dialogueeverywhere intergroupdialogue uclaigr ucla dialogue intergrouprelations bruinresourcecenter bruins facilitation uclabruins fridayfeature tipstuesdays foodisprovided diversitypeerleader tips freefood listeningskills dialoguegroup outlet registerforigr gradialogue repost tvshow uclalgbt buildingresilientcommunities igroutlet lunchisprovided brcsocialmedia
Most of these meetings are currently scheduled for times when Little Bruin Clubhouse is open. What a great way for parenting students to get involved with their peers! #Repost @igr_ucla with @make_repost
Coming up on your last chance to register for an #IGR #dialogue group!! #freefood at each meeting. More info and registration at www.tinyurl[dot]com/UCLAIGR. See you there!! #intergroupdialogue #uclaigr #dialogueeverywhere #foodisprovided #ucla
TODAY! Join us for lunch and a dialogue in LGBT Center Library. Make friends, build community, and talk about wellness and support.
Can’t make it today? No problem! OUTlet meets EVERY Monday this quarter from 12-1:30. ️
#OUTlet #intergroupdialogue #ucla #uclaigd #foodisprovided #queerwellness #lgbt #uclalgbt #dialogueeverywhere #igr
Happy Monday! Make sure to join in on these awesome events happening THIS week‼️#Repost @igr_ucla @get_repost_easily #repost_easily
Join us for 5 dialogue opportunities in Week 8!
#SocialMEdia (open to all s), Mental Health (open to all s), Trainings for Bruin Belles and RISE, and an open training for any resident of University Village. Can’t wait to see you there! .
#Week8 #Dialogueeverywhere #2programsADay #IGRis #intergroupdialogue #ucla #foodisprovided #uclaigr #bruindialogue #bruinbelles #uclarise #brc #bruinresourcecenter #BRCSocialMedia
For this week’s #fridayfeature, we're featuring one of our Diversity Peer Leaders, Michelle! ⠀
Fun facts about Michelle:⠀
1. If you could teach any subject at UCLA, what would it be and why? (ex. memeology, Beyonce Studies, etc. - it can be ANYTHING!)⠀
Michelle: Settlers of Catan studies ⛰️️⠀
2. Which TV show character do you resonate with and why?⠀
Michelle: Winston Bishop from New Girl because I love having childish fun ♀️ with my friends and I also treat my pets like my children. ⠀
#settlersofcatan #boardgames #winstonbishop #newgirl #teachanysubject #tvshow #fridayfeature #diversitypeerleader #igr #intergrouprelations #intergroupdialogue#ucla #uclaigr #uclabruins #bruins #dialogue #facilitation #brc #bruinresourcecenter #dialogueeverywhere
#tipstuesdays Tip 8: What would it mean for you if what I just shared were true? ⠀
If someone is having trouble believing what you’re sharing about your own experiences, it’s because something in their mind or their heart doesn’t want them to. Remember Tip #1: you’re the expert in your own experience. So if they are doubting your experience, saying things like “that didn’t happen” or “that’s not why,” simply ask this question.❔“What would it mean for you if what I just shared were true?” This can help them figure out why they’re so resistant to believing you. Hint: it might be because it would cause them pain, sorrow, or cause them to reconsider some of their core beliefs. ⠀
#truth #expertinyourownexperience #doubt #corebeliefs #igr #intergrouprelations #intergroupdialogue #ucla #uclaigr #uclabruins #bruins #tips #dialogue #facilitation #listeningskills #brc #bruinresourcecenter #dialogueeverywhere
Join for an IGR 101 session! Open to all UCLA faculty, staff, and TAs!
March 27 (Weds of spring break), 9:30a-12:30p
Moore Hall Reading Room
RSVP Required: www.tinyurl.com/IGRMarch27
Breakfast provided!
See you there for ✍☕️
#intergroupdialogue #igr #uclaigr #dialogue #dialogueeverywhere #ucla #freefood
For this week’s #fridayfeature, we're featuring one of our Diversity Peer Leaders, Guadalupe “Pita”! ⠀
Fun facts about Pita:⠀
1. Which TV show character do you resonate with and why? ⠀
Pita: Pam from "The Office" ️ because she is creative, compassionate, assertive, and always kind. ⠀
2. Describe a learning moment from your experience in IGR. ⠀
Pita: Working for IGR has been a great experience which taught me a great deal about the importance of team building and allyship across different social identities. ️️⠀
#tvshow #character #pam #theoffice #learningmoment #igrexperience #allyship #teambuilding #fridayfeature #diversitypeerleader #igr #intergrouprelations #intergroupdialogue#ucla #uclaigr #uclabruins #bruins #dialogue #facilitation #brc #bruinresourcecenter #dialogueeverywhere