eagletattoo eagle tattoo animals eagles love animal eagleeye nature animalovers botanicgardens brisbaneatnight brisbanecitycouncil cars coler eagleman eaglesfans fountain girl godsplan kisses national national_geographic nationalgeographic nationalgeographic_ nationalgeography night nisifiltersaustralia tree waterlilies patriotic
Tattoo done by Sean Parry @sacred_knot_tattoo in Manchester, England!
This session was my head, couldn't finish 'cos I came from a long trip and was too tired to endure the pain. But I'll be back
Thanks always Sean
I chose an eagle as in Nordic culture is one of the animals that accompany Odin and is also sitting at the top of Yggdrasil, where it has a view upon the whole world. It also represents spiritual connection and wisdom over the material plane. In Native cultures is a symbol of strength and bravery. And there's a legend that says, that the eagle when reaches a certain age it has to climb very high in a mountain, rip off its feathers, rip out its claws.. And break itself it's beak against the rocks... So it all grows again and is in a way reborn, to undertake its fly back on the heights.
There also a text that says, once you fly high as an eagle, you can never go back down there where the air is dense and thick.
#nordictattoo #norsetattoo #nativeamerican #southamerican #native #nordic #latinaviking #viking #pagan #heathen #eagle #eagletattoo #odin #yggdrasil #shieldmaiden #tattoogirl #tattootravelers #scandinavia #sweden #norway #england #wales
Seit sechs Jahren arbeite ich nun schon mit diesem wunderbaren Vogel zusammen. Wir haben viel voneinander gelernt, uns Fehler verziehen, und uns gemeinsam weiterentwickelt. Ich bin gespannt wohin uns unser gemeinsamer Weg noch führen wird. / Amerikanischer Weißkopfseeadler (Bald Eagle) Milo *
Follow my instagram if you love eagle : ➡ @we_love_eagle_ig #Love to tag? Please do!⤵ * .
#Credit: @ben_eagletrainer
Masters of the Sky. Standard frame size 16”x20” on archival German etching paper. I can’t tell the difference from the original! Will have em at The San Diego Tattoo Invitational @sandiegotattooinvitational @tattoodo #tattoodo #slavetotheneedle #traditionaltattoo #eagletattoo #tattooflash #tattooflashart
Modelo apresentado no Workshop em (TOCANTINS)✈️✂️ Feito por @bruno_rosaa93
#eagletattoo #barba #barbershop #barbearia #fade #fades #faded #wahl #wahl #andis #andisgtx #seuelias #razopart #pompadour #eumandocortedojaca #bigode #bigodechines #navalha #navalha #riobarber @divulga_cortes @divulgacao_barber @fades_plus @fade_master @fadegameir @b.a.r.b.e.i.r.o.s @midiadobarbeiro @alfalooks @baboon_oficial @seuelias @donalcides @eumandoocortedojaca @