bruise blood makeup sfxmakeup ouch gore specialeffectsmakeup aesthetic fake horror hurt scary specialeffects bruises cosplay fxmakeup halloween makeupartist creepy dark death halloweenmakeup liquidlatex pain scene sfxmakeupartist sfxmakeupartistinthemaking
唉呀不小心「黑青」了,一碰到就痛,該怎麼做才能讓瘀傷快快好呢?營養師帶你吃外食 @eatout_tw 指出,所謂的「瘀傷」是指皮膚下的微血管破裂,造成血液聚積在皮下,引起疼痛、腫脹和瘀青。除了透過冰敷及熱敷處置外,也能吃對食物讓傷口復原得更快唷。
營養師指出,若是因車禍撞擊等造成的深度瘀傷,在24~48小時內都需先冰敷,每次15分鐘,可有助減輕不適;但若是瘀青範圍較小且淺的話,只需在一天內好好冰敷即可。在接下來的一周內,若患處紅腫熱痛症狀消退,就可以開始熱敷囉,每次也是 15 分鐘就可以了,幫忙血液流離患處,讓受傷的部位更好恢復。
✔鮭魚:富含 CoQ 10,是一種很強的抗氧化劑,可幫助循環、增加組織的含氧量。
✔芭樂:維生素C可強化微血管、修補組織。而一顆芭樂約有 400-450 毫克的維生素C,堪稱水果界的維生素C之王。
(資料來源/營養師帶你吃外食 @eatout_tw)
☀️更多實用健康圖文、影音請到 @everydayhealth_tw個人檔案點連結
well my life was eventful last night lol. hanging out with friends and partying with fireworks at one point i was holding a firework and it exploded in my hand! which was pretty rad lmao. did you guys have a good night yesterday? did anyone else get blown up, did anyone get arrested?
DISCLAIMER: smoking cigarettes is bad. it causes cancer, tooth decay, breathing problems, wrinkles, and a whole lot of other really bad things that can kill and/or permanently harm you. this post does no encourage smoking. dont smoke.
wig is an @ardawigs 'Hansel' in the color Lemon Drop
spam acc: @awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwshit
#southpark #southparkcosplay #kenny #kennycosplay #kennymccormick #kennymccormickcosplay #kennyxkyle #kennyxbutters #kennyxcraig #adultswim #cosplay #cosplayer #southparkedit #tumblr #tumblraesthetic #aesthetic #piercings #emo #emoboy #scene #sceneboy #bruise #bruisemakeup #specialeffects #specialeffectsmakeup #sfx #sfxmakeup #ardawigs
Dominik: i hate my smile
also Dominik: *continues to post smiling photos because the kids like it, for some reason.*
DISCLAIMER: smoking cigarettes is bad. it causes cancer, tooth decay, breathing problems, wrinkles, and a whole lot of other really bad things that can kill and/or permanently harm you. this post does no encourage smoking. dont smoke.
wig is an @ardawigs 'Hansel' in the color Lemon Drop
spam acc: @awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwshit
#southpark #southparkcosplay #kenny #kennycosplay #kennymccormick #kennymccormickcosplay #kennyxkyle #kennyxbutters #kennyxcraig #adultswim #cosplay #cosplayer #southparkedit #tumblr #tumblraesthetic #aesthetic #piercings #emo #emoboy #scene #sceneboy #bruise #bruisemakeup #specialeffects #specialeffectsmakeup #sfx #sfxmakeup #ardawigs
So I’m starting to work on things for Halloween & trying some new soft products. For this I tried out @mehronmakeup modeling puttty/wax. I definitely need to practice more & watch more videos. It for a first attempt I am pleased ☺️
#makeup #beauty #spfx #specialeffects #mehron #mehronmakeup #mehronmakeupmonday #modelingputty #coagulatedblood #hudabeauty #smokeyeye #contouring #redlips #bruise #brokennose #wounds #cuts #cutsandbruises
So far on my travels I've had a partially dislocated knee and wrist, this bruise from the bucking bull, and countless cactus spines in my leg from kneeling in a cactus yesterday.. one month down and one month to go! It's been the trip of a lifetime so far <3 #adventure #travel #bruise #bullriding #travelling #britishcolumbia #usa
ended up having to get blood drawn, which made me pretty nervous cuz i havent eaten in like 14 hours i thought i was gonna pass out but ya boi made it home safe with a clean bill of health and its time to eat son
wig is an @ardawigs 'Hansel' in the color Lemon Drop
spam acc: @awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwshit
#southpark #southparkcosplay #kenny #kennycosplay #kennymccormick #kennymccormickcosplay #kennyxkyle #kennyxbutters #kennyxcraig #adultswim #cosplay #cosplayer #southparkedit #tumblr #tumblraesthetic #aesthetic #piercings #emo #emoboy #scene #sceneboy #bruise #bruisemakeup #specialeffects #specialeffectsmakeup #sfx #sfxmakeup