downcut starsports starsports_life апперкот аутфайтер бой бокс боксер борьба грогги единоборства звездыспорта контрудар новостиспорта нокаут пояс рефери ринг спарринг спорт стойка судья удар чемпион мма woodworking routerbits cncrouter аутфайтер
If you need to make small detailed designs, we have various types and sizes of bits to help with these detailed projects! Check out this amazing design by @woodnbaker using our 1/16 DownCut with a 1/8 shank 820-DNC062.
Swipe left to see the video of this design being carved out!
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The project is a custom order for a client who requested a Key Box. Being CNC’d is the door to that key box. Im guessing this client is a fisherman!
I’m enjoying this bit from @bitsbitscompany wayyy to much!!!
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