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Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #DIVINEWISDOM
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Хештеги на тему #DIVINEWISDOM

Amen #wisdom #understand #understanding #divinewisdom #divineunderstanding #heavenly #heaven #knowledge #knowledgeispower #knowledgeiskey #knowledgeofgod #greatness #women_of_prayer #knowledgeofgoodandevil #knowgod #holyspirit #holyspiritmyhelper #education #strengthandconditioning #strength #powerful #blessed #powerfulwomen #bosslady #prayers #prayerlife #prayer #prayeristhekey #prayerispower

Хештеги на тему #DIVINEWISDOM

As the Third Level retreat draws to a close, I am witnessing 18 women, who arrived in one state of being, prepare to leave Mama Bali in a completely different state. Each one has blossomed, such a cliche, but if you could see what I see you would know that never was a word more apt. Opened, opening, open. They are brave beyond belief. They dove into the underworld again and again and felt the fire of Kali Ma’s love. They have purified themselves and emerged glorious. I bow to every woman. My heart is so full. And, there is so much more to do! The path of the Third Level is not a one week retreat. It is an entire year to attain the skills of the Intuitive Guide, and then to attain the correct inward conditions to use them in a way that causes miracles. It is the inner work that matters. The sacred leader must be right with her mystical self. The Priestess bridges the mundane and the divine. The Third Level permits you the conditions to get both worlds in order to increase your power to serve. Only three interview times remain. Link in bio.

Хештеги на тему #DIVINEWISDOM

#AngelNumber post “You can’t possibly embrace that new relationship, that new companion, that new career, that new friendship, or that new life you want, while you’re still holding on to the baggage of the last one. Let go… and allow yourself to embrace what is waiting for you right at your feet.” ~ Steve Maraboli  If you’ve been thinking about finding a #newjob, changing careers, or starting a #newbusiness, Angel Number #999 is a sign that now is the time. A chapter in your life is coming to an end. Let go of the things you can't control and move forward with an open heart. See the blessing in this situation. If you’re looking to move up the corporate ladder, be bold and ask for that promotion. If the answer is no, then at least you know where you stand and what you need to do to grow.  Angel Numbers 9, 99 and 999 confirm that yes, an old cycle is indeed coming to an end. It’s time to cut cords to toxic situations or work environments. You’ve reached the end of a #karmic cycle in your life. The ‘new you' can no longer tolerate aggression, backstabbing and workplace jealousy. It's impossible to manifest #abundance under these circumstances.  Confidently walk away from relationships, circumstances and people that no longer resonate with who you are becoming. The #AceofPentacles promises success and a much firmer foundation for you to build upon. Look forward to #newbeginnings and a fresh start BUT first you have to let go in order to make space for the new. You are headed for far greater things. Believe in yourself and move forward confidently. Keep the lessons and the wisdom - let the rest go. You are stronger and more independent now. You know your worth. So don’t look back - you’re not going that way. ❤DM @katiabeeden to get your personal Angel Number reading posted to my page for $11.11. I will pull a #Tarot card for you as part of the reading and tag you in the post once it is done.

Хештеги на тему #DIVINEWISDOM

The only approval you need in life is that of your own. Does it feel right in your heart? Does it feel right in your gut? Don’t spend your life living for others; this is your path to walk.

Хештеги на тему #DIVINEWISDOM

People receive downloads all of the time, some without even realizing it! Downloads can come in the form of ideas, thoughts, blocks of information, concepts, books, advice, posts, literally anything! . This information is access to higher dimensional wisdom and information that wants to be birthed into the world and shared through YOU! It’s a direct line to source where you may get this “buzz” and the information may come through at a lightning speed where you feel you need to write it down, at the same time it can be downloaded in your sleep and take days, weeks or even months to fully integrate. It can help you make powerful life changing decisions or take action on things by giving you divine insight, clarity, and flow. . Downloads are beautiful portals to our creators creative energy source. That’s why when we receive a download we feel elevated, heightened, and inspired. Have you ever said something to someone and been like “woah where the hell did that come from?!” You just suddenly felt this insane amount of flow and juicy, delicious wisdom come right out of you, and you could literally feel it vibrating all throughout you?! YES. We are antennas and the receivers and then become the channel. . ✨ . Original artist is unknown so PLEASE tag if you know . #downloads #cosmic #channeling #spiritualmemes #spirituality #intuition #divinewisdom #divineguidance #lightworker #starseed #empath #thirdeye #spiritual #creativeflow #energy #higherfrequencies

Хештеги на тему #DIVINEWISDOM

~NEW BEGINNINGS~⁣ .⁣ I'm feeling so much fresh energy today. The wind has spun itself with a glittering energy of new beginnings. ⁣ .⁣ . But it's not just starting new, it's an opportunity to step into your true self. To live led by the song of your heart.⁣ .⁣ . This doesn't mean you should blow up your life and move to another country, although if that's what you REALLY want... It does mean to incorporate the things your soul NEEDS to flourish.⁣ .⁣ . Have you been putting off a passion project, are you craving more time in nature, do you want to make more time to read, write, or simply be? .⁣ . While we all must balance the necessary responsibilities of our modern life, that never meant we should shun those aspects which replenish our soul. . . That's where things went off track. We forgot who we were. We forgot to feed our souls with joy and wonder. We forgot we belong upon the earth and under the sun. We forgot how blindingly amazing we are.⁣⚡ .⁣ . I'm being asked to surrender to my heart song. It's scary, no, it's terrifying. I'm being asked to step into a role that my conscious mind does not recall but my heart is pleading for. My heart is saying, let me take the wheel, just trust me. As a recovering type A , letting go of the sure thing to have faith in the meaningful thing has broken me open. But it is in these moments of surrender intertwined with faith that we find our true selves. ⁣ .⁣ . This is the message for all you gorgeous souls. What does your heart sing for? What part of yourself was buried long ago, to make room for the mundane, the tedious, the monotonous? . . This could be as simple as filling your space with more flowers. Taking a nature walk each week. Picking up those paints or pen.⁣ .⁣ . But whatever you do, spirit is asking you to remember how precious you are, you are divine, you are important, you matter more than you can comprehend! ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #spirtualawakening #energyworker #wayshower #enlightenedminds #divinewisdom #spiritualblogger #lightworkersofinstagram #spiritmessages #youcreateyourownreality #spiritualityquotes #innerknowing #distancehealing #healingtools #empathsofinstagram #thirdeyevision #innertruth

Хештеги на тему #DIVINEWISDOM

Would this be possible for you? So much of our spiritual seeking, our life decisions, our actions in the world are subconsciously derived from the pursuit of external approval. Whether it is an imaginary approval (this person will think better of me if I do this early morning meditation) or actual pats on the back, if we are motivated by the need to be known, seen and liked we are not operating from our infinite nature. We are allowing our fear to lead. Can you find the spiritual fierceness to choose for yourself? God is already yours, the Infinite already bows at your feet and responds to your every command. Who’s approval, acknowledgement or attention are you seeking? If it is outside of you then we have a problem. Your worldly success has nothing to do with your spiritual success. You are not rich or well known because you’re a better person. Stop mistaking one for the other. Get good with you. Wake up with the intention of withdrawing all those energy threads from where you have invested them in the attempt to get a hit of approval. This is sovereignty. This is holy power. This is remembering you are God/dess. Spend a year with the Institute training your self-sovereignty and qualifying as a globally recognized Intuitive Guide. Beyond coaching. Beyond healing. Beyond doubt. This year will increase your power to serve beyond anything else. Link in bio.

Хештеги на тему #DIVINEWISDOM

Amen and Amen. #wisdom #understand #understanding #divinewisdom #divineunderstanding #heavenly #heaven #knowledge #knowledgeispower #knowledgeiskey #knowledgeofgod #greatness #women_of_prayer #knowledgeofgoodandevil #knowgod #holyspirit #holyspiritmyhelper #education #strengthandconditioning #strength #powerful #blessed #powerfulwomen #bosslady #prayers #prayerlife #prayer #prayeristhekey #prayerispower

Хештеги на тему #DIVINEWISDOM

Yes and Amen. #wisdom #understand #understanding #divinewisdom #divineunderstanding #heavenly #heaven #knowledge #knowledgeispower #knowledgeiskey #knowledgeofgod #greatness #women_of_prayer #knowledgeofgoodandevil #knowgod #holyspirit #holyspiritmyhelper #education #strengthandconditioning #strength #powerful #blessed #powerfulwomen #bosslady #prayers #prayerlife #prayer #prayeristhekey #prayerispower

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