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#Narcissists make you feel crazy - that is a fact! It happens so slowly, yet we all arrive at the same point - questioning our sanity! They are experts in conditioning our minds from their constant, yet cunning critiquing of every part of our lives. This can, and will affect your future if you don’t change your thought patterns, and eradicate them from your mind. This is WHY - once I understood this, I created my course - FREE yourself from the narcissist - as I knew I had to help others - to transform your life - exactly as I had! My LIVE course starts tomorrow - details in my BIO @megan.holgate - hope you join me and other brave women to make 2019 the year to step into who you are meant to be! Happy Sunday ⭐️✨⭐️
When you are in a relationship with a narcissist, a trauma bond occurs and the brain functions in a certain way to the addiction to the narcissist.
The hypothalamus in the brain secretes a chemical peptide whilst going through narcissistic abuse which the body then craves and keeps us trauma bonded to the abuser.
You can break free from narcissistic abuse but it will take time, self kindness and knowing how.
#femalebusinessowner #divorced #positivepsychology #empathsbelike #divorcecoach #divorce #divorcerecovery #narcissist #narcissisticabuse #narcissisticabusesurvivor #narcissisticabuserecovery #narcissisticpersonalitydisorder #narcissistic #survivor #femaleentrepreneur #femaleinbusiness #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #bossbabe #bossbabes #breakfree #emotionslabuse #gaslighting #traumarecovery #ptsdrecovery #traumabonding
Don’t try to change your partner. Just love them. Love is what changes us. ❤️
#parable #parables #lovingkindness #aesopsfables #fables #khalilgibran #storypeople #lifecoachforwomen #healthymarriage #healthyrelationships #marriage101 #marriagecounseling #premaritalcounseling #couplestherapy #relationshiphelp #codependency #selfhelpquotes #relationshipmemes #relationshiphacks #marriagebootcamp #marriagehacks #loveoneanother #healthycommunication #communication101 #gottmaninstitute #lovelanguage #5lovelanguages #relationshipmemes #growingoldtogether #marriageiswork #divorcecoach
Had to repost this by @dv.warrior So many people connect feelings of loneliness with being alone. But feeling alone or lonely is a part of being. It has nothing to do with your relationship status. Being in a relationship will not always make you less lonely and being single will not always make you more lonely. Only by connecting to the feeling, being ok with having it, and choosing where to go from there, can you really start to change things.
@aspiretogrowth #aloneisnotlonely #feelyourfeelings #copingskills #healthycopingskills #happywithin
Or you can’t seem to remember that your world does not ever orbit around anyone. No one is the life force of the sun, has the gravitational pull of the moon, or is more than a marching ant on the planet. Perspective...
Happy Friday.
@aspiretogrowth #checkyourself #perspective #antsmarching #checkyourego #liveyourownlife #rememberwhoyouare
A man that cannot protect his woman, is no better than one. #maydivorcebewithyou #divorce #divorced #divorceparty #divorcerecovery #divorcesupport #divorcedlife #divorcesucks #divorcequotes #divorced #divorcedparents #divorcecoach #divorcecourt #divorcedquotes #divorcedwomen #toomuchtodo #appreciateme #veenavenugopal