canadiancancersociety relayforlife fuckcancer canada britishcolumbia cancer cancersucks ontario tourderock alberta alpaca autorepair cancerresearch cancerwarrior caraccident carinsurance cars collisionrepair colorworks colorworksautobody covergirl donation forthekids hairdonation research survivor th6ix toronto universityoftoronto whyirelay choptoyourchin
Have you ever tried our mung bean “cake” Mung beans aid in digestive health and are rich in potassium, magnesium, and fibre, which all help lower blood sugar levels and blood pressure!
Together we are bigger than cancer. Community is bigger than cancer. BE a bigger than cancer
: @prettynpalatable
April is Daffodil Month to support the Canadian Cancer Society. I have my Daffodils, do you have yours?
#daffodils #daffodil #daffodilmonth #daffodilcampaign #april #canadiancancersociety #cancersociety #cancerawareness #cancer #flowerdog #canadadogs #btcrew #canadiandogs #canadiandog #torontodog #torontodogs #dogsoftoronto #mydogrunsthe6ix #dogsofcanada #btlove #torontobostonterrier #bostonterriersofinstagram #bostonterrierlove #bostonterriersforever #ilovemybostonterrier #flatnosedogsociety #bostonterrierofinstagram #squishyfacecrew #brutusmylord
You know your school is cool when...
1) They run a wrestling show as a fundraiser for their #CanadianCancerSociety #RelayForLife fundraiser @eessrelay •
2) They create a commercial like THIS for their morning announcements at school!
This is the first of a batch of commercials for the upcoming @rocksolidwrestling show at East Elgin Secondary School on Thursday April 4th! Stay tuned for more!
Tickets are available at Cy's Bowling Lanes in Aylmer or online at (unless it’s a SELL OUT!)
#tbt •
7 years ago I made one of the boldest choices I have ever made. Deciding to shave my head in support of UNB Raise a Little Hell for the #canadiancancersociety was by fair the most humbling experience•
By doing this I was able reinvent, for myself and others, the perception of “beauty”. It was a wild experience that I would consider revisiting again ! •
|•| #fuckcancer #unb #raisealittlehell #beauty #whatisbeauty #nohairdontcare