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ultra boost at the thrift why do I always find the olive green Adidas shoes? #ebay #ebaybusiness #ebayseller #ebayreseller #ebayflipper #poshmark #poshmarkstyle #poshmarkseller #poshmarkreseller #poshmarkambassador #ebaysales #ebaybusiness #fulltimereseller #fulltimeseller #ebayshoes #adidas #ultraboost #adidasshoes #resellercommunity #resellerfam #adidasnmd #thriftstore #thrifted #thrifting #thriftstorefind #thriftstorehaul #thriftaddict #thriftstorescore #thriftedshoes #bolobrands
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser really gave new life to these dirty pink chucks I found at a garage sale. Look at the difference!
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Some of today's items that are heading out the door. I'm so glad I am still seeing some winter stuff go bye bye. The J. Jill and St. John where only listed for 3 days and the Torys for 3 hrs. #ebayseller #ebay #ebayshop #ebaystore #reallifereseller #ebayshopping #ebaysales #womansclothing #mensclothing #ebayshoes #entrepreneur #workfromhomemom #girlboss #ebaylife #shopsmall #ebaybusiness #thrifting #selfemployed #wahm