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#onedayatatime #continuousdrawingproject #artmaking #confessionalart #contempory #dailydrawing #dailysketch #drawing #exquisitecorpse #happening #media #milelongdrawing #pendrawing #persistence #rawart #scroll #scrolling #surrealism #unconscious #whateveriwant #process #transformational #beatnik #spontaneous #visualpoetry


Image 448 Scroll 7 complete... #continuousdrawingproject #fakeart


July 5th 2018 Looking back at my earlier drawings compared to now has shown me that slow persistent effort is the only way to develop yourself and any skill. I think you could accelerate the pace in that one drawing a day is exceedingly slow, but mastery itself is more than just being skilled at something, its about building a tolerance for consistency, patience and focus. Nothing comes easy, but if you go slow you can develop anything almost effortlessly. First image is from yesterday, second is of the whole scroll, Last image is from 10 years ago yesterday as I was driving through Wyoming #art #time #dailydrawing #continuousdrawingproject


August 19th 2018. Excerpt on the practice of repetition. #continuousdrawingproject #repetition #art #dailydrawing


August 22nd 2018 “Only when habits of order are formed can we advance to really interesting fields of action — and consequently accumulate grain on grain of willful choice like a very miser — never forgetting how one link dropped undoes an indefinite number.” William James #continuousdrawingproject #dailyrituals #art


September 9th 2018 Showing Up I draw everyday to practice making without judgement and to show up regardless of the outcome. For me this process is liberating and it allows me to value commitment over the outcome which frees strain on a creative act. It has taught me that you can turn just about anything into a habit, and if done for long enough that habit can become a trait. When we show up everyday for a commitment we have made to ourselves we can begin to see growth. But in order to do that we have to quit worrying about where we want to be and be where we are, because even showing up takes practice and every time we fail we try again. #dailydrawing #continuousdrawingproject #showingup #habits #practice #art #life #makingthings


September 21st, 2018 Vantage Point We are in a culture of sharing where we can expose everything from what we eat to how we shit. Regardless of what we find to be interesting information, sharing in of itself is valuable and may even be essential. We are in this very intense period of time where the world is growing ever more complex and its my belief that the more vantage points we are exposed to, whether they be trivial or provocative, provide us with a larger understanding of whats going on in the world. Insights into other peoples daily lives continually exercises our ability to see things from other perspectives, a skill that will be essential in solving the issues we face. #perspectives #exposure #wordstonooneaboutnothing #streamofconciousness #continuousdrawing #continuousdrawingproject #daily #concistency #dailydrawing #exquisitecorpse #doingitdaily #dailyhabits #dailysketch #pensketch #penart #boldart


September 23rd, 2018 Getting Over Yourself I've found that the biggest barricade that I've had to sharing my work has been getting over my own insecurities of how it will be received. One of the main reasons that I started writing was to exercise this uncomfortably. I used to have the idea that some people are just born with the confidence to share the work that they do and feel totally free in the processes of doing it. Sure there are natural performers that love center stage and those with inflated self confidence, but more often exposing yourself is something that just takes practice. Fear of rejection and criticism is largely in your own mind and changing how you respond to it takes practice. #practice #art #continuousdrawing #continuousdrawingproject #daily #concistency #dailydrawing #exquisitecorpse #doingitdaily #dailyhabits #dailysketch #pensketch #penart #boldart


September 29th 2018 Smoke and Mirrors On social media its easy to make life seem perfect, ourselves seem big or our work important, wanting our former classmates to see us as successful and our former partners to see us as happy. There's an art to this I've come to realize, and building desirable illusions about ourselves has become our cultures favorite pass time. I'm not trying to judge or condemn this because everyone does it to some extent, and there might be some truth to faking it until you make it where you eventually evolve into the concept of self you present yourself as. I just think that its important to remember not to mistake the reflection in the mirror for the actual person being reflected. #randomshitithinkabout #continuousdrawing #continuousdrawingproject #daily #concistency #dailydrawing #exquisitecorpse #doingitdaily #dailyhabits #dailysketch #pensketch #penart #boldart


Image 365 #milelongdrawing #continuousdrawingproject #scrolling #dailydrawing #process #exquisitecorpse #dailysketch #rawart #drawing #pendrawing #scroll #unconscious #contempory #media #art #confessionalart #surrealism #whateveriwant #onedayatatime #persistence #artmaking #transformational #happening #onedayatatime

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