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They mean well, they really do. But sometimes people’s “helpful” suggestions just send you over the edge #amirite Don’t let it ruin your friendships — here are five tips from one of our patient advocates on how to maintain friendships with a chronic illness:
✨First and foremost, determine who you can trust, and who you can’t. There may be some people who you just DON’T confide in about your chronic illness.
✨Tell them what it’s like to be you. A good friend will hear you.
✨Talk about the uncomfortable stuff — it will make your bond even stronger.
✨Keep in mind, you can talk until you’re blue in the face (please don’t do this), but no one else can really know exactly how you feel.
✨If they’re worth it, don’t give up — when we show our pain to our friends, it gives them permission to be honest about their hidden pain, too.
Get more advice on friendships with chronic illness from patient advocate and therapist, @katiejoramsey — link in bio.