eatingdisorder anorexia anorexiarecovery recovery edrecovery mentalhealth eatingdisorderrecovery anxiety bulimia depression food mentalillness anarecovery mentalhealthawareness healthy prorecovery fitness health motivation selflove anorexic edfighter love ptsd bulimiarecovery eatingdisorderawareness edwarrior selfcare mia
•65g płatków owsianych/mąki owsianej
•60g mąki ryżowej
•dojrzały banan
•150 ml mleka roślinnego
•1 łyżka octu jabłkowego
•1 łyżeczka proszku do pieczenia
•wasze ulubione słodzidło
•(opcjonalnie) 15g odżywki białkowej - najbardziej polecam czekoladową lub o smaku masła orzechowego
•płatki owsiane zmiel na mąkę (krok można pominąć przy użyciu gotowej mąki owsianej)
•.połącz mąki, proszek do pieczenia, słodzidło (jeżeli jest w wersji suchej), odżywkę białkową. Jeżeli lubisz możesz dodać również trochę cynamonu :)
•W oddzielnej misce zblenduj banana, mleko roślinne, ocet jabłkowy i słodzidło (jeżeli jest w wersji płynnej)
•dodaj suche składniki do mokrych i wymieszaj
•rozgrzej patelnię i nasmaruj ją lekko olejem (chyba ze używasz patelni nieprzywierającej)
• nałożyć około 2 łyżki ciasta (zależy jakiej wielkości chcecie pancakes) i smażyć na małym ogniu około 2 minuty z każdej strony, dopóki nie będą przyrumienione :)
•Podawać z masłem orzechowym, dżemem, syropem klonowym lub czymkolwiek sobie wymarzycie SMACZNEGO!
•65g rolled oats or oat flour
•60g rice flour
•one ripe banana
•150ml plant milk
•1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
•1 tsp baking powder
•your favorite sweetener
•15g protein powder (optional) - I recommend chocolate or peanut butter flavor
•process oats in a food processor until it turns into fine oat flour (skip if you are using oat flour)
•combine dry ingredients: oat flour, rice flour, baking powder, protein powder and sweetener (if you’re using a dry one). If you like you can also add some cinnamon :)
•in another bowl blend banana, milk, apple cider vinegar and sweetener (if you’re using a liquid one)
•add dry mix to wet mix and combine
•heat a large pan and lightly spray it with cooking spray (or not if you’re using a non-stick one)
•pour the batter onto the pan and let the pancake cook for about 2 minutes until it’s lightly golden, flip it and cook for another 1-2 minutes until golden brown on both sides
•serve the pancakes with peanut butter, jam , maple syrup or whatever you wish ENJOY!
Moment of realization
I’ve just got back from my friends house where I ended up lying in my friends bed while they’re outside because I actually just didn’t feel alive. Lying there shivering, freezing and with absolutely no energy despite having eaten what my brain considers a “normal” amount and doesn’t count as “restriction”, but by god is it restricting my life. If you asked me right now what my friends said half an hour ago when I was with them I honestly couldn’t tell you because i literally felt too spaced out and tired it didn’t even feel like I was really there, every laugh was fake and forced, and not because what was being said wasn’t funny, but because I didn’t have the energy to engage, 3 cups of coffee down yet I still felt half asleep. I couldn’t focus on anything said because my brain was constantly elsewhere, whether it was focusing on how cold I was, or how much I’d eaten, or what I’d have for supper, or how tired I was, I couldn’t just live in the moment, I couldn’t just be with my friends. Despite the fact I was sitting right beside them I felt so bloody far away and I hate it. Anorexia has well and truly taken chunks of my life. Without anorexia I could engage with and have fun with my friends. Without anorexia I could focus on things other than how miserable and cold and tired I am. Without anorexia I could live my bloody life. I’m starting to realise anorexia isn’t just a pain when you want to go for meals with friends and can’t, it’s a pain because you can want to be with friends but you can’t, physically sure, you may be there, but you’re not really there, not really present to enjoy your own life, and that is soul destroying. You really can’t live your life and hold on to an eating disorder. The two are really not compatible together, and I never really truly believed people when the said that. But believe me, it’s true. Recovery has to happen in order to live our lives, we are not the exception to that rule. It has to happen for me, you, & everyone with an eating disorder. Recovery has to happen. So here’s to it, I will recover, because I have to. I want to live. And I can’t live like this anymore.
AUTOMATIC NEGATIVE THOUGHTS// something that's been crucial to me in my recovery is remembering that our thoughts are not always reflective of reality. our eating disorders have "hijacked" our brains and created neural networks that we have come to accept as reality. just because you think something horrible will happen because you ate a challenging food, missed a workout, or didn't engage in another behavior doesn't mean it really will happen. recovery goes against everything your mind is telling you is fact, but the more you engage in recovery minded actions, the easier it will get. our brains are amazing and they have the capacity to prune away old neural networks that aren't serving us anymore and form new ones that are reflective of our current lives. so in short, just because automatic negative thoughts come up, it does not mean it is reality. eating disorders are very manipulative and it's so hard to see past it sometimes, but with time everything will get easier and be okay again ✨
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. __ Pourquoi est-ce que je déteste les vacances ?
Pourquoi est-ce que pour moi c’est une période de vide angoissant ?
Sincèrement, cette semaine ne me réussit pas du tout. D’accord, je me suis occupée de tous mes dossiers qui traînaient, j’ai fait du rangement, j’ai trié pas mal de paperasses, j’ai fait des grasses matinées. Et puis? J’ai surtout l’impression de brasser de l’air, de patauger dans l’eau sans avancer, de retrouver d’anciens démons. Parce que le fait de se retrouver seule face à soi-même, forcément ça ne laisse pas beaucoup de choix: on est obligé de s’affronter. De se regarder pour de vrai.
Et personnellement, cette semaine à la maison, à réveillé de nombreuses angoisses et interrogations.
A quoi sers je ?
Ou vais-je ?
N’avoir aucun but concret donne à l’anorexie une énorme place pour s’étendre, laisse à l’esprit une énorme place pour cogiter.
Pourquoi est-ce que je ne peux pas m’arrêter de penser ? Pourquoi est-ce que je me pose des questions sur TOUT? Pourquoi est-ce que je suis hypersensible à tout ce qui m’entoure?
J’ai absolument besoin de m’occuper. De trouver qqch à faire pour ne pas laisser mon esprit penser. Pour ne pas me retrouver face à ces incertitudes.
Grosse période de doute en ce moment, comme vous pouvez le voir! Je suis preneuse de tous vos conseils . (Et sinon: Je fais carrément la meuf sur cette photo mais bon je la trouve sympathique et c’était un bon moment avec ma sœur à la plage samedi dernier ) #picofday#pictureoftheday#girl#french#anorexie#anorexia#anorexiarecovery#recover#recovery#recovering#eat#eating#eatingdisorder#eatingdisorders#eatingdisorderrecovery#glasses#blond#hope#smile#beach#sun#spring#holidays#instagood#instadaily