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71.825% for Rami in the CDI-W 3* Grand Prix Freestyle for 2nd place!! ❤️ one judge gave us over 73% (1st) and another gave us the highest individual score with over 75%!!! Very exciting particularly as there is still so much to improve! Brisbane CDI wrap up to come but really wanted to share the presentation video #brisbanecdi #freestyle #dressage #teamnsw #gotheblues #mindarahparkramadan #grandprixfreestyle #customsaddles #ashbree #flexiblefitequestrian #equitecperformanceproducts #drshow #backontrack #coprice
Dopo un weekend di lavoro che mi ha mandata in T I L T
... vi auguro buon inizio settimana genteeee
_______ ✨ Non ci si ferma mai
B y @dr.show.agency
#power #goodweek #monday #work #weekend #dancer #tilt #fashion #dress #costume #agency #drshow #glitter #fucsia #body #colors #woman #artist #event #music #modena #montese #italia #labuca #top #magic #space #pop
Raphy has won the U25 Inter II test this morning at the #ausdressagechampionships @boneopark.com.au with a score of 67.395% making it a clear win 1 down 2 to go #mindarahparkraphael #winner #dressage #dressagensw #customsaddles #ashbree #stanceequitec #flexiblefitequestrian #drshow #backontrack #coprice