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Living with #thyroid disease like #hypothyroidism and #autoimmune #hashimotos is challenging in so many ways... A struggle with #hypothyroid symptoms is not the only difficulty patients face. Many patients often see no understanding from their family, friends, co-workers, doctors and the society. Learn more about how hypothyroidism affects the quality of life or just click the link in my Instagram profile bio @outsmartdisease
March is Autoimmune Awareness Month! An astounding 1-8 people will develop an autoimmune thyroid condition! Many more are undiagnosed. How long did it take YOU to get diagnosed? Unite for change.
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#UniteForChange #AutoimmuneAwareness #GravesDisease #Hashimotos #thyroid #hypothyroidism #hyperthyroidism #thyroidcancer #autoimmune
When you have an #autoimmunedisease like #lupus or #chronicfatiguesyndrome #fibromyalgia #rheumatoidarthritis #multiplesclerosis there is a huge disconnect between you and people around you because doesn’t matter how you communicate about your struggles with #chronicillness and #chronicpain there are always people who don’t understand what you are going through and, worse interpret it in a negative way that has nothing to do with the reality you are living in... But does it mean that you should shut down to protect yourself or should you allow yourself be vulnerable and express your feelings anyway? What do you think? P.S. I’d like to let you know that a reputable health company is giving away a FREE container of high quality premium protein and a FREE bottle of live potent probiotic. People who have impaired digestion, #fatigue #brainfog depression, #thyroid problems #autoimmune disease and low immunity often have protein deficiency due to poor nutrients digestion and malabsorption and impaired microbiome. This free high quality premium protein can provide nutrients that are often lacking in people with lupus and autoimmune disorders. And it provides 10-fold absorption. Free probiotic can help to strengthen the immune system and improve digestion. Both products can help to improve energy levels naturally and are truly free, no strings attached, worldwide shipping. You can get it via my website or just click the link in my instagram profile @lupusselfhelp <<<===clickable link
What does cleaning out my refrigerator have to do with multiple sclerosis? Read about exercise and autoimmune disease on the blog!
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#DYK that just a few cells out of tune in your immune system can lead to diseases like #lupus?
See how our research is helping our aim to discover new treatments for the millions of people around the globe affected by this disease.
#WorldLupusDay #BehindTheScience #immunology #immunesystem #autoimmune #autoimmunedisease #autoimmuneawareness #sle #science #innovation #randd #research #researchanddevelopment
You really don’t know what someone is going through until you walk with them through it. This chronic illness journey has been a 7 year long treck with a thing called Epstein–Barr virus. It just got a little more difficult with a diagnosis of Lyme disease & some other things. It’s forced me to prioritize myself in a deeper way. Recognizing that rescheduling, saying no more often, sleeping when I want to get things done, investing in things that heal & so on is my life now. My days were already a little slower than everyone else around me but now they are about to get even slower, & I’m content. I can’t tell you how much my heart has shifted from the end of last year until now. Something shifted. I have new eyes. Jesus is beyond good & if it takes me going through things like this to recognize that more & more, gimme all of it. For the longest time I hid my pain because I didn’t want to be seen as weak & definitely didn’t want pity. It wouldn’t be real or me if I didn’t share these parts of my life with y’all. Here I am. I’m so thankful for heartbreak, for literal physical pain & a diagnosis that I’ve been after for so long. I’m just so thankful. Here’s to this new journey because I know that no matter how hard my days are, this is a gift. I will choose to see it like that.
Xoxo, Kale #lymediseasekissmybutt
Praying for this cold to go away! What are your favorite cold remedies ? I feel like I’ve tried everything to banish this mucus monster •
On a positive note , my baby haïr is growing in from the B complex I’ve added into my daily routine! I haven’t had bangs since I was 5 .
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