abusedwomen abusesurvivor emotionalabuse narcissist abuseawareness domesticviolence narcissisticabuse abuse domesticabuse survivor domesticviolenceawareness suicideprevention gaslighting healing abused abusedmen childabuse freedom healingfromabuse narcissisticabuseawareness emotionalabuseawareness healingtrauma metoo narcissism abuserecovery demons domesticviolenceagainstmen enddomesticabuse goldenchild livingwithemotionalabuse camaya
Poem nb.2 touching on #AbusedWomen in Lebanon.
An issues that is overlooked in Lebanon is marital rape. Too often it is not taken for what it is. Sexual intercourse with a partner should never have to consist of violence. Consent is ALWAYS key, even when married.
To watch the full poem go to YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODyRkfLEeZ8&feature=share .
- [ ] K#smearcampaign #verbalabuse #traumabonding #abusedwomen #silenttreatment #thenarcopathstory #narcissist #narcissistrecovery #sadreality #mengetabusedtoo #brokenhearted #thoughtsinwords #deepwounds #psycopath #sociopath #emotionalvampires #abusedmen #emotionabuse #narcissisticabusesurvivor
- [ ] K#smearcampaign #verbalabuse #traumabonding #abusedwomen #silenttreatment #thenarcopathstory #narcissist #narcissistrecovery #sadreality #mengetabusedtoo #brokenhearted #thoughtsinwords #deepwounds #psycopath #sociopath #emotionalvampires #abusedmen #emotionabuse #narcissisticabusesurvivor
- [ ] K#smearcampaign #verbalabuse #traumabonding #abusedwomen #silenttreatment #thenarcopathstory #narcissist #narcissistrecovery #sadreality #mengetabusedtoo #brokenhearted #thoughtsinwords #deepwounds #psycopath #sociopath #emotionalvampires #abusedmen #emotionabuse #narcissisticabusesurvivor
- [ ] K#smearcampaign #verbalabuse #traumabonding #abusedwomen #silenttreatment #thenarcopathstory #narcissist #narcissistrecovery #sadreality #mengetabusedtoo #brokenhearted #thoughtsinwords #deepwounds #psycopath #sociopath #emotionalvampires #abusedmen #emotionabuse #narcissisticabusesurvivor
The man who attacked me will cover his face, I won’t.” , said the acid attack victim. ✨
Sometimes being strong is not about being brave and smiling all the time. Sometimes it’s not about acting as if you’re the happiest person in the world. Sometimes it’s not about holding everything around you seems to be falling apart. Sometimes you have to humble yourself, swallow your pride, put your brave face away and break down but remember this. Don’t you ever give up.
Stay strong & love yourself! ♥️
This video is for all the acid attack survivors out there!
@hudabeauty @makeupbyalinna @makeupbyriquelle @nabila_salon @natashasalon @hunainarasool @ohmygeeee
@_isatouceesay @100daysofmakeup @lisabruvik @nikkietutorials @anastasiabeverlyhills @sarinanexie @manalmuffin
#acidattack #acidattacksurvivors #acidattackvictims #stopacidattacks #domesticviolence #domesticviolenceawareness #domesticabuse #domestic #domesticviolencesurvivor #domestico #domestica #domesticadoption #stopdomesticviolence #domesticlife #abuse #abusesurvivor #abusedwomen #domesticabuse #stopchildabuse #stopwomenabuse #womenrights #womenrightsmatter #womensupportwomen #emotionalabuse #abusebyfemale #speakup #fightforyourrights #Macfoundation #sabaqamar #cheekh #undiscoveredmakeupartist