cuevasmedekexercises кастильоморалес центрсолнцемое бобаттерапиямосква вместесмамой войтатерапиямосква детскаяреабилитация дцпнеприговор лфкмосква помощьдетям филевскийпарк cuevasmedek адаптивнаяфизкультура ортопедмосква medek бобаттерапия войтатерапия дефектологмосква тифлопедагогмосква cerebralpalsy fisioterapia epilepsydoesnthavejack intensivetherapy paralisiacerebral downsyndrome medekintensive rarewarrior фельденкрайз braininjury бобаттерапиямосква
My Tulsa #cuevasMEDEKintensive is now over, but I am so proud of Kinley, the precious baby in this video❤ Here she is balancing on my forearm in the aerial lotus exercise, a great illustration of how well #cuevasMEDEKexercises exposes kids to gravity forces while stimulating balance and proprioceptive systems. Go Kinley!!
#cme #cuevasmedek #medek #amazingparents #tulsa #balance #proprioception #sitting #aerial #quicktip #dpt #studentpt #pediatricphysicaltherapy #physicaltherapist #getyourbabymoving
It’s always bitter sweet wrapping up intensive weeks. Conner gains new skills each time and its so fun to see his progression over 5 days. I may benefit the most from these weeks because I am able to sit back and see how much stronger Conner is and that he’s capable of more than I realized. It’s time for me to start giving him less support and allowing him to do the work - because he CAN. I am so excited to get home and start practicing our new MEDEK exercises and vestibular activities that we learned from @smiletherapyforkids this week! See you again soon, Toronto!
This kid hates praise for a job well done, can you tell? Conner had quite the crowd watching his afternoon MEDEK session today. He 100% did not mind being the center of attention (which is the complete opposite of either of his parents). The ear infection isn’t keeping Conner down and today he was back to himself We’ve seen some great carry over and trunk extension just for his stander change a couple days ago. ❤️
We are home...unpacked, laundry done and sitting unfolded in baskets. I definitely ran out of steam after being up since 4am EST to travel home.
Feeling slightly recharged today. We are practicing some of our new exercises and I keep reminding myself I need to challenge Conner! No more giving him extra help because he can do it, he is strong and getting stronger every single day. #mixedmethodology
MANUZINHA com doutora Gislane Bacarin método CME.
MANUZINHA está desde o dia 11 de março em uma bateria intensiva de exercícios com método cuevas medek exercise.
O referido método foi criado por Ramon Cuevas fisioterapeuta chileno com aplicações de exercícios dinâmicos e desafiadores contra a ação da gravidade para atingir respostas motoras automaticas e novas conexões cerebrais.
A bateria de exercícios está sendo realizada pela fisioterapeuta Dra Gislane Bacarin a única nível IV do método no Brasil.
.Como estamos gratos pela oportunidade de nossa bebê vivenciar um método tão cheio de desafios e resultados satisfatórios.Estamos vivendo momentos maravilhosos e tenho certeza que essa bateria intensiva será de extrema importância no processo de reabilitação de nossa menina.
#cuevasmedekexercises #fisioterapiapediatrica