environmentallyconscious zerowaste ecofriendly environmentallyfriendly recycle environment reuse sustainability plasticfree recycling savetheplanet climatechange saveouroceans sustainableliving worldbicycleday crueltyfree earth green reducereuserecycle reducewaste reusablebags savetheearth savetheenvironment slowfashion sustainablefashion zerowasteliving abfalltaucher abfalltaucherschweiz achildisachild aktivwerden greenandclean
We’re bringing back our @edc_lasvegas inspired drink “Electric Feel” ⚡️ because you guys asked, and we listened !
The #ElectricFeel ⚡️ is a cotton candy milk #SipNDip featuring the world famous #cottoncandy @thriftyicecream we know and love Each sip reminds us, and hopefully you too, of fond childhood memories ❣️
: @rvinyah
A little ol’ lady checking on her laundry in Lisbon & here to remind you to hang-dry yours as well (if you don’t already).
Hang-drying laundry reduces energy use, cuts costs, preserves the quality and extends the life of your clothes. And I mean, we all knowwww that, but still, a lot of people (especially in North America) often throw laundry in the dryer out of convenience rather than hanging it up. And I think it’s time we change that!
What do you think? Do you hang-dry your laundry? Leave a comment! ♀️
From a linear to a circular economy. ... For a long time, our economy has been 'linear'. This means that raw materials are used to make a product, and after its use any waste (e.g. packaging) is thrown away. In an economy based on recycling, materials are reused.
As consumers we hold ALL of the power in making brands and organisations take this change on seriously.
Are you using your power?
#LivePlasticFree #zerowaste #sustainablefashion #sustainability #upcycle #upcycling #reuse #recycle #recycling #reuse #reusablestraw #reusablebags #greenpower #plastic #plasticwaste #plasticwastesolutions #MuthaApproved #savetheoceans #savethebees #ecofriendly #ecología #environment #environmentalist #environmentallyconscious #environmentalengineering
Hands up if you have heard of Ecosia? It’s an alternative to google (search engine) and for every so many searches - they plant trees! You can see how many they have planted with their real time counter online. If you don’t already use them - switch to @ecosia today and know that you are making a difference each time you search the web.
Love this!! •
#zerowaste #ecofriendly #plasticfree #environment #saynotosingleuse #vegan #sustainableliving #sustainable #globalwarming #zerowasteliving #zerowastelife #zerowastegoals #earth #savetheocean #zerowastecollective #plasticpollution #environmentallyfriendly #plasticfreeoceans #environmentallyconscious #plasticfreelife #reducewaste #savetheturtles #eco #zerowastetips #earth