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Хештеги на тему #DOGSOFINSTAWORD

Crazy Ma ‍♀️: Wow! I am deeply touched by the outpouring of birthday love for my boy. I am in tears as I type this. On Friday, on my way back from picking stuff up for Char's birthday, I was in a car accident. I was hit by a pizza deliverer who failed to stop when he should have, and the impact was on my side. Damage and two doors will have to be replaced but that's not important. I'm stiff and sore, my head hit the window, some bruises and tenderness but my body is thankfully otherwise ok. It could have been so much worse. Although I put on a happy face for my boy's big day yesterday, what was going on inside of me was very different. Something like that can really shake you to your core. It makes you realize how quickly everything can be taken away from you. In the blink of an eye, poof, just like that. I think that's what I've been struggling with the most. Knowing that I left my dogs, my babies, expecting to see them again shortly afterwards, but that accident made me realize that seeing them again isn't my decision, ever. It's fate's, it's the universe's, God's. That day, in some ways it was that careless driver's. But not mine. Knowing that has created an irrational fear of not wanting to leave my house. It'll pass, for I am stronger than my fear, but for right now I am allowing myself to feel whatever it is I need to feel to move passed it. Suppressing has never been my thing, it's not healthy and I want to feel every emotion that comes with an unpleasant situation for I believe that that is how we heal. All I could think about while I waited for the ambulance was that I wanted to be with my crew. I wanted to hug them, because they would make me feel better, more than any human and doctor ever could. I'm sharing this with you because I want you to know that the time you took to send so much love (although it was meant for Charlie) helped me so much. Your stories, DM's, messages, #CharCharTheRockstar19, they made me smile, tear up countless times, and, along with my best friend, Char, helped me through a difficult weekend. I can feel how genuine your love is for my boy and that is the most beautiful gift. From the bottom of my heart, thank you❤️

Хештеги на тему #DOGSOFINSTAWORD

Today is the BIG day! It's still morning here, but so far my day has started off with pupcakes and cookies which Crazy Ma made using ingredients that are tummy friendly! I wasn't sure at first what all of the fuss is about, until she told me that 19 means I'm 133 in human years and to be as alert, to still eat like a piglet , and to still have all my teeth and swagger, is a big deal apparently! ‍♂️ I guess that does make me a legend! Personally I'm just excited that I have reached the legal drinking age in Ontario but now that I think about it, if I'm 133 in human years, I could have had my first beer years ago!‍♂️ If we haven't yet personally thanked you, THANK YOU so much for all of the birthday wishes that have already come in on my last post, DM's, through your stories and on @talesofalab's post, we are overwhelmed in the most loving and appreciative way! If you'd like to join in on my celebration, you can tag me using the hashtag #CharCharTheRockStar19 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! And Happy Birthday to Eddie in heaven❤️

Хештеги на тему #DOGSOFINSTAWORD

Crazy Ma taking over ‍♀️: This is truly incredible, Friends! This Saturday, June 1st, my big guy will be turning 19!!! This is HUGE so I need you all to celebrate with us by posting with the hashtag #CharCharTheRockStar19, because let's face it, he is that and SO much more! We look forward to having you virtually celebrate with us and seeing your posts!

Хештеги на тему #DOGSOFINSTAWORD

Then I found forever Hey hey love We've been best friends forever darling That's what's up Forever No matter what You've got my love to lean on darling That's what's up You've got my love to lean on darling No matter what #edwardsharpeandthemagneticzeros

Хештеги на тему #DOGSOFINSTAWORD

I can't believe the quack secretly filmed me! She totally set me up by putting her bag on the floor and leaving the room, because she wanted to show you guys how I earned the nickname #BennieTheDoubleAmputhief. Anywaaaay...You can see by my technique, that I watch her walk off to make sure the coast is clear before I get to work! What can I say, I'm a pro!‍♂️ #BennieTheDoubleAmputee

Хештеги на тему #DOGSOFINSTAWORD

Oyeee das nice feels heckin’ goods! don’t stop masta!!! keeps da rubs #mydogiscutest#rarepups#pupflix#dog_unity#babyanimalshd#dogsofinstaword#bestwoof#bellyrubs#shiba_snaps##thedailyshibainu#shibainuway#shibainupuppy#underdogsofig#日本犬#柴犬まる#柴犬子犬#시바견#pawheart credit: @shibathanos

Хештеги на тему #DOGSOFINSTAWORD

We interrupt your regularly scheduled naughtiness to bring you my big brother, Charlie @charlieeddie16, who turns 19 years old today!!! He has all of his teeth , he's full of swagger, he still eats like a piglet and is very alert, which makes him a legend in my eyes I look up to him and he truly is the most amazing dog! Happy Birthday Char-Char! If you'd like to join in on this very special & big birthday, use the hashtag #CharCharTheRockStar19 Oh and for those wondering, those are specially made pupcakes and cookies which Cray-Cray made using tummy friendly ingredients!

Хештеги на тему #DOGSOFINSTAWORD

Hi guys com’è andata Pasquetta?! Mangiato bene ?!

Хештеги на тему #DOGSOFINSTAWORD


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