1in4 miscarriage pregnancyloss rainbowbaby miscarriageawareness miscarriagesupport babyloss lifeafterloss grief ihadamiscarriage loss angelbaby infertility pregnancy stillbirth 1in8 iam1in4 baby ttccommunity breakthesilence love pregnancyafterloss pregnancylossawareness ptsd fertility infantloss infertilityawareness infertilitysucks ivfjourney stillbornawareness
No matter how you’ve lost them, losing a baby sucks. It really does.
Here’s what else has the potential to suck after losing a baby.
1. Baby shower invites.
2. Social media.
3. Playgrounds.
4. Small talk.
5. Commercials for pregnancy tests.
6. Crying in the grocery store.
7. Crying at work.
8. Crying in your car.
9. All the crying.
10. When friends text you.
11. When friends don’t text you.
12. Anxiety.
13. Hearing babies cry.
14. Hearing babies laugh.
15. Leaving the house.
16. Holidays.
17. Putting on “real” clothes.
18. When people say the wrong thing.
19. When people say nothing.
20. When people say the right thing but it upsets you anyway.
21. The baby department.
22. Doctor’s offices.
23. Pregnant women.
24. Pretending to be happy for pregnant women.
25. Feeling guilty about not being able to be happy for pregnant women.
26. When people ask how many kids you have.
27. When people assume you don’t want kids because you don’t have any.
28. Being a little bit sad even when you’re really happy.
29. Never really knowing what is going to upset you.
30. Getting your period.
31. The nightmares of what happened.
32. The daydreams of what could have been.
33. Sex.
34. Looking at yourself in the mirror.
35. Feeling unsure of where you fit in.
36. Visiting your baby’s headstone.
37. Storing your baby’s ashes.
38. Not having a headstone or ashes.
39. When you start to become accustomed to the heartache.
40. Spending your time reading lists like this.
And the list goes on...
#pregnancyandinfantloss #pregnancyloss #infantloss #babyloss #childloss #miscarriage #stillbirth #1in4 #1in160 #grief #griefsucks
The Truth About Trying To Conceive.
Who can relate to this picture? It often feels like we're putting on a disguise when battling infertility. Like there's a darkness inside us - filled with anger, guilt, sadness, jealousy, and more, but on the outside we try to appear put together and ok.
"There’s so much I want to say but most of all, you are not alone. If you are going through this, I am putting my hand up to be your voice. I want people to understand what we go through and how hard it is. It’s changed me as a person and is a roller coaster full of emotions." @crystal_conte has created a series about ttc and I encourage you to check it out (link is in her bio). Crystal says filming this series has been the hardest thing to do, but had to be done for several reasons. It’s raw. It’s emotional. And most importantly it is REAL LIFE. #thetruthaboutttc #ttc #ttcjourney
FACT: 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage.
ALSO FACT: NOBODY talks about them.
My absolute least favorite thing to hear from others when someone is expecting is “Don’t tell anyone yet, it’s so early. You don’t want to tell people too early. There’s a lot that could still go wrong. Wait until at least the second trimester.” This is BS. If something does go wrong, scooting women into the shadows to soak in this alone is the worst advice you can ever give someone.
Not talking about miscarriages gives them more power— the elusiveness of this experience that so many women have gone and will go through only turns the volume knob up on their pain and subsequent shame.
Talking about them opens up channels for communication, processing, grieving, and collective healing.
Miscarriages do happen, and not talking about them won’t make them go away.
Miscarriages don’t happen because your body failed or because you’re not meant to be a mother. They happen to give you more chances to keep fighting and never take a single day for granted once you win.
You are a warrior, mama. You are braver than you know and a helluva lot stronger than you ever thought.
It’s time to open up.
Have you experienced negative talk from others surrounding your pregnancy experience?
#miscarriage #miscarriagesupport #miscarriageawareness #rainbowbaby #rainbowbaby #ttcrainbowbaby #warriormama
I just want to again say thank you to everyone for the amazing response to Letie’s photo honoring her brother, James. I still can’t believe how viral it went! I have had people from all over the world reach out to me to help them recreate the photo for their babies in heaven. I went to the studio one day and did a bunch of set ups for a girl, a boy, and twins. If you would like a personalized photo to honor your angels please send me an email.
I think it’s so important to have something to remember your baby by. I feel so honored that I get to help bring a little bit of peace to families who are grieving.
"Don't stop chasing rainbows" .
Megan's Story ❤: "My rainbow babies, Evelyn and James! I had a miscarriage last January after trying to get pregnant for over a year and after surgery for endometriosis. I knew even before I got pregnant with the twins that I wanted to do a shot like this when/if I got pregnant again to honor that first baby. I never would’ve dreamed this picture would be taken with twins, and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. Thank you @ellabellaphotography for our amazing newborn session and for making this picture possible. It means so much to me!" @c.squared2018 .
#1in4 #rainbowbabies #pregnancylossawareness #hope #endometriosis
I'm going to be completely honest. Since my miscarriage last month, I've been struggling with all things phsyically and emotionally. I've tried to just "move on", let go and get back to a routine, but I don't feel I've taken the time needed to truly process my raw emotions and it's taking its toll on me.
I've gained weight this last month and it hit me hard yesterday as I attempted to get dressed to head out with my little family. I cried in my closet when none of my pants fit without the ole hair tie around the button trick. This was the first time since I started my fitness journey a little over a year ago that I felt this upset about my body. I jumped back into working out ten days after everything happened, but my body wasn't ready. Since it wasn't truly ready, I've felt broken all week from pushing too hard. Everyone heals differently from trauma and my body is slow to recover.
I've cried more this week than any days prior about everything I've been through lately. All I can picture is almost being out of that first trimester hump and feeling safer. All I can picture is my body changing in a way I would kill for right now. All I can picture is feeling that joy again of bringing another life into this world.
Everyone who's talked to me continues to use this word, STRONG. I know deep down I am, but this is the weakest I have ever felt. While I might not be in the greatest place, I am strong and I will pull out of this. I can't put a time frame on grief, but I will emerge stronger because of the pain it's put me through.
To the girl wanting so badly to be a mom but scared it will never happen. Suffering from with undiagnosed or diagnosed health conditions that impact your daily life. To those going through sometimes painful and always stressful fertility treatments. Who have experienced loss and traumatic pregnancies. I’ve been you.
I send you strength and hope. Miracles can happen ❤️
#1in4 #infertilityawareness #twinmom #twinlife #joyfulmama #specialneedsmom #thegoodlife #sahmlife #endowarrior #ivfjourney #motherhoodintheraw #momsunite #ohheymamas #thehappynow #secondtrimester #highriskpregnancy #13weekspregnant #incompetentcervix #3under3
can i be honest here? In a season that is so newly filled with joy and gratitude (and literally months of really hard morning sickness if I’m behind candid), I cannot help but be reminded of the #1in4. Sitting in that statistic for what FELT like a lifetime for me, and then being added to the stat of less than 2% of women that deal the recurring miscarriage carried its weight on me. This month and last month in particular I have had countless friends lose their pregnancies. Especially on this app. Even with this pregnancy I was checking my underwear every hour for blood, looking at pee sticks every three days to see if the lines got darker. I know that lonely world. So instead of saying I’m sorry — I have started a master list in my prayer journal of everyone I know recently going through loss. Those who are trying to conceive. And those who are expecting a rainbow baby like myself, because this can be a really scary season too. This master list is long. But it gives me a reference to KEEP checking on these mamas a month from now when the world moves on. Or 6 months from now when you might be expecting a rainbow. You are seen. If you want to be added to this list, either comment so or privately message me. . For now I’m taking this joy one day at a time and seeing it for the beauty it is — life. #rainbowbaby #14weeks #bethanypoteetpresets
A long time ago, I promised myself that I’d share my journey through motherhood as honestly as I could, in hopes that other women wouldn’t feel alone. So even though it feels kind of uncomfortable and vulnerable sharing this news (especially after our miscarriage), here I am sharing it.
Two days ago, I got the faintest positives on cheap tests. (The bottom three in the photo.) My husband and I were so unsure whether these were actually positives that we used a digital test the next morning. (The remaining two dye tests in the middle were from later that day.) All of them were reading faint positives and the digital said “yes.” I texted my husband the photo of the digital test, called my mom and then called the doctor. Within hours I was getting my blood drawn for HCG and progesterone, since it was low in my last pregnancy. They also sent in a prescription for progesterone for me to get started on as a precaution, twice daily.
Today I got the call back from the doctor - HCG was at 14 and my progesterone was doing okay this time. Since I had already started the supplements, I’m going to continue but only once a day.
It’s still early days and we know anything can happen. We learned that last time. But right now we are hopeful and feeling grateful.
I know that this post may hurt some of the AMAZING people TTC that I’ve gotten to know here on Instagram and I am nervous to post this. I don’t want to cause anyone pain, and I know some might need to unfollow me now as I go down this road. I want to say, that’s okay. I understand. Please please please do whatever it is that is best for you. No hard feelings, I swear. I’m sending baby dust to all of you.