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Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #ECOLOGICALEDUCATION
#ecologicaleducation #valuesbasedecologicaleducation #ecologicaleducationisimportant #ecologicaleducationcenter


▪️AQUARIUM & ZOO ▪️ _____________________________________________ . À première vue pas très #ZD de venir vous expliquer pourquoi, en toute connaissance de cause "extrémiste" et "égoïste" j'ai fait ce choix personnel, que je compte appliquer plus tard, si bb écolo y a un jour,... . Bien que j'sois une dingue d'animaux, que la maltraitance me donne la rage, qu'enfants, les autres avaient une collection de livres roses pour "filles girly", moi je recevais mes fiches techniques chaque semaine sur le poisson chirurgien, la baleine bleue, le requin marteau (ouais j'vivais en face de la mer ça aide à l'obession surtout quand tu te prends pour Ariel)... Je collectionnais les cassettes (si ma gueule suis vieille) sur le commandant Cousteau, je bouffais les documentaires sur les animaux de la savane ou le monde souterrain des fourmis entre un Batman ou un Pokemon vite fait t'sais... . Et donc forcément, je suis allée dans des dizaines de zoos et d'aquariums... Les yeux écarquillés, fascinée devant les ours polaires, le saut des orques, les vautours... . Seulement euh y a comme une incohérence existentielle... La place de l'ours c'est sur une banquise tant qu'il y en a encore une (pas affamé et jauni sur une plaque de plastique réfrigérante). Celle de l'orque dans la mer (pas sous hormones aveuglé dans un aquarium de chlore). Celle du vautour à voler et manger les carcasses (pas dans une cage, attaché par une chaîne au cas où)... . Alors par bon sens, par respect des êtres vivants, par économie d'énergie, par évitement de l'utilisation de tonnes de produits chimiques, par souhait de ne plus rentabiliser et participer à certains lobbies et industries, je ne vais plus dans ce genre d'endroits et je compte bien sensibiliser et éduquer dans ce sens... Malgré la soit disant privation d'instants magiques (souvent au même stade qu'un MacDo dans la tête des gens) et d'être un enfant comme les autres ! . Qu'en pensez-vous [En octobre j'ai fait une exception pour le #oceanariodelisboa car vous me l'aviez recommandé suite à la manière dont sont traités les animaux et leurs activités en lien avec le #zerodechet et le respect de la nature]


Why are some pupils elliptical? . Found the little Yucatan Banded Gecko with @alimulla616 (Coleonyx elegans) during one of the many night hikes @treesocietybelize! These are one of my favorite geckos to find and this year we've been super lucky to already have found half a dozen of them in a few short hikes! One of my favorite things about them is their amazing eyes! ️ So why are their eyes elliptical (like cat eyes) instead of round like ours? ❓ Well, there's a few theories actually. Pupils allow light into the eyes, so that our retinas can process the information given to us. Species with elliptical pupils are almost exclusively active at night. So it makes sense that elliptical pupils would help them see at night right? Well yes, but there are plenty of nocturnal predators that have round pupils as well. So what's the one of the key benefits? Color! We process color via cones. Now imagine your eyes as a dartboard, where longer wavelengths are picked up on the outside of the board, and shorter wavelengths picked up closer the center. With round pupils, as your eyes contract (gets smaller) those wavelengths on the outside will eventually be covered up. However, with elliptical pupils a bit of color will still get through to our cones behind the top and bottom of the pupil. This enhanced color vision, among several other benefits, allows these awesome predators to better hunt in low light conditions! Super cool! What animal eyes are your favorite?


Kendi gibi bilge olan güzel insan @dicleliayse için toplandık. @suledenn ‘in dediği gibi güzelliklere sebep olmaya devam ediyor...❤️ #kitap #ayşebilgedicleli #yeşilkagider #ekolojikokuryazarlik #ışıklardauyu #kagider #book #greenngo #yeşilstk #greenkagider #ecologicaleducation #ecology #green #women #kadin #womenentrepreneursassociationofturkey #rip #istanbul #04012018


Join us tonight in Casita Verde and enjoy some delicious vegan food by Roberto Vegano. It starts at 19:00. See you tonight! ~~~ Únase a nosotros esta noche en Casita Verde y disfrute de una buena comida vegana de Roberto Vegano. Empieza a las 19:00. Nos vemos esta noche! . .


This project has been on our to do list for a long time. Hope to get to it soon... #payitforward #repostthursday @robodo_vl (@get_repost) ・・・ Interesting mathematics❕. At first glance, a very simple robot and program. But the guys needed to figure out how to measure and calculate the angle of rotation, to do mathematical calculations and reasoning. На наших занятиях математика становится интересной❕. На первый взгляд очень простой робот-гимнаст и программа. Но ребятам потребовалось разобраться как измерить и вычислить угол поворота, проделать математические вычисления и рассуждения. И все с удовольствием и азартом. #stemschool #stem #соревнованияпоробототехнике #роботехника #робототехникавладивосток #снеговаяпадь #insight #stem #занятиясдетьми #eq #ecologicaleducation #увлекательнаяматематика #stem #legoeducation #wedo20 #stemeducation #эмоциональныйинтеллект #legoeducation #триз #мозговойштурм #mindstorms #тризпедагогика #геометрия #vladmama @andystechgarage


I am loving the fall here in New England and the challenge of drawing the trees out here. I am working on a project right now to draw all the trees native to New England. - This is my first attempt at drawing a Hemlock tree. Hemlock trees here are hard to find now because of the invasive species, woolly Adelaide. It's killing off most of the hemlock trees in more than 16 states. This infestation has been going on for about 10 years. The best way to protect the hemlock trees is through biological control. Biological control is the control of a pest by the introduction of a natural enemy or predator. It is safer than spraying pesticides and killing off all the insects in the area. Here is an article about this issue. http://na.fs.fed.us/spfo/pubs/pest_al/hemlock/hwa05.htm you can click on the link by going to the link in my profile.


It's been months in the making, going through revision after revision to finally make it through and receive the USGS and park approval!! I am beaming as the official products will be arriving to the park in the next couple of weeks as the road to the park is finally been plowed woot woot! . . . If you have never heard of or never been to Lassen Volcanic NPS well you definitely should be adding it to your list of must see parks. Located in Northern California it is a fantastic volcanic park with cinder cone, painted dunes, and the most amazing Meadows and night skies! . . . At it's zenith about 350,000 years ago, Brokeoff Volcano had a basal diameter of about 8 miles and an elevation of about 11,000 feet. Today it is deeply eroded, but it's reconstructed volume was about 80 cubic kilometers, nearly 35 times larger than Lassen Peak. - USGS . . Look out for this design in panoramic Letterpress Cards, wood stickers, and postcards! . . #ecologicaleducation #drawntoecology #inkillustrator


New year new trees. Can anyone identify this tree Bonus point if you can identify the beginnings of the mountain sketch in the corner! Happy Wednesday day!


I really like this tree and had to share. It will be appearing in a very special piece of work soon. I can't wait to share it with you all when it's done!

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