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Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #DRJENNMANN
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Хештеги на тему #DRJENNMANN

What you need to know: 1) See what is in front of you. 2) Understand that the benefit of the doubt should be earned, not given away. 3) Don’t fool yourself. 4) Evaluate the other person’s morals, values and ethics to see if they align with your beliefs about how to treat people in a relationship. 5) Be honest with yourself about what this person’s behavior and choices communicate to you about how much they value you. 6) Keep in mind, we teach people how to treat us. . . . . #repost @glimpseofwisdom @fuckologyofficial #honest #sorrynotsorry #love #relationship #eyeswideopen #actionsspeaklouderthanwords #openheart #action #amends #behavior #couplestherapy #drjenn #drjennberman #drjennmann

Хештеги на тему #DRJENNMANN

Sometimes the threat can be social media. Sometimes the threat can be a persistent ex-lover. Sometimes the threat can be an anxious parent that constantly gives unwanted relationship advice. Sometimes the threat can be the beginning stages of an addiction or a mental illness that isn’t being acknowledged. . . Outside threats can create enormous conflict in a relationship. When we try to dismiss their (very real) presence .. we do a major disservice to our partner .. to our relationship. We fail majority here when we don’t show our partner that their fears are important to us. . . “I don’t have that fear.” “That’s crazy .. we have been broken up for 4 years!” “Why are you making this such a big deal?” “It’s really not that serious.” . . Here is perhaps another way we can approach these moments: “I don’t have that fear .. but I can see that it’s really important to you.” “Help me understand what this means for you.” “I’m here.” “It makes sense why this would feel threatening for you .. especially because of some of the things you’ve shared with me.” . . What threatens our partner must be important to us. We have to be willing to get curious about what these threats MEAN to them. We have to make effort to understand the pain that lives underneath what is being spoken. . . In fact, the way we approach and handle these outside threats or (thirds) as Stan Tatkin calls them .. can often make or break a relationship. . . When our partner shows discomfort with our time spent on social media .. are we willing to make any adjustments? When our partner expresses discomfort about our parents meddling into the relationship .. do we set the necessary boundaries? . . Not every situation requires us to make an actual change .. but some do. Some situations simply need tenderness and patience .. while others require us to come up with new agreements that both partner’s can feel safe in. . . We can do a great deed by simply changing how we hear and respond to our partner’s sensitivities. That gift alone can help dissolve many fears. It can even help expand our partner’s ability to feel safe in new areas .. in ways they never knew were possible. #coachingwithsilvy

Хештеги на тему #DRJENNMANN

No matter how amazing your relationship, spectacular your partner, or great your relationship skills, you will both make mistakes. You will hurt each other, intentionally and unintentionally. At some point, you will disappoint one another, slip up, say things and speak in tones you’ll later regret, be insensitive, inconsiderate, disrespectful, judgmental, or harsh. You will irritate each other at times and alienate each other at others. It is the nature of the beast—relationship tenets we must accept. The more we resist and resent them, the less likely we are to put time and energy into healing and solving problems, and the more likely we are to stay stuck in our self-righteous anger and indignation. We’ve all done it. We’ve all been there. When you are up on that high horse, it is impossible to have the difficult conversations that you have to have, and to make or receive amends. Give your partner the benefit of the doubt in regard to his intentions. Unless you are with an abusive, cruel, or sociopathic partner—in which case you should get out of that relationship—you have to assume that what he did was not intentionally malicious. You can feel two things at once. You can love someone and be angry with him at the same time. You have to look at the totality of the relationship. . . . . The Relationship Fix: Dr. Jenn's 6-Step Guide to Improving Communication, Connection & Intimacy @sterlingbooks #regram @thecoparentingcollective #love #relationshipgoals #relationship #couple #couplesgoals #forgiveness #amends #sorry #couplestherapy #drjenn #drjennmann #drjennberman #relationshipfix #sterlingpub #judgement #judge #judgementalpeople #highhorse #fuckup #mistakes #mistakequotes

Хештеги на тему #DRJENNMANN

Time to let go of things that do not serve you. Try to live a life that is consistent with your goals, values and brings out the best in you. . 1) Don’t put things off. Start your day by doing the task you dread most. Get it out of the way. Having it hang over your head slows you down and makes you feel bad for not tending to your business. . 2) Say “yes” when you mean yes and “no” when you mean no. If you are not sure, respond with “let me think about that and get back to you. Boundaries are an important part of self care. . 3) How you talk to yourself influences how you think and behave. If you wouldn’t say it to someone you love, don’t say it to yourself. . 4) Push yourself to do things that force you to grow and take healthy risks. If you want different results, you need to take different actions. . 5) We teach people how to treat us. Keeping people in our lives that are mean, abusive, disrespectful or critical rewards the behavior. This creates a negative mindset that only does harm. . . . #selfcare #healthyhabits #selftalk #procrastination #comfortzone #change #changeyourmindset #healthychoices #newbehaviors #drjenn #drjennberman #drjennmann

Хештеги на тему #DRJENNMANN

It has often been said that you can define insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” Stop doing the same thing with people who hurt you. Stop looking for happiness, validation or self-esteem from someone who mistreats you. Stop giving second chances to people who are supposed to love you but mistreat you, those who lack understanding of how they have harmed you and are unwilling to change their behavior. Take care of yourself, even if that means pulling yourself away from someone that you love and feel attached to. In the end, the most important attachment is the one that you have with yourself. . . . #repost @poetic_style @narcissistrecovery #emotionalabuse #relationship #narcissist #revovery #abuse #emotionallyunavailable #love #boyfriend #girlfriend #husband #wife #marriage #dating #selfcare #drjenn #drjennberman #drjennmann

Хештеги на тему #DRJENNMANN

I so love the realness of this post by @drjennmann. What we complain about the most in relationships is what we didn’t get enough of as children. . . This doesn’t necessarily mean our parents. We may have been treated with cruelty by extended family members .. or bullied extensively at school. All of these painful early childhood experiences shape us at a very (critical) developmental time. . . What do you tend to complain about the most in your relationships? What are you most sensitive to? Take a moment. You may even want to close your eyes and really sit with this for a few moments. . . What comes up for you? . . Did you need firmer boundaries to help you feel safe? Did you need to be stood up for when elder family members were being verbally disrespectful? Did you need more freedom to play and to really harness your sense of wonder and curiosity? Did you need empowering words to help you feel courageous to try new things? Did you need more quality one on one time to understand how to deeply connect? . . Now notice .. on the other sides of these needs, is where we carry our deep woundings. These are (our) unique vulnerabilities. And we all have them. . . It’s essential for us to recognize and (communicate) what we lacked in our childhoods .. and to be willing to (show) our partner the pain that is associated with those wounds. . . But what’s also important .. is for us to then begin (advocating) for our needs. We have to balance the expression of the pain with the practice of (directly) asking for what we need. Finding this balance .. of course .. takes time .. and loving gentleness. . . We get the beautiful opportunity to pay attention to ourselves in ways our inner child didn’t get the chance to. #coachingwithsilvy

Хештеги на тему #DRJENNMANN

I am a big believer in the “act as if” concept. While I believe that processing feelings are important, our behavior is even more important. When we “act as if” we are someone we aspire to be, we start to become that person. Fake it till you make it helps it become real. The boundaries between who you are and who you aspire to be become more blurry. That is a good thing. ➡️ Please share with someone you know who could benefit from this reminder. . . . . . . #regram @sheconquers #actasif #fakeit #fakeittillumakeit #fakeittillyoumakeit #aa #confidence #inspirationalquotes #inspiration #motivation #motivationalquotes #bebetter #goals #takeittothenextlevel #stepup #12steps #wisdom #drjenn #drjennberman #drjennmann

Хештеги на тему #DRJENNMANN

I would be lying if I told you I was not excited about my new Dr. Jenn coffee tumblers. I am so excited, I just might have to do a give away. What do you think? Should I do it? . . . . #swag #giveaway #contest #coffee #coffeemug #coffeetumbler #tumblercoffee #drjenn #drjennberman #drjennmann #couplestherapy #liketowin #giveawaycontest #gift #sweepstakes #instacontest

Хештеги на тему #DRJENNMANN

When you don’t realize your value, you are more likely to attach very quickly. When you know your worth, you are discerning about the partners you choose. Take the time to get to know someone before you take yourself off the market or give them your loyalty. Have the emotional discipline to observe their behavior over time. This is the only way to judge character. Don’t sell yourself short. Hold out for a good one.... Unless you don’t think you deserve one. In which case, stop dating and get your ass into therapy #stat. . . . . . #regram @rtcw45 from @lovingmeafterwe #love #dating #marriage #divorce #pickingapartner #mateselection #attachment #men #women #relationship #relationshipquotes #relationshipgoals #relationshipmemes #disconnected #drjenn #drjennberman #drjennmann

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