educationsg singapore giis sgig education sgmummy tuitionsg globalindian globallearning internationalschool sgparents sgschools skillsdevelopment skillsfuture universalvalues innovation lifeskills psle schoolofthefuture skillsforlife leadersforlife sgteachers technology igsg leadership learning nextgen sgtuition smart tampineseast bbkayra
Baby E and Tot R were conferred their Bachelor in Infant Science and Developmental Science by the most amazing team of researchers (Shruthi, Yi Hui and Ivy) whom
we met at the @nus_infantlab ! In all fun, laughter, peace and game, the absolute best part was to see them dressed in their cute graduation gowns and mortarboards!
Would you love for you and your baby or toddler to be part of a very meaningful research movement where their participation can contribute to the understanding of language learning as well as the impact of Singapore’s bilingualism in the minds of the young, through a series of light-hearted well-thought of game activities?
Besides being blessed with a graduation gown photo opportunity, your child will be presented a token gift! Moreover, @nus_infantlab will offer a FREE cognitive assessment for children aged 3 years and below or a vocabulary assessment for children aged 3 years and above after the study! Your two-way cab journey to and fro their lab (capped at $50 in total) will even be kindly reimbursed!
If you would like to be contacted for their future studies, do
➡️ Follow @nus_infantlab and @uniquelyyoursalways ➡️ State in the comment below, how old your child / children currently are.
➡️ What language/s and dialect/s are your child / children exposed to regularly?
If their studies are found to be plausibly suitable for your child’s participation, @nus_infantlab would get in touch with you through DM. Let’s continue to empower our children through the encouraging acquisition of language skills towards communication, collaboration and creativity (all which are crucial 21st century skills!) #nusinfantlab #babylearning #toddlerlearning #sglanguage #sgeducation #educationsg #sgbaby #babysg #sgtoddler #toddlersg #sgfamily #sgfamilies #lifebeyondgrades #sgmotherhood #sgmother #sgdad #sgdaddy #nussg #bilingualkids #sgparents #beeswedbuzzing
JOIN Johan Taekwondo Institute Thomson where everyone enjoy and love Taekwondo
Tots/Kid/Teen/Adult, All ages
➡️ Instagram DM
➡️ Whats app: +65 8575 9554
➡️ kakaotalk : lissgmlwo
➡️ Please contact us for more information
#싱가폴 #태권도 #jangtkd #johanmasters #sgkids #sglife #sg #Sgig #taekwondo #singapore #taekwondosg #daily #sginstagram #ilovesingapore #singaporelife #sgmom #sgfamily #workout #exercise #sgdaily #selfdefence #confidence #educationsg #sgmummy #bishan #Thomson #marymount #angmokio #upperthomsonroad #johantaekwondoinstitute
JOIN Johan Taekwondo Institute Thomson where everyone enjoy and love Taekwondo
Tots/Kid/Teen/Adult, All ages
➡️ Instagram DM
➡️ Whats app: +65 8575 9554
➡️ kakaotalk : lissgmlwo
➡️ Please contact us for more information
#싱가폴 #태권도 #jangtkd #johanmasters #sgkids #sglife #sg #Sgig #taekwondo #singapore #taekwondosg #daily #sginstagram #ilovesingapore #singaporelife #sgmom #sgfamily #workout #exercise #sgdaily #selfdefence #confidence #educationsg #sgmummy #bishan #Thomson #marymount #angmokio #upperthomsonroad #johantaekwondoinstitute
Our new student's first taekwondo class. (Basic kick training)
JOIN Johan Taekwondo Institute Thomson where everyone enjoy and love Taekwondo
Tots/Kid/Teen/Adult, All ages
➡️ Instagram DM
➡️ Whats app: +65 8575 9554
➡️ kakaotalk : lissgmlwo
➡️ Please contact us for more information
#싱가폴 #태권도 #jangtkd #johanmasters #sgkids #sglife #sg #Sgig #taekwondo #singapore #taekwondosg #daily #sginstagram #ilovesingapore #singaporelife #sgmom #sgfamily #workout #exercise #sgdaily #selfdefence #confidence #educationsg #sgmummy #bishan #Thomson #marymount #angmokio #upperthomsonroad #johantaekwondoinstitute
JOIN Johan Taekwondo Institute Thomson where everyone enjoy and love Taekwondo
➡️ Instagram DM
➡️ Whats app: +65 8575 9554
➡️ kakaotalk : lissgmlwo
➡️ Please contact us for more information
#싱가폴 #싱가폴라이프 #태권도 #jangtkd #johanmasters #sgkids #sglife #sg #Sgig #taekwondo #singapore #taekwondosg #daily #sginstagram #ilovesingapore #singaporelife #sgmom #sgfamily #workout #exercise #sgdaily #selfdefence #confidence #educationsg #sgmummy #bishan #Thomson #marymount #angmokio #upperthomsonroad
Thank you for coming our school
With Ngee Ann Taekwondo Team
JOIN Johan Taekwondo Institute Thomson where everyone enjoy and love Taekwondo
➡️ Instagram DM
➡️ Whats app: +65 8575 9554
➡️ kakaotalk : lissgmlwo
➡️ Please contact us for more information
#싱가폴 #싱가폴라이프 #태권도 #jangtkd #johanmasters #sgkids #sglife #sg #Sgig #taekwondo #singapore #taekwondosg #daily #sginstagram #ilovesingapore #singaporelife #sgmom #sgfamily #workout #exercise #sgdaily #selfdefence #confidence #educationsg #sgmummy #bishan #Thomson #marymount #angmokio #upperthomsonroad