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Just in case you didn't know, I have a blog FULL of tons of information about self-care and mental health. This graphic is from my blog post about the different types of self-care.
Link is in my bio, check it out! I also have a print of this available in my shop!
Which one do you need to work on today?
#typesofselfcare #emotionalhealing #emotionalselfcare #physicalselfcare #selfcaredefined #selfcareblogger #selfcareblog #selfcarememes #selfcareideas #selfcaretips #selfcare101
The first relationships in our childhood have a profound effect on every relationship we have throughout life. We will subconsciously repeat this cycle where we experience the abandonment, emotional wounds, and need for validation until we heal.
Read on Via @the.holistic.psychologist ...
It was my partner who brought me to awakened coupling. I was still seduced with (and trained) to believe that my needs could and should be met by another. That someone could give me what I couldn’t give myself. The day she told me she didn’t want to be responsible for my happiness anymore really unraveled me. “What is the point of a relationship, then?!” When she said “to meet yourself” my ego had a full on breakdown. IT’S TO MEET ME! Completteeee me, fix me, love only me, need only me, be dependent on me for you fulfillment was my inner dialogue.
With time and practice I’ve come to see partnerships as an awakening practice. To let go of the conditional love that comes with finding happiness based on the behavior of another. To heal the inner child. To recognize that we are reenacting our pasts and labeling it as “communication issues.” Our triggers have so little to do with our partners it’s become comical. If we haven’t healed, we seek that healing in the form of another person. Another person who could never fulfill that role. It’s that illusion based pressure that has broken countless relationships. How many of us are “love addicts” looking for that emotional hit that removes us from the painful feelings of our own low self worth? I know I was. That emotional cycle continues until we do the work.
I’m still healing. We both are. Still becoming conscious to how the past selves are with us in our present. Still having difficult conversations and learning that honesty is a deep form of love. Slowly, we are releasing the projected duty to give each other what was never our responsibility.
An emotion is a psychological feeling, but it comes in order to help open the door to divinity. Let go of any emotions and become completely aware, right from the beginning until the ending of the emotion.
In that journey of awareness, you'll learn a great deal about which emotion is related to which organ.
In the weeklong intensive you'll explore the Ayurvedic perspective on the interrelation of body-mind-spirit and how it came to be. *
Learn how health and disease manifest from its balance or imbalance. *
Ayurvedic Art of Spiritual Healing for Mind and Body taught by Vasant Lad. July 12 - 18, 2019. Enroll on our website or call our office at 505 291 9698 Ext. 0
#LearnAyurveda #VasantLad #TheAyurvedicInstititute #SummerCourses #AyurvedicCourses #AyurvedicStudies #SpiritualHealing #EmotionalHealing #LiveInBalance #AyurvedaEveryday #AyurvedicWellness #SpiritualPath #HolisticHealth #Holistichealing #FindBalance #ABQLocal #Pranayama
There's a delicate balance between independence and dependence in a relationship.
Too much of either one leads to problems.
So how can you find a way to retain your independence, but also depend on your partner?
How can you lean on them for help without draining them and becoming co-dependent?
This post is about not being overly dependent on your partner.
A big part of this dynamic is who holds the responsibility for dealing with things?
If we tend towards relying too much on the other person, we give them the responsibility for making us feel ok.
The right balance is allowing them to help us feel better, but recognizing that it is our responsibility to take care of ourselves.
Notice I'm not arguing for handling everything entirely on your own. I'm trying to argue for balance between the two, not running away from one extreme to the other.
Follow @drdarinbergen for posts and videos that help you feel better and live better.
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When it comes to emotional eating, the only way to truly heal is to address the triggers beneath.
Sometimes they might be easy to identify and many times they’re so subtle or so much of a part of who we are that we don’t have the ability to see them or feel them separate from ourselves.
Through my own personal struggles, I’ve developed specific EFT tapping techniques that are designed to identify and and heal the triggers causing emotional eating, binging and food cravings. Getting down to the root so real healing can take place once and for all.
I’d love to show you these targeted techniques personally. There are still 2 spots available in my Think and Thin Advanced program. Click the link in my bio to apply and we can see if will be a good fit.
#Repost @cptsd_recovery_and_healing
Creative energy and life-force energy will be there in abundance for us right now if we can also ride the wave of the growth challenges.
Remember you’re not alone. Sometimes the best thing you can do is to reach out to a friend to say, “I’m having a bit of a rough time. Can we talk?” Or simply, “I’m thinking of you - how are you?”
When we connect with each other and get back into our community formations - whether it’s with one person or with a group - we start to alleviate some of that personalized anxiety.
And we personalize anxiety that is actually quite collective. This is something that we have to remember.
- From: April 2019 Energy Update
Watch the full Energy Update here: http://bit.ly/April2019EU