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Mothers apprenticing their daughters into healing, spirituality, and ritual has become a lost relationship. Generational healing is more than necessary, it’s crucial for DNA coding and genetic healing among women, and future women. These relationships are vital. Foster them. Bring the balance back. Long ago, healing and spirituality was burned out of women and girls to the point it caused severe genetic damage. On a cellular level woman and girls have been facing a fear of being their own spiritual and healing tool. Cast as witches. Whether we’ve known this is why, or not; this is truth. We’ve gone generations without our healing abilities and intimate connections with source. It’s time to recover that. As we do; we heal ourselves, our children, our mothers, sisters and grandmothers, and we’re finally able to nourish and heal our men/the masculine the way we’re meant to! THIS is by far, one of the most crucial aspects of restoring balance between the divine feminine and masculine. For more on how I raise my kids, follow my parenting IG: @earthbound_childhood
#divinebalance #divinefemininerising #divinemasculine #motherdaughter #dnahealing #pastlifehealing #motherhood
Sister Love Its all for the children, the generations to come. As we clear the trauma stories, and purify the genetic lineage, we create a clear platform for the next wave of light weavers. We are the parents of a new age. The stories of suppression end with us. #starseeds #lightworkers #dnahealing #5D #timelessessenceoflove @samantha.carol.stokes
Negative memories of separation, prejudice, hatred, jealousy, envy, completion exist in our dna and we experience this as emotions...
It's not really you or what your soul feels...
It's an illusion...
Your job is decipher what is from your heart and what is from the mind and based on fear...
Your job is to delete these beliefs, feelings and install new beliefs that help you to become a more loving person who is able to have deep understanding, compassion and tolerance for others...
Because you no longer see yourself as separate but connected to everything and all of life...
#unityconsciousness #loveis #togetherwerise #synergy #ubuthu #unity #selflove #dnahealing #ancestralhealing #negativepatterns
Clearing and repatterning my DNA consistently always leaves me feeling clearer, lighter, more aligned, more in my heart, and the best parts of me come to the forefront more.
The reason we don't always feel amazing or aligned is all the stuff we are carrying in our bodies, dna memory, cellular memory of the past, generations of oppression, negativity and sufferring...
Until you consciously acknowledge and learn from these patterns, they will continue to undermine you, block you from manifesting that which is truly aligned for you and stop you from fully being the best version of yourself.
We are all being forced by the planets energetic changes to become more aware of these patterns and release them.
You can do it the slow hard way, where you continue to experience and manifest negative experiences that drain you or you can be proactive and work on yourself consciously thus extracting the wisdom and learning the higher learning, being accountable and adopting a new and updated mindset and way of being that allows more love and greater sense of alignment, peace and love... It's all up to you, but either way we are all going to go on this journey eventually...
The whole planet and cosmos are leveling up and evolving...
For dna healing, relationship repatterning, energy healing for health and mental health improvements email : oshunlilith@gmail.com
#dnahealing #energyfield #energyhealing #soulhealing #levelup #shadowwork #shamanichealing #evolution #karmichealing #accountbaility #cleansing #purification #dnacleansing #ancestralhealing #shift #awaken