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Hashtags for theme #CRUNCHYMAMA

In February 2015, I gave up shampoo and eventually settled on the Ryepoo method ‍♀️ - rye flour and apple cider vinegar. . I’ve used shampoo a few times since then for various reasons (e.g. salon visit) but have always gone back to my trusty rye . . However, recently I read a few articles on using ✨only water✨ to wash hair, and immediately thought nope, that sounds so dirty ‍♀️ but I figured I used to think the same about no shampoo in general, so I couldn’t knock it till I’d tried it. . So here we are ‍♀️ I’ve been washing my hair with ONLY WATER for 2 months now, twice a week. I caved and used a little ACV rinse one time after washing, because my hair started to feel more heavy with the hard water in our area . . When we travelled in France, Italy, and now Sweden , their soft water left my hair feeling so soft and clean. But hard water means I think I’ll continue with Ryepoo for now. Or I might try water and a diluted ACV rinse to finish. . What this experiment has taught me is the significance of water quality this photo is after a soft-water wash in Sweden. . Does anyone have experience with water softeners? Would you recommend one? ⛲️ . . P.S. Full details of my no-shampoo method at ❤️ it’s a post from years ago, so just search “shampoo”! . P.P.S. Organic cotton crop top from @lucyandyak gifted and giving me 70s vibes . #noshampoo #nopoo #plasticfreejuly

Hashtags for theme #CRUNCHYMAMA

✨ All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them ✨ . Last night my team was recognized as a 2X Top 10 Team . My team, full of moms working from home, with babies by their side, and burning desire to provide their family with more ❤️ . We build businesses in the early mornings before the pitter patter of little feet call us for mom duties. We build businesses during naptimes and after bedtimes....but we build businesses. . We aren’t the team you will see dolled up with perfect hair and makeup everyday. And we aren’t the team that you will see out partying the night away. . But we are the team with huge heart that always knows exactly what we are building businesses for....our babies . Next week I am giving women the opportunity to learn more about coaching and to actually receive training directly from me and my coaches. . We will show you how we built top businesses and how you can as well! Interested? Check out the link in my bio or reach out! . You have nothing to lose and everything to gain ❤️ #JoinUs #ChangeYourLife

Hashtags for theme #CRUNCHYMAMA

we are headed to Utah in a couple days for @youngliving convention — never in a million years did i think we’d be doing that! but grateful and so pumped we are!! I can’t wait to meet so many friends I’ve met through this business and squeeze them all so tight! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ the girls are using my @away bag and Daytripper @loganandlenora bag for their goodies — I’ll also be using about 27 @loganandlenora bags for all my things, too. use code AUBREYLL15 when shopping L+L for a discount! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ YLEO FRIENDS — who am I going to be meeting and getting to chat with face to face?! I can’t contain my excitement! . . . . . . . . . #crunchymama #youngliving #younglivingconvention #hippiemama #immunesupport #travelbag #carryonbag #travel #luggage #greenliving #wholeliving #holistic #chemicalfree #naturaloptions #chemicalfreehome #momlife #plantbased #oilymama #sleepsupport #younglivingeo #guthealth #younglivingessentialoils #somethingessential #journeytowellness #simplelife #intentionalliving #cultivatingmotherhood

Hashtags for theme #CRUNCHYMAMA

Focused. Motivated. One thing is sure after having Knox drug free I feel I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. #letsgo #postpartum

Hashtags for theme #CRUNCHYMAMA

As our team continues to grow spots open up and I'm looking for two dedicated leaders to join us and fill two very important positions. We have an amazing growing team with support and phenomenal resources to help you be successful in the business. We have a culture of kindness and genuine love of sharing these amazing essential oils. I am looking for a strong leader who is dedicated and willing to put in the time to grow in the business. What you get in return is hard to put into words. Your tribe. Support. Abundance. Spiritual, emotional, physical, mental, and financial abundance. Who is ready to join this revolution !? Doterra is the top essential oil company and growing every day. . . The opportunity is there! Who is ready to link arms with me? I am interviewing now so, please comment below and message me to apply. ✨✨This is only open for people who are already on my team or are not currently enrolled with an account. ✨✨xoxo

Hashtags for theme #CRUNCHYMAMA

dreamy sunday mornings with my girls ☁️ what’s in your diffuser?

Hashtags for theme #CRUNCHYMAMA

I have a new appreciation for this beautiful oil after this weekend. . I was able to learn from one of my leaders about vetiver, about how incredible it has been for her as she has walked through major depressive disorders and has been able to use essential oils to provide incredible support for her emotions. . She mentioned vetiver as an oil that helped her feel stable and grounded. This oil comes from the roots of a grass in Haiti. It has an incredibly extensive root system, which keeps the ground stable and also provides strength to the plant and the other foliage that grows there. . She talked about experiencing these benefits emotionally. When she used this oil, she fees supported, stable, and rooted in life. . This thick oil moves slowly (I use a dropper top to get it out) and helps us to feel connected to our inner strength and helps bring security when feeling unstable and shaky. . She uses this oil in diffuser blends to help her sleep, to soothe away night terrors, and to help her stay calm. I’ll share her recommended nighttime diffuser blend a little later today. . Have you used this oil yet? Tag someone who may find this info helpful! . Right now I’m giving some amazing gifts to new wholesale members with every starter kit. Message me for more info! . . . #doterra #doterraessentialoils #essentialoils #emotionalsupport #essentialoilsforhealing #essentialoilsforhealth

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my favorite view ✨

Hashtags for theme #CRUNCHYMAMA

38w3d today! Don’t worry.. Black is slimming.. I look a whole lot bigger in real life I feel like the anticipation and not knowing when it will happen is the hardest part right now! My awful back pain has subsided just feeling super pregnant, as expected. Trying to remember what we’re in for with a squishy newborn... just feeling ready to get this next season started ❤️

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