barichara colombia sangil santander bogota medellin cartagena hechoamano yopal adidas balenciaga barranca bolsosdemano bucaramanga chiquinquir estilos kenzo lasegura luisafernanda melgar moda nike reebook relojeria sanandres sebastianyatra shakira tendencias estudiantes
After more than a week's rest in Medellin we had our first ride today. Like Josh said in our last post (Rach here!) Our last ride sucked. Today's ride was nothing if not the complete opposite. Though I could easily credit that to the breathtaking views, the luscious hillsides, or the blossoming spring flowers, I can't ignore the fact that in the face of the same beautiful scenery one week ago, I was miserable.
My attitude on this trip has colored everything. It's turned dirty and bland restaurants into favorite meals. Taken life and color out of epic viewpoints. Made fresh city squares out of identical landmarks, and dulled the newness of similar architecture. This starkness was ever present today, as my experience of our ride contrasted our previous one so drastically.
The chance to slow down in Medellin was a gift. A gift that we unwrapped over and over again. That gift has given me fresh eyes, new energy, and an attitude check. A perspective check. And the opportunity to realign with my needs, how to ask for them, and when to take care of them for myself.
So here's to slowing down. To taking our time. Hats off to the adventure, which whether we know it or not, is always happening.
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Barichara, Santander | Es uno de los municipios mas lindos de Santander, se ubica a solo unos minutos de San Gil. Es ideal para hacer turismo ecológico, de aventura y cultural, pues nos ofrece diversos atractivos naturales y pueblos llenos de tradiciones (vale la pena hacer un recorrido por los municipios cercanos). #Barichara Conserva intacta su arquitectura colonial, con casas y edificios pintados de blanco gris o azul y muchas fachadas elaboradas en piedra caliza. Sus calles empedradas y el clima templado logran un ambiente ideal para salir a caminar y tomar “el algo” en una de las cafeterías del pueblito. #ExploringColombia *
By: @Mochileroscolombia ✅
Ph: @Diegorom .
#Mochileroscolombia #Lonelyplanet #Mochilerostravel #Turismoparalapaz @Mochileros_travel @Worldpackers