closeenoughtokiss babywearing wearallthebabies keepthemclose babywearingmama babywrap carrythemclose toddlerwearing wearallthetoddlers babycarrier carryingisnormal carryingmatters parenthood ringsling wovenwraps frontwrapcrosscarry wrapnap attachmentparenting babiesloveups babycarriers babywearersofinstagram babywearingofinstagram carrythem fourthtrimester london thewrapshow toddlerlife wovenwraplove babywearingforthewin babycarriers
Have you noticed that your baby will often only settle in your arms, as you rock them gently?
There is a very good reason for this: it is biological and entirely normal behaviour as a baby transitions from womb to world. The contrasts between life inside and in the world are huge and the reassurance of loving arms is vital.
Understanding the fourth trimester of a child’s life and how to be responsive is key to building a happy brain and a confident, securely attached child.
Don’t be afraid to hold and rock your baby. You belong together.
"Three kids in, and you’d *think* I’d have this mama thing down. But then a sleepless baby, crying toddler, or temper tantrum throws me for a loop and I feel like I’m learning things for the first time. Every baby is different; their personalities, their sleep schedules, their interests. Teaching myself to slow down and take time to learn my children. And my husband. And myself. " - @its.rachelanne (wearing Laurel from our winter collection)
I love this image from @tani_nette as it perfectly explains in pictures what the 4th Trimester concept is all about and why babies are often only happy in their parents' arms.
Babies thrive with soft touch and soft boundaries, the "right" scent, the "right" sounds, the "right" movements. This relaxes them, helps them to feel safe and secure.
Holding babies as much as they need to be held can be hard work and exhausting, especially in the early weeks where you are both recovering from pregnancy, labour, birth and now deep into new parenthood.
A soft, comfy, respectful sling that protects baby's airway and is kind to your body and comfy for you both can be a vitally useful tool. The type of sling doesn't matter: building that bond, caring for both halves of the dyad, and surviving matters.
It's our 4th Trimester meet in Sheffield this morning; one of my favourites!
#apicturespeaksathousandwords #carryingmatters #connectionmatters #newbornbaby #babywearing #wovenwrap #closeenoughtokiss #whybabywearingmatters #motherhoodunplugged #4thTrimester #4thtrimestersheffield #buildahappybrain
I am very excited to be featuring some beautiful handwovens throughout May.
Including this absolute work of art from @totheloomandback
#handwoven #babywearing #babywearingmama #babywearingfamily #positiveparenting #letthembelittle #attachmentparenting #attachment #totheloomandback #weaver #wovenfabric #carryingmatters #babywearingmatters #brilliantbabywearingbuisness #howtodressamama #ourbabywearingdays #slingmama #carrythem #closeenoughtokiss #gingerhair #carryingmama #babysling
Such a total win! Feeding safely in a sling... (ring sling here). All these babies were then returned to the upright position when their meals were over and peace reigned. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Have you ever fed in your sling? Bottle or breast? Your local sling library or consultant may be able to support you as you learn. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Please note this doesn’t work for everyone, depends on you and your baby’s anatomy, and isn’t a matter of how hard you try.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#winning ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀