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Photo from the Silicon Valley Comic Con, which takes place in San Jose.
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Yay, my first official props - 9/10 Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver! This babe is so beautiful! And when you turn it on, when it's buzzing - it feels truly incredible, like you are The Doctor yourself, ready to investigate any extraterrestrial activity
Doctor Who's philosophy is unique in many ways. One of them - this Sonic Screwdriver, a tool for reparation mostly, is Doctor's only weapon. With all the huge amount of enemies threatening his beloved planet Earth and other worlds, with all the dangers Doctor encounters, all he uses is wit, humour, charisma, some tech like this tiny thing, and a good heart. Good heart that is always caring for those who happened to be in trouble and that makes Doctor an incredibly selfless person. Good heart that with a bit of charm and smart moves helps to make alliances with almost any species. Good heart that opposes all the cruel and horrendous plans of invaders. Because, even if good deeds are rarely paid back with as good outcome, they are still right thing to do - they inspire, they support in need. The series often say: "Be kind where you can". And in Doctor's universe it works, it saves lives and whole worlds, it writes legends of an incredible Doctor and his wonderful companions. "Doctor Who" originally was a series for children. I remember Christopher Eccleston telling in his interview about the importance of The Doctor's role model for children. But this show is ever inspiring and a thing to remind us about some values, even if we're not children at all. Doctor's amazing, mind-blowing journey carries many important ideas and meanings, and every viewer can find his own to learn of. And that is truly great.
I can't wait to find out what will Thirteenth Doctor teach us of. //Перевод в комментариях
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