balega running runner balegaimpi2019 instarunners marathontraining balegaimpi inspiringwomenrunners balegasocks feetures garmin humagel womensrunningcommunity balegabestsocksever runhappy hokaoneone runnersofig slowrunner womenrunning honeystinger ihavearunnersbody marathon motherrunner nuun rundisney runnersofinstagram runnh saucony trailrunning bodyafterbabies
When you’re a kid, you go seeking out puddles to jump in. It’s easy to try and avoid them as adults because we think of the consequences... the feeling of splashing and jumping in especially muddy puddles still makes me feel like a kid #MudSeason #salomonsquad #timetoplay : @runlongrun @salomonrunning
Honored to be highlighted on IG and the brand’s blog today as one of the 182 members of the 2019 Balega Global Impi Team, all whom hail from the USA, UK, Canada, & South Africa! @balega_international is a sock brand that not only produces amazing socks that I love, but a company that also has a mission of social justice and social advocacy! I am proud to represent the brand, and as both a runner and a social worker it is such an honor! Check out me and some fellow Impis here:
#balega #impiteam2019 #balegaimpi2019 #balegasocks #ilovemybalegas #socialworker #socialwork #mastersrunning #ultramarathontraining #fitafter40 #womensrunningcommunity #runbrooklyn
✨ A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work✨
If there was a word for today’s run it would definitely be determination. Started today’s run a little before 5am, just as I was finishing up my youngest came into my room wanting cuddles. Cleaned up and cuddles time it was! I squeezed in another 7.5 miles after church and before my dad’s 60th birthday lunch. Came home and finished the day with 2.5 miles. Today was all about being flexible and giving my best effort in the moment.
#mckirdytrained #ihavearunnersbody #womenrunning #beatyesterday
#inspiringwomenrunners #womensrunningcommunity #balega #oiselle #skechersperformance
Flat Lisa is ready. Now real Lisa needs to get some good rest and and the rain needs to hold off and tomorrow will be fabulous. Who else is doing the #shamrockshuffle in Chicago? .
@ilvolee @evanston_running_club @2019nuunbassador
#headupwingsout #oiselle #adidas #goodr #flipbelt #balega #runchi #8krace #loverunning #nuunlove #hansonsmarathonmethod #fitmama #motherrunner #runner #runtheyear2019 #gettingstronger #marathontraining #running #bostonmarathon #somanymiles #otf #preracejitters
Make sure your hair and makeup is perfect ♀️
Paint your nails
Look clean.
Look sexy.
Let’s break some outdated cliches. Just be unapologetically you and do things your own way ❤️ #SalomonWMN #timetoplay @salomon .
#lovetheprocess #howbaddoyouwantit #dreamreallyfreakingbig #runwithme #trailrunning #girlonamission #irun #GOATworthy #getoutstayout #adventureculture #runtoinspire #outsideisfree #keepitwild #morningrunofficial #trailsisters #runningterritory #mymadness #optoutside #trailandkale #poweryourpassion #honeystinger #suunto #runlikeagirl #balega #superfeet #liverferal #mtnoutfitters #howwemud
Wow! It’s done. I ran 50 miles. I contemplated which picture to post to commemorate this race, and knew it had to be THIS one. I could not have completed it without these two ladies right here. Thank you @plante2082 for signing up to run this race with me, and thank you to my sister @seejennrun for pacing me the last 20.18 miles. And thank you to every single person who wish me well and congratulated me afterwards. It would have been impossible for me to complete without all of your encouragement.
#ar50 #ultrarunner #runner #sacramento #balega #balegaimpi #impilove #balegabestsocksever #trailsisters #trailrunning #instarunners #womenrunning #ultratraining #girlsontherun #runitfast #ihavearunnersbody #runhappy #runnersrepost #inspiringwomenrunners #womensrunningcommunity #runlikeagirl #xtremerunnerslife #runningforbeer