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Hashtags for theme #DOULALOVE

New Moon + Eclipse Portal Blessings! . The Great Mother is calling us from the depths of her oceanic womb ✨✨ . The Unconscious Realms, the Great Mystery Herself is rocking, trembling, knocking, & asking us to embody PEACE . Igniting our Soul Song, stepping into Aligned Action, and offering Sacred Service in our lifetime is one way to journey home, should we dance with service as a path for activating personal transformation & illumination✨ . Mothering the mother & weaving unconditional love into the very blueprint of humanity’s beginning has the power to change our world at its core✨ . For those of you called to heal and support humanity’s awakening as a Doula, to walk through the THRESHOLD and Gateway of LIFE & DEATH with others while holding the flame and spark of CREATIONS ENLIGHTENED WISDOM ALIVE... . I AM HERE TO SERVE YOU⚡️ . Birth is HOLY FEMININE POWER AT ITS PEAK {Regardless Of Outcome} . Are you a Keeper of these Ancient Mysteries . The Open House Replay For “Doula Thrive” Is Live!!! Click the link in my bio to receive greater insight into the 13 Moons Of Mentorship being offered Now, in its 3rd Cycle . Registration Closes July 15th . Spaces Are Limited . Come be part of a .:.GOLDEN LEGACY.:. . Together we will REMEMBER WHO WE ARE IN SISTERHOOD . IN THE ACHE OF OUR COLLECTIVE HEART, we will create & activate thriving expressions of our souls calling one step at a time . Are you ready? . xx, S. . . #doulathrive #doularise #sarahnaiasoleil #13moons #doulatraining #mentorship #newmoonmagic #eclipse #portals #starchild #soulmama #beyondtheveil #birthdoula #doulalove #postpartumdoula #motherlove #motheringthemother . Art by @duvet_days

Hashtags for theme #DOULALOVE

Just beautiful... . This piece arrived over the weekend all the way from Australia . It is by the super talented @katbakboogie and will have a special place in my home . Her use of tone and line is just phenomenal at making the female form look soft and strong at the same time ❤️ . #art #serialprintcollector #toomanyprintsnotenoughwalls #antenatal #pregnancy #postnatal #newborn #newmother #motherhood #shellyeah #doulalove #bathdoula #bathlife #bathmums #mumsinbath #doulalife #doula #birthdoula #doulasupport #postpartumdoula #doulashell #thecalmintheroom

Hashtags for theme #DOULALOVE

I love when this happens, so so much... . What have you listened to today that has made you feel warm and fuzzy, or calm and comforted, or just at peace? . For me it was the song Blackbird by the Beatles, one of my all time favourites . It calmed me when my head was spinning with ideas, lists and busy thoughts . Perfect ❤️ . by @andyjpizza by @theblurtfoundation #musicforthesoul #mentalhealth #busythoughts #shellyeah #doulalove #bathdoula #bathlife #bathmums #mumsinbath #doulalife #doula #birthdoula #doulasupport #postpartumdoula #doulashell #doulauk #developingdoulas #thecalmintheroom

Hashtags for theme #DOULALOVE

This is a great visual that I've shown my clients of how movement, before and during labor, can help with baby position. All the sifting and moving and shaking, specifically with the rebozo, can help get baby in a more ideal position for birth. I honestly doubt it myself sometimes, but it really works! #darbydoula #doulatricks ___ from @doulashell - A great visual reminder... . Does exercise and movement help baby get into a good position for birth? . That would be a yes then!❤️ . by @babyfitnorwich ___ #pregnancy #pregnant #pregnancyfitness #mumtobe #spinningbabies #rebozo #laborsupport #optimalfetalpositioning #doulalove #doulalife #doula #birthdoula #doulasupport #yourbirthyourway

Hashtags for theme #DOULALOVE

A yin yoga practice is all about surrender, letting go, and creating space. As I prepare for birth this is my most important practice. I gather what I learned from the birth of Luna. The surges of energy that roll through the body during birth come with tremendous force. I found that I needed to go so deep within to focus and allow my body to become a soft vessel for life to pass through. Soften, surrender, open, allow. Years of yoga practice were my greatest tool in being able to merge with this primordial force. Union = yoga. We are that same energy that moves through us. Birth has been my closest experience to ananda, a true honor to touch life so deeply. And again I prepare....

Hashtags for theme #DOULALOVE

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror this morning and although I see myself every day, this particular reflection stopped me in my tracks. I am awed by what this body can do. This is it, the last weeks of my pregnancy. Maybe it will be my last pregnancy. How fast it has gone. A new life growing perfectly inside of me while I continue my day to day activities. A power within me, beyond me, and I am the lucky vessel that gets to carry and birth this new life. I am so grateful.

Hashtags for theme #DOULALOVE

It’s world doula week! I’ve been a doula for 15 years ⚡️ we need doulas more than ever. Here’s some of what doulas do - get to know you, learn your story, learn your wishes, provide education if you want it, provide resources and support, support the family and learn their needs, a doula knows the systems in which you choose to birth in intimately and can prepare you for that system, they provide continuity of care, they will be there through it all, without judgement or agenda, supporting your wishes and helping you make them a reality with the system you’ve chosen to birth in, a doula hears you, sees you, holds space for whatever happens, they will comfort you, hold you, help others to hold you, help you to be heard, prepare you for after the birth and parenting, answer all those million little questions that come up in pregnancy and post birth, nourish you, and love you.. Doulas do not only provide support during pregnancy and birth, there are end of life doulas, loss doulas, there’s a doula for every transition or event A doula may seem like an expensive addition to your birth team, but people only think that before they’ve engaged a doula- doulas are worth every dollar (and hiring a doula is cheaper than a lot of prams on the market)!! I’ve probably forgotten some things doulas do.. They do pretty much everything.. and they not only ‘do’ sometimes the biggest job of a doula is to just ‘be’ .. I think it could be called a Be-la Love to the doulas and be-la’s out there Did you have a doula? I had 2 doulas at each of my 4 births ~music~ tre laude dolce:1 by gavin bryars ~ #dailyimprovisation #makingsacred #protection #doula #worlddoulaweek #be-la #douladance #doulalove

Hashtags for theme #DOULALOVE

Y el mensaje más esperado para mi siempre será “TENEMOS CONTRACCIONES “ Significa que comienza el trabajo en equipo que tanto hemos practicado. Así fue como @soyvanessacarmona en secreto me escribió el Martes y sabíamos que todo esto ya estaba comenzando, y contra todos sus miedos y todos los pronósticos, nos encaminamos a darle la bienvenida a #santiago. Vane llegó al hospital con tres centímetros y buenas contracciones, así que no era necesario colocar ningún medicamento, ella y @diego__soto iban moviéndose y respirando, mientras el tráfico me daba paso para llegar y apoyarlos, luego de intentar controlar las ola uterina, vane decidió usar la peridural, pero como cada embarzada es un mundo, no existió el efecto máximo en ella, así que tuvimos que trabajar intensamente con la relajación, la visualización y la respiración, era un ambiente de armonía y tranquilidad a pesar de lo intenso de las contracciones y fue así como entre ola y ola, comenzando la noche, Santiago llegó para dejarnos claro que cada bebé decide cuándo nacer y que al dejar que todo fluya, ellos se abren paso a la vida extrauterina. Gracias mi @soyvanessacarmona por la confianza, para mi fue un placer estar allí, tener tu mano fuertemente tal como lo planeamos!!!!! Bendiciones #doula #birthdoula #trabajodeparto #partovaginal #vaginalbirth #nacerjuntos #teamnacerjuntos #trabajoenequipo #bordoabordo #hospital #hospitalbirth #vidadedoula #doulalife #doulalove #miami #venezuela

Hashtags for theme #DOULALOVE

I often wondered why, even though Obstetrics is a mostly female specialty, this 6 week appt is still a thing. It wasn’t until I started receiving messages from other ObGyns, thanking me for speaking the truth about the #4thtrimester that I realized, whether you are a doctor or a painter, cultural expectations are powerful. Society tells us that the love for our children should supersede all of the physical pain of childbirth, all the the doubts and anxieties, and all of the sleepless nights. We have a beautiful baby. We really shouldn’t complain. So we keep our mouths shut. No one stood up before and said “This is bullsh!t” so it must just be me. You guys, even your ObGyns didn’t think they deserved better. They, too, struggled silently. But that time is over and I am happy to stand up and say—⁣ ⁣ It isn’t okay. It isn’t enough.⁣ ⁣ Although @acog_org recognizes that this needs to change, and has set out recommendations that include a check-in within the first 3 weeks, for many of you it is, or will be, too late. ⁣ ⁣ For this I can only say— I’m sorry. You deserve better. I won’t stop until all of you get the tools and information you need to thrive in motherhood. I won’t stop until these cultural norms are dismantled. It may take a lifetime, but you my dear, are worth it.

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