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Hashtags for theme #BEATANA

~food comparison~ I believe that comparing your food and intake in ed recovery is USUALLY harmful, but can be helpful on occasion. It all depends on how you use it. I’ll use today as an example: This morning, food comparison really fucked me up ngl. The rest of my family woke up late and ended up having a very “healthy,” well balanced breakfast at 11 am, whereas I had had this breakfast AND two waffles with syrup before anyone else had eaten a single thing. And I was still hungry. As they all sat down to eat their breakfast, I wanted to join, but in the moment I couldn’t handle it. Honestly, I broke down and went to my room and cried. Eventually I picked myself after watching @megsy_recovery’s new video ❤️ I reminded myself MY BODY, MY NEEDS and that my body doesn’t gain weight depending on what others eat- or rather- doesn’t eat. So I composed myself and went and made a PB & J for lunch But tonight, comparison actually helped me in my recovery. I got myself a plate of food only to look around and see that mine was seriously lacking. I went back, fixed my portion sizes, and was actually satisfied after the meal! #edrecovery #edwarrior #beatana #fuckana #bagelandcreamcheese #yummyfood #comparisonisthethiefofjoy #foodcomparison #foodie #breakfastfoods #anarecovery #anorexiarecovery #anorexia #foodiesofinstagram #foodfreedom #intuitiveeating

Hashtags for theme #BEATANA

You weren’t happier when you were actively engaging with your eating disorder. If you were you wouldn’t even consider recovery. You didn’t love your body more. You deprived it of nutrients, of rest, forced it to do things it didn’t want or need to do, you actively damaged it on a daily basis. You weren’t more confident and comfortable in your own skin. Every day you were trying to manipulate your intake, body, weight, shape, or behavior in some way. You were perpetually self critical and self destructive. You isolated, you numbed out. You were anxious, depressed, angry, and alone. You weren’t in control. You were being controlled every moment by impulses and obsessions that whittled your life and cognitive scope down to food and weight and calories and exercise. You had given up all control to your ED. You were not making the choices you wanted to make, doing the things you wanted to do. You weren’t safer. You were in danger of countless, dangerous health problems, some irreversible, some life threatening. Your ED did not protect you from abuse, negative emotions, or change. The feeling that it did is an illusion that traps you in a dangerous place. It does not strengthen you, it does not protect you. It destroys you. Don’t go back to your ED. Nostalgia is a lie.

Hashtags for theme #BEATANA

Hiii Guysss With the bread I madeeee! 3 pieces with Smached Avocado and 1 with PB and J - Keep repeating to yourself, “ I can do it, it will get better” because the more u continue to fight during recovery, the more u see how strong and capable you all are Some days will be harder than others, or something may trigger you to be upset and that is okay, in recovery there will be ups and downs or fights with your family, but don’t let that stop you from continuing further, whatever had happened, push that aside and continue to fight, you all have such a bright future, just tell yourself you can do it - #anorexiarecovery #anorexia #anawaranorexiafighter #believeinyourself #beatingana #yourbeautiful #vegan #makeimpossiblepossible #beatana #inpatientrecovery #edrecovery #outpatient #strongnotskinny #outpatientrecovery #lovethesupport #letsfighttogether #nourishmentnotnumbers #wecandoit #inpatient #imhereforyou #recoveryisworthit #iamstrong #youarestrong #challengeyourself #foodisfuel #recoveryisworthit #mentalhealth #iamawarrior #foodismedicine #anorexianervosarecovery #makedecembersparkle

Hashtags for theme #BEATANA

Breaking that eat-restrict cycle . . . For a while I’ve fallen into the destructive habit of delaying and avoiding eating during the day and therefore possessing an insatiable hunger come nighttime. The guilt of eating what my disorder deems “too much” food at night leads to self-inflicted punishment in the form of restriction. . . . But this, my friends, is a vicious cycle. The guilt and shame inflicted by eating seemingly “copious” (through my anorexia-tainted eyes) at night drives me to eat less or delay eating the next day. This has been my existence; day in, day out for an exhausting amount of time. . . . I’m putting an end to it, though. Well, trying at least. I’m attempting to embrace the false guilt driven by anorexia for eating last night and use the frustration I feel towards my eating disorder to eat frequently and adequately during the day. . . . Btw dis was brekkie I used a Bircher Muesli mix to shake tangs up a little trying to #challenge myself as much as possible . . . Stay precious, little fighters ‍♀️ ✨ ✨ Spread those recovery wings and set yourselves free #anorexia #anorexiarecovery #anorexianervosarecovery #anorexianervosa #ed #edrecovery #eatingdisorder #eatingdisorderrecovery #eatittobeatit #nourishtoflourish #nourishdontpunish #edfam #ana #anafamily #beatana #edwarrior #edfighter #anafighter #anawarrior #fearfood #recovery #anarecovery #strongnotskinny #warriors

Hashtags for theme #BEATANA

I haven’t worn blue jeans by choice and felt good since 2011!! ‍♀️ and here I am! ⁣ ⁣ Body Dysmorphia ruled my mind growing up, (and occasionally still taunts me now, if I let it) - one of the knock on effects of my BDD, amongst many others, was that I would NEVER wear blue jeans. They terrified me. I thought that, god forbid if I did, they would show my TRUE SIZE, or make my thighs look even bigger! Instead, I would hide behind skater dresses, flowing skirts, black jeans and my bs excuse ‘I don’t wear jeans because it’s a lazy way of dressing.’⁣ ⁣ I know NOW where the route of my BDD came from, and that helps. It came from being scouted from a young age, and constantly being told to loose 5 inches off my hips. My thighs were the sole reason why a life changing career was presented to me and immediately taken back away, time after time, from the age of 15. I thought they were the reason I was an undesirable failure. I grew up amidst the hailing of size 0, they were the only bodies I saw in the media, anything else was slammed on the covers of gossip magazines, and between adds for slimming pills. ‘Thigh gaps’ were an idealisation of beauty, and for me, even the change I needed to make in my body for ‘perfection’ and ‘success’.⁣ ⁣ I’ve come a long way since then! Putting on a pair of blue jeans and feeling good might not be a big deal to some, but finally doing it this year, to me is a BREAKTHROUGH! ⁣ Below I’ve listed 5 points to help you, if you are suffering with Body Dysmorphia, or EDs or know someone who is:⁣ 1. Be aware! Once yourself aware of your self detriment, list your behaviours surrounding it so you can clock and block when you do them. (ie I banned myself from scales, tape measures and ‘progress’ lists)⁣ 2. Familiarise yourself with your triggers.⁣ 3. Train your mindset. Your appearance does not dictate your value as a person. What does? What's amazing about you? Now replace your negative self talk.⁣ 4. Remind yourself that everyone is different, that’s why we’re amazing, There’s no such thing as perfection.⁣ 5. Seek support, from a loved one or amazing platforms like @neda // #RachelBowlerStories #BDD

Hashtags for theme #BEATANA

There are two options. I know that I want to kill this disorder. Even though there are days I sometimes wish it would just let me kill me. But I know there is much more than this. I know it will take lots of time and lots of fighting, but I want to kill this disorder and not have it kill me. . . . . . #edwarrior #edwarriors #anarecovery #anorexiafighter #edfighter #edrecovery #recoverywin #edrecovering #bulimiarecovery #beatana #recovery #mentalhealth #awareness #shrecovery #selfharmrecovery #mentalillnessrecovery #eatingdisordereecovery #eatingdisordersurvivor #eatingdisordercommunity #anarecovery #edrecovery #endthestigma #ptsd #cptsd #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthquotes #quotestoliveby #itsoktonotbeok #mentalhealthawarness #recoveryispossible #mentalillness

Hashtags for theme #BEATANA

No food, no amount of calories, no food group nothing under the SUN will hurt you as much as your eating disorder. Not a thing. . . . Imogen, no damn pizza , no amount of pizza, no pizza topping, NOTHING will hurt you like anorexia has. . . . Tonight my mind was a place of sheer mayhem; a maze of inescapable thoughts all looping around the same thing. What must have been so important to occupy my entire days worth of thoughts I hear you ask? Pizza. . . . Pizza, Just pizza. Only Pizza. . . . Sometimes I wonder what i would spend my time thinking about if I wasn’t so all consumed by obsessions and compulsions around the fuel at which I put in my body. The mere idea of having a mind free from food is too foreign to put into words . . . . And it’s days like these, days where the mental torment is unreal, days when the approaching fear food feels indestructible; these are the DAYS, these are the TIMES, these are the MEALS, that MATTER. Why? Because I don’t, you don’t, WE DON’T deserve any more of these hideous days. Sadly, the only way to rid ourselves of these days from hell is to face them; challenge them REPEATEDLY. . . . In the wise words of my psychiatrist: “Imogen, you HAVE to just feel the fear and do it regardless. You have to prove to your mind that your life does not depend on these eating disorder entrenched behaviours. You have to rewire your brain. It’s the only way to recover.” . . . Tonight: I bit the bullet (figuratively.) In a literal sense, I bit the pizza dammit. I was so anxious I’d convinced myself I didn’t even like pizza; that I didn’t want pizza. Every ounce of my being wanted nothing to do with the doughy, Italian goodness. . . . But I want to recover. I want freedom. So, I ate the pizza. . . . I’m one night closer to freedom. One less hellish fearfood between me and recovery.

Hashtags for theme #BEATANA

Orientalisch gefüllte Paprikaschote mit Sauce,Nudeln und Mischgemüse. Zum Dessert gab es ein Muffin mit Aprikosenfüllung. Manchmal bekommt man ein Schlag und denkt die ganze Welt bricht jetzt zusammen und es macht alles kein Sinn mehr. Ein einziger Moment,wenige Sekunden können uns so runterziehen und demotivieren was wir uns lange erarbeitet haben. Diese kurze Zeit kann unser Leben auf den Kopf stellen. Wir lassen auch noch zu ,dass es verbaut und umgestellt wird. Ohne uns zu fragen wieso dieser Schlag gekommen ist fallen wir in alte Muster und denken es hilft uns. Aber nein es wird immer schlimmer,die Krankheit immer präsenter und wir dürfen von Null anfangen. Es gibt so viele unschöne Momente. Situationen vor den man Angst hat und am liebsten davon laufen möchte. Aber würden wir ein Leben führen wo alles schön und bunt ist ,würden wir die kleinen Dinge im Leben nicht mehr wahrnehmen und nicht wertschätzen. Heutzutage schätzen wir alle viel zu wenig wert. Wir nehmen es als selbstverständlich ein Dach über dem Haus zu haben ,genug zu Essen oder so eine gute medizinische Behandlung zu kriegen. Das Leben kann nicht nur rund laufen ,sonst würden wir nicht dazu lernen und immer auf unseren Fehlern sitzen bleiben. Und so schwer es ist solche scheiß Situation gehören dazu und in genau solchen darf man nicht aufgeben. Das hab ich für mich verstanden ich muss immer weiter machen und nein ich muss keinem beweisen wie stark ich bin . Ich muss nur mir zeigen,dass ich es schaffe und an mich glaube! Egal wie schwer es an einigen Tagen auch sein mag... “вєαυту вєgιηѕ тнє мσмєηт уσυ ∂є¢ι∂є тσ вє уσυяѕєℓƒ” #recoveryfood #recovery #recoverywin #recoverysayings #recovered #recoveryrocks #recoveringaddict #recoverycommunity #recoveryaccount #recoverywarriors #recoverywarrior #recoveryrun #recoveryispossible #mentalillnessrecovery #anorexiafight #anorexiafight #anorexiarecover #anorexiawarrior #anorexiasucks #beatinganorexia #fightanorexia #anorexiarecoverymeal #beatana #2fab4ana

Hashtags for theme #BEATANA

“Life is a precious thing, you never know when you’re going to lose it. Live life while you can, because you never know which second is going to be your last.” This quote resonates with me so much. After almost losing my life to my eating disorder, I now realize how precious life really is. Never take your life for granted. Live your your life to the fullest while you can - we only have one life on this earth after all.

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