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Noch Warme, vegane Zimtschnecken
#v17kaffee #v17hannover
#specialtycoffee #thirdwavecoffee #coffee #directtrade #transparancy #coffeeculture #itsafruit #coffeescene #handbrew #lightroast #filtercoffee #flatwhite #coffeeroaster #latteart #onmytable #morningslikethese #makemoments #madewell #whereiwork #startyourweekrightcafe #v17 #kaffee #hannover #lindensüd #kalitawave #coffeeart #barista
We’re tasting high levels of natural creaminess in yellow catuai and yellow caturra varieties as we cup individual picking days this harvest.
This is a yellow caturra
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Would you like to preorder 2019 coffee? Please write
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Working with us farmers direct has an outsized positive impact at origin
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#greencoffee #naturalprocesscoffee #scaa #naturalprocess #honeyprocess #thirdwavecoffee #directtrade #directtradecoffee #microlots #microlot #nanolots #nanolot #cupping #malicacidity #geishacoffee #anaerobicfermentation #ek43 #firstcrack #coffeeroaster #coffeeroasters #baristacompetition #brewerscup #aeropress #goldenbeannorthamerica #qgrader #coffeeorigin #rateofrise #singleorigincoffee #coffeeorigintrip #yellowcaturra
Hola from #uganda On my first consultancy gig ever, and my first time to Africa I’m here with the #Swedish Trade Chamber “Make Trade” on a #womenempowerment project. So convinced that Trade is better than aid. The women here rule☝and only do #directtrade #jinja #thenile #organic #femaleentrepreneurs #tradenotaid