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Such a bittersweet moment to say goodbye to my favourite class of the year!
Cadaver labs have been one of the coolest things I’ve ever done. It is such a humbling experience and a great reminder of why we are in the medical field. I am so grateful for all the organ donors, and @uoftmedicine for sharing their amazing collection with us.
I’ve spent years learning the human body, and it was such a wholesome experience to finally put years of hard work together.
On that note, here are a few things that blew my mind when I saw/touched them for the first time!
1️⃣ the aorta is actually a MASSIVE pipe. Although diagrams often display it as a large artery compared to other vessels, the average diameter of an (ascending) adult aorta is around the size of a loonie!
2️⃣ nerves really look like cooked spaghetti!
3️⃣ every body is truly unique. While there are expected anatomical structures, sometimes you can see an extra artery (like the ima artery) or an extra muscle (like the palmaris longus muscle) on some people.
4️⃣ the spinal cord is beautiful...Maybe it’s just me who thinks so. There is literally a horse’s tail (cauda equina), a structure made up of a bundle of nerves that resemble hair fibres!
5️⃣ the brain looks EXACTLY the same as you see it on diagrams - gray matter is really gray, white is white. The squishy looking folds (gyri) of the brain are really squishy and worm-like.
6️⃣ there is a “tree of life” (arbor vitae) in your brain! This cool structure exists on the cerebellum
7️⃣ the liver is TRULY the largest internal organ, and it’s quite heavy! The surface of the liver is sooo smooth
8️⃣ the vessels running through the mesentery form a mesmerizing branching structure! (Maybe they should be renamed to mesmerizing arteries and veins instead of mesenteric....just a suggestion)
9️⃣ the greater omentum definitely deserves the name of an ‘apron’. It folds so nicely over abdominal organs! It’s a lot thinner and net-like than I imagined
Would you believe that there are healthy foods that can make you sick and even cause weight gain? Have you heard of lectins? Are you sensitive to them? Do you avoid them? Watch my new video (link in profile) to learn more about lectin producing foods and even some hacks to still be able to eat some of these nutrient dense foods.
Don’t be frustrated by the idea of more foods you’re now supposed to avoid. This is all just data and valuable information so we can be even more sophisticated and customized with our health journeys. There is no one diet that works for everyone. There is no one diet that even works for you. We are constantly changing and healing. Nutrition your body needed a year ago may be different from what you require today. Or you may be in a place where you can refine your nutrition further as you learn your body’s vocabulary.
There is no doubt that nutrition is layered. It requires some trial and error and a lot of listening to our bodies. If you don’t know where to start, just start with eating mainly or all real whole fresh foods. That alone will make you feel so much better.
Sometimes, self-care looks like this
Trying #facialacupuncture for the first time today with @dr.ericagrenci .
Have you ever tried #acupuncture?
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"Let food be thy medicine." ~ Hippocrates (400 BC). The list of diseases for which there is evidence suggesting that nutritional interventions can reduce disease burden and (or) progression is rapidly increasing.(illustration source unknown)
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LV 4 is an acupuncture point often used to spreads Liver Qi and regulates the Lower Jiao, it clears heat from the Liver channel. Indications: Hernia, pain in the external genitalia, nocturnal emission (wet dreams), retention of urine, distending pain in the rib area.
#acupuncture #acupunctureworks #acupuncturestudent #chinesemedicine #tcm #naturopathicmedicine #naturopath
#traditionalchinesemedicine #yinyang