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Styling my hair with flaxseed gel Flaxseed gel is always my go to hair gel for the summer. It’s been an all time favorite for years now. It gives me incredibly shiny and voluminous curls. Not to mention the crazy definition I get. In this video i use the simple recipe. But I’ve also experimented with other ingredients in my flaxseed gel. Comment below if you would like to see a video on that. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Flaxseed Gel Ratios ➗ this makes enough gel for only one use versus a large amount. I never finish using the gel I make and it goes bad so that’s why I use these measurements ⠀⠀⠀
– 2-4 tablespoons whole flaxseeds (depending on the thickness of gel I want)
– 1 cup filtered water
Let me know if you guys want a separate video on how I make this flaxseed gel
– @janecartersolution Shine on Curl Elixir
F L A X S E E D S & H I G H P U F F .
Source: @coilsncontinents ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Flaxseed is my go to gel but because the gel can go off within two weeks and I don’t always use it up in that time period so the measurements vary. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I used;
300ml of water
Around 2 tbsp flaxseed
1 tsp Argan oil (added later on)
1 tsp castor oil (added later on)
I decided to add to extra teaspoons of flaxseed because it didn’t look like it would be enough.
Tip: Don’t leave it on the fire for too long or else it will get too thick and become difficult to drain. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Have you tried flaxseed gel? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Tag a friend who may need a last minute recipe and hairstyle ‼️
#mynaturalhairjoint #naturalhairisdope #curldefinition #luvyourmane #flaxseeds #twistout #kinksandcoils #naturalhairtips #4bnaturalhair #naturalchix #kinkycoily #4chairstyles #curly_hair #naturalgyrls #flaxseedgel #lowporosity #simcrespa #curlyhairjourney #curlyhaircommunity #washngo #type4kinksandcoils #4chairdaily #afrolicious #curlyhairinspirations #4chair #naturalhairtips #hairmilk #type4bhair #naturalhairbeauty #4chair #naturalhairtutorials
唉呀不小心「黑青」了,一碰到就痛,該怎麼做才能讓瘀傷快快好呢?營養師帶你吃外食 @eatout_tw 指出,所謂的「瘀傷」是指皮膚下的微血管破裂,造成血液聚積在皮下,引起疼痛、腫脹和瘀青。除了透過冰敷及熱敷處置外,也能吃對食物讓傷口復原得更快唷。
營養師指出,若是因車禍撞擊等造成的深度瘀傷,在24~48小時內都需先冰敷,每次15分鐘,可有助減輕不適;但若是瘀青範圍較小且淺的話,只需在一天內好好冰敷即可。在接下來的一周內,若患處紅腫熱痛症狀消退,就可以開始熱敷囉,每次也是 15 分鐘就可以了,幫忙血液流離患處,讓受傷的部位更好恢復。
✔鮭魚:富含 CoQ 10,是一種很強的抗氧化劑,可幫助循環、增加組織的含氧量。
✔芭樂:維生素C可強化微血管、修補組織。而一顆芭樂約有 400-450 毫克的維生素C,堪稱水果界的維生素C之王。
(資料來源/營養師帶你吃外食 @eatout_tw)
☀️更多實用健康圖文、影音請到 @everydayhealth_tw個人檔案點連結
Breakfast needs to be sumptuous and nutritious but should also be tasty.
Well that's my defination of a healthy start of the Day.
This Breakfast bowl that I had in March was no less than a super healthy goal for a daily routine and since then I am struggling to get back to starting on my loaded Cereal bowl.
So before it sees the day of light tmrw. Here I am sharing it to the universe to let it happen on my dinning table tmrw.
#wheatFlakes #RagiFlakes #Cornflakes
#Museli #nuts #Raisin #Cashews #Almonds #pumpkinseeds #Flaxseeds
@goswamvishal hope you remember this when I clicked it.
@tajhotels thanks for showering with such a healthy option in Lucknow
#breakfast #Breakfastbowl #breakfastdoneright✔ #breakfastlover #cerealmilk #cerealhunters #cerealbowls #milkforbetterhealth #Milklover #milkforhealthybones #milkinbreakfast
Seeds contain all the starting materials necessary to develop into complex plants. Because of this, they are extremely nutritious.
Seeds are great sources of fiber. They also contain healthy monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and many important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
When consumed as part of a healthy diet, seeds can help reduce blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure.
This post shows the six of the healthiest seeds you can eat.
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Greetings Family, Wadada is the 1st black woman owned health food store in Atlanta's historic West End. .
#vegan #blackvegan #afrovegan #Atlantavegan #veganatlanta #plantbased superfood #flaxseeds #spirulina #veganLasagna #CollardGreenIceCream
#activatedcharcoal #camupowder #acai #veganism #beets #turmeric #hemp #macapowder #vEganlife #gojiberry #chiaseeds #coconutwater #veganicecream
#cacao #vegancake #juicebar #cucumber #420