duplo lego mainanedukasi legoduplo duplocurah jigsaw jualpuzzle legoduplodsecond mainananakanak mainanbandung mainanbayi mainanbekas mainanbranded mainanmurah mainanpreloved mainansecond mainansecondgoodcondition mainanseken mainansoftoys prelovedanak prelovedbaby puzzle puzzleanak puzzlebekas puzzlemurah puzzlesecond tokomainan tokomainanbandung availusedtoys чемувлечьребенка
Tonda dneska spal u babí a já měla dopoledne “volno”. Mohla jsem si číst, pracovat, uklízet, napustit vanu...cokoliv... ale já roztřídila kostky podle barev a postavila haciendu, aby měl Tonda po návratu radost Diagnóza: MATKA. Životnost stavby: 96 vteřin.
#materska #legoduplo #duplo #maminka #mamaasyn #motherandson #juniorduff #stavba #lego #hracky #detstvi #deti #kostky #vikend #familyweekend
Jack and the Beanstalk - This is my entry for this month’s BrickCentral “Tiny People in a big world” challenge. —————————————————————
The idea was to create the Giant’s castle incorporating Lego accessories that seemed sufficiently large and also some Duplo to create the impression of scale. The Jack minifigure hopefully gives the image a sense of proportion. The gold eggs are ordinary white Lego ones painted metallic gold. #bc_tinypeople #brickcentral #jackandthebeanstalk #legojackandthebeanstalk #toyartistry_lego #toyartistry #legominifigures #moc #afol #duplo #lego #legocastle #englishfairytales #legoinstagram #legostagram #stuckinplastic #bricksinfocus #brickvision #toyartistry_elite #legoart #toycollectors #legoharp #goldenharp
Just as Arlo is graduating from Duplo to LEGO, Theo has discovered the giant Duplo tub and has been tipping it out to play with most days.
Usually this giant mountain of Duplo is strewn across our lounge room floor. So yesterday when he started going for the tub to do some building, I grabbed the tuff tray and tipped it all on there instead of it ending up all over the floor!
The tray is still there filled with the Duplo and both boys have sat down there this morning building quietly so I’ll just leave it like this until they’re no longer interested. .
#keepthembusy #invitationtoplay #legoduplo #duplo #toddleractivity #invitationtolearn #creativekids #finemotor #learningthroughplaying #openendedtoys #openendedplay #independentplay #preparedenvironment #duplolego #buildingblocks #onthetufftraytoday #theartofchildhood #playbasedlearning #lucaslovesbr4
Also was soll ich dazu sagen... einfach nur #lecker
#konfirmationstorte mal lecker
#dripcake #sanelastortenwelt #donuts #toffifee #schokolade #mega#chocolatedripcake #backenmachtglücklich #photooftheday #special_shots #photography #kindercountrycake #kindercountry #duplo #bueno #himbeeren #herzundhof #hoffrien #meins #jaichwill #liebe#cooking #baking
Duplo Kalorien in verschiedenen Varianten ♥️ Angaben sind jeweils pro 100 Gramm angegeben.
Welches ist dein Favorit ?
Was ist deine lieblingssüssigkeit ? Schreib es mir in die Kommentare und ich erstelle einen Beitrag daraus ☺️ #twobrothersarmy #kalorien #kraftsport #kaloriendefizit #fettabbau #muskelnaufbauen #diätmotivation #muskeln #abgerechnetwirdamstrand #fitfamgermany #abnehmen2019 #eiweiß #ernährungsumstellung #muskel #ernährungsplan #muskelaufbau #abnehmtagebuch #ernährung #kassel #Frankfurt #Berlin #Köln #Stuttgart #münchen #Hamburg #Heilbronn #abnehmmotivation #fettverbrennung #duplo
Usually legos @lego or building blocks comes with a few visuals of what to make in the instructions manual. I realized that Nicky (4.5Y) loves to recreate them but would make just the few that were suggested and then move on. This was my way of making more realistic visuals to extend her play. Next I want to do this with magnet tiles. •
-Legos or any sort of building blocks like magnet tiles, wooden blocks, etc. -Camera (I used my cellphone)
1️⃣Make a few simple patterns out of the building blocks.
2️⃣Take a picture of each creation.
3️⃣Print them. I added 4 pictures to one page so that the images wouldn’t be too large. Cut them out.
Optional: You can laminate them or leave them as is.
4️⃣Place them near the legos for your child to recreate.
#mothercould #howto
#anakpintar #etkinlik #evdeetkinlik #duplo #lego
#toddleractivities #montessori #kidsactivities #learningthroughplay #invitationtoplay #teacher #toddlerplay #sahm #momhacks #parenting #homeschoolpreschool #homeschool #infancia #everydayplayhacks #playathome #letthekids #letthemplay #childhoodunplugged #kidsplay #kindergarten #playbasedlearning #toddler #preschool
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