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Photo credit: @paigunna
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KV9 (King's Valley 9) is the abbreviation that identifies one of the tombs of the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. This in particular was the burial begun for Ramses V and then used for Ramses VI. The architectural structure follows the rectilinear course typical of the tombs of the 20th dynasty. Although the tomb has been known since ancient times, beyond the countless graffiti that cover its walls and ceiling, and the slightest damage caused by floods, the painted decorations, or top and bas-relief, are in excellent condition. KV9 is also responsible for safeguarding the KV62 tomb of Tutankhamun; the workers who worked on its construction, in fact, built their huts in the open space in front of the entrance above what was evidently to be the entrance no longer visible from the tomb below.⠀
KV9 (King's Valley 9) è la sigla che identifica una delle tombe della Valle dei Re in Egitto. Questa in particolare era la sepoltura iniziata per Ramses V e usata poi per Ramses VI. La struttura architettonica segue l’andamento rettilineo tipico delle tombe della XX dinastia. ⠀
Nonostante la tomba fosse conosciuta fin dall’antichità, al di là degli innumerevoli graffiti che ne ricoprono le pareti e il soffitto, e di minimi danni causati da inondazioni, le decorazioni dipinte, o in alto e bassorilievo, si presentano in ottimo stato. Si deve a KV9 inoltre la salvaguardia della tomba KV62 di Tutankhamon; gli operai che lavorarono alla sua realizzazione, infatti, costruirono le loro capanne nello spiazzo antistante l’ingresso sopra quello che, evidentemente, doveva essere l’ingresso non più visibile della tomba sottostante.⠀
by @b.mjaes⠀
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Trust is the conduit for influence; it's the medium through which ideas travel. — Amy Cuddy
Nice published by @visitegypte
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A Grande Pirâmide de Gizé não é só a mais reconhecida das pirâmides do Egipto, é também a única das Sete Maravilhas do Mundo Antigo que ainda está de pé. A Grande Pirâmide é impressionante por muitas razões, mas uma das características mais interessantes é que também pode dizer-nos o tempo. A estrutura, na verdade, funciona como um enorme relógio de sol, através das suas sombras projetadas sobre marcas feitas na pedra. Genial! ✨
The Great Pyramid of Giza is not only the most recognized of Egypt’s pyramids, it’s also the only of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that’s still standing. The Great Pyramid is impressive for many reasons, but one of the most interesting characteristics is that it can also tell time. The structure actually acts as an enormous sundial, with its shadow telling the hour by falling on marks made in the stone. Incredible! ✨