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Giveaway Enter at : @hallz105
Did you know that linen tea towels are great at preserving your food
Linen is breathable and antibacterial, which make it perfect for preserving food!! And as @un_pli_a_prendre says, storing your veggies in a damped tea towel will keep your veggies fresh and last for longer too!
For everyday zero waste tips and diys
.#freefromplastic #plasticfreeparent #waronplastic #ecoproduct #livelifefair #zerowastehome #refuseplastic #teatowel #zerowastediy #zerowasteinspo #plasticfreelifestyle #ecologicos #zerocarbon #productosorganicos #climatechangeawareness #zerowastekitchen #zerowastepantry #consciouschoices #plasticfreehome #awastefreeworld #ecogifts #reusar #plasticfreekitchen
TeaVitall ☕️ Коллекции чайных напитков от TeaVitall отличаются элитными сортами и целебными свойствами.
TeaVitall предлагает большую коллекцию чайных напитков, где каждый из них отличается уникальной формулой и целебными качествами.
Fresh деликатно очищает организм, Premier и Pretty заботятся о мужском и женском здоровье, Banquet приводит пищеварение в баланс, Cardex укрепляет сердце, Breeze борется со свободными радикалами, а Bravo наполняет новыми силами и позитивной энергией.
Как заваривать: Засыпьте чай из расчета 1–2 чайные ложки (пакетика) на чашку, залейте горячей водой температурой около 90°С и дайте настояться 7–9 минут. ✅ Есть 30 видов чайныx напитков
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Check out this post from @thezerowasteguide
Did you know that linen tea towels are great at preserving your food
Linen is breathable and antibacterial, which make it perfect for preserving food!! And as says, storing your veggies in a damped tea towel will keep your veggies fresh and last for longer too!
For everyday zero waste tips and diys
-------------------------------- --------------------------------
.#freefromplastic #plasticfreeparent #waronplastic #ecoproduct #livelifefair #zerowastehome #refuseplastic #teatowel #zerowastediy #zerowasteinspo #plasticfreelifestyle #ecologicos #zerocarbon #productosorganicos #climatechangeawareness #zerowastekitchen #zerowastepantry #consciouschoices #plasticfreehome #awastefreeworld #ecogifts #reusar #plasticfreekitchen
Follow @zerowaste_sam for more sustainable living.
#plasticfreeparent #waronplastic #ecoproduct #livelifefair #zerowastehome #refuseplastic #teatowel
@thezerowasteguide ✌THIS IS GENIUS!
These towels by @bugseybeehandmade are so genius! If you're looking for simple eco swaps to reduce waste, you can purchase them at @littleecoshop
♻️ Handmade in Australia
♻️ Eco-friendly
♻️ Reusable
♻️ Non toxic
I don't even want to know how many paper towels I've wasted during my whole life
These make a great eco-friendly alternative to disposable kitchen towels and they look so much better too!
The towel holder is ingeniously designed as the pole unscrews from the base so you can easily roll your towels onto the pole.
The flannelette towels are super thirsty and naturally cling to each other so they work just the same as paper towels.
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