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Join us at #devopsdays #Toronto @powrpak #getpowrd ...
#powrpak #powerbank #charger #Toronto #torontolife #torontofashion #torontoblogger #torontophotographer #torontofood #torontophoto #torontostyle #Torontorealestate #torontoart #torontoeats #torontoevents #canada #torontophotography #torontoigers #torontomusic #torontofoodie #TorontoFitness #ontario #apple #samsung #iphone #torontolifestyle #torontoliving #torontonightlife
#devopsdays #Toronto #powrpak
What a great day, now looking forward to day2!
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#powerbank #charger #torontolife #torontofashion #torontoblogger #torontophotographer #torontofood #torontophoto #torontostyle #Torontorealestate #torontoart #torontoeats #torontoevents #canada #torontophotography #torontoigers #torontomusic #torontofoodie #TorontoFitness #ontario #apple #samsung #technology #iphone #torontolifestyle #torontoliving #torontonightlife
Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to speak on the main track at GrafanaCon about the SIG stack, an operator friendly integration for monitoring and observability.. I even got to kick it with my CTO onstage for a short Q&A after!
I’ll share the YouTube link to my talk once it goes live.. but in the meantime, check out my newest tech blog for a recap (link in bio). Thank you to Grafana for building such an incredible product and for putting on an amazing event!
I’ll be speaking again next week at DevOps Days LA about QA process and test methodologies
#GrafanaCon #Grafana #Sensu #InfluxDB #monitoring #metrics #timeseriesanalysis #datavisualization #technology #tech #techconference #development #developer #devops #devopsdays #womenintech #womenwhogo #golang #startup #software #engineering #engineer #opensource #computer #computerscience