny2crucible #destinymemes
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