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Wedding cake
15 kg Buttercream cake customised for reception ✌️
Online orders undertaken door delivery available
Freshcream cakes, photo cakes available
#4tiercake #weddingcake #customisedcakes #15kgcake #cakedecorating #stepcake #rsmbakery #foodiekanchipuram #kanchi360 #kanchipuram #madewithlove #weddingcake #kanchipuram360 #kanchiappatakkars #tn21 #swiggykpm #swiggy #onlineorder #doordelivery #cakelove #bakery #wedding
#doordelivery #homedelivery #foodtruck #nagercoil #kanyakumari #foodie #swiggyindia #hungryfoxfood #zomatoindia #foodtruckindia #foodies #foodondoor #foodforlife #foodphotography #foodtrucks #instakanyakumari #kumarimavattam #kanyakumarimavattam #nagercoil_trends #nagercoiltown #nagercoilfood #nagercoildiaries #nagercoilian #foodsofnagercoil #foodoftheday #kanyakumaribeach #kanyakumarimemes #kanyakumaridiaries #kanyakumarians #kanyakumarifood
#hygge ”Hoo-Gah”, an essential part of Danish Culture.
It’s about creating a cozy environment, indulging in your favorite treats, and spending quality time with loved ones.
#brambleberry hygge fragrance collection brings 5 amazing scents to the skincare community.
Having this delight was made possible through #doordelivery by @shop2mydoor. They offer free warehouse address, package consolidation, “shop for me” for those web purchases that don’t accept international card transactions and customs clearance on your behalf... check their webpage for more details
Watch out for fab products coming your way soon using this collection.
#adonmu #africasbest #brambleon #handcraftedskincare #abujabusinessconnect #mahdsalesonNov30th #danishculture #favoritetreat #sharewithlovedones #shoptomydoor #shop2mydoor
Is your pup going to be this cute for the holidays If you live in the Toronto area...we will be doing Door delivery to insure you get your goods before Xmas! Place your orders before Sunday 12 midnight....Merry Christmas #doordelivery #dogstyle #dogbowtie #dogbandanas #dogjacket #shoplocal #christmaspresent #ecofriendly #madeincanada
Last cake of the month
Choco truffle with chocochip #2kgcake .
Online orders undertaken door delivery available #freshcreamcake #customisedcakes #chocotruffle #chocochip #whippedcream #garnishwork #2kgcake #onlineorder #doordelivery #madewithlove #rsmbakery #kpmbusiness #kanchipuram #cakedecorating #kanchiappatakkars #kanchipuram360 #foodiekanchipuram #cakelove
✨Healthy Meals by Lean On Me!✨
It took us a lot of planning and execution to bring to you these calorie counted meals for your healthy lifestyle.
The menu has been designed by our founder @minalkrips and @pavankripalani and the nutritional facts have been provided by @suha_chandramouli
The meals will be out & rolling from Monday 22nd April onwards. So pick up your phone and place your orders NOW!!
#leanonmesalads #leanonme #leanonmemeals #healthymealsinchennai #foodtalk_chennai #gohealthy #doordelivery #placeyourorder #saladsinchennai #healthyeating #igerschennai #instachennai #instafood #chennaiblogger #chennai #proteins #EatClean #FitFood #celebritydiet #nutritionist #dietician #healthyfood #healthymeals #fitmeals #fitmeal #healthymeal