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Fica fácil tirar foto bonita com todas essas cores Eu tenho tanto amor pelas minhas frutinhas! Gente, eu sei que parece muito difícil mudar a alimentação e deixar de comer coisas que consideramos tão saborosas, mas acreditem, se alimentando de frutas e vegetais crus você vai descobrir um outro nível de prazer. Conforme seu paladar vai se tornando mais sensível você vai passando a perceber cada nuance, é mágico. É um prazer que não passageiro, viciante e compulsivo. É um prazer profundo, leve e duradouro, é um prazer que vem junto com a gratidão, com a simplicidade, com o amor. Isso vai mudando a gente por dentro, vai mudando nossa forma de lidar com outros prazeres e vícios da vida. Experimentem, comam mais frutas! #frugivorismo #frugivorisme #crudivorismo #crudivorisme #801010rv #frugivore #frutarian #mangercru #alimentaçãoviva #alimentationvivante #vegan #veganismo #aixenprovence

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Simple and tasty #rawsalad #rawvegansofig #rawfoodist #rawveganlife #rawveganlifestyle #rawvegans #hclfvegan #hclfrv #801010 #fruitlover #healthiswealth #frugivore #fruitarian #rawfoodvegan #highraw #fullyraw #rawfood #rawfooddiet #rawvegan

Hashtags for theme #FRUGIVORE

Last day of my #JuiceForJuneDetox Day 3️⃣0️⃣ I am feeling good and yes, I am still alive after all of that fruit juice!!! I definitely dug deeper and had some emotional detoxing and healing happening all through this month. I am not new to fasting but, I have once again learned so much! I will be returning to my high fruit, raw vegan diet tomorrow. Whole watermelon, orchard ripe cherries and garden fresh strawberries, cucumbers and tomatoes here I coooome! . Have you been wanting to juice and not quite sure how to go about it? What juicer? How long? How much? Seedless/GMO/Hybrid? Deficiencies? Recipes? Example day? Click the the link in my bio to get a copy of my Juice Detox Guide E-book to take you through a successful juice cleanse for however long you choose!‼️ . . . #DetoxLife #Frugivore #Alkalize #WeightRelease #PermanentFatLoss #HealThyself #RawLivingFruits #RaiseYourVibration #familyherbalist #Detoxification #VeganAF #raiseyourconsciousness #Fruitarian #FoodForTheCells #herbalist #cleanse #detox #vegan #rawvegan #fruitdiet #raw #veganfamily #juicing #MucuslessDiet

Hashtags for theme #FRUGIVORE

80+ days on a solid-food-vacation, but ya girl is back!!! & never again will I take for granted the sheer joy that is CHEWING! My last solid food meal was on March 8th [lots of fruit & avocado], but I began participating in the #liquidmay challenge by @wellness_with_ryan & had every intention of beginning to eat on June 1st. Honestly though, my type-A, perfectionist ego needed to take a back seat for once & realize everything was gonna be just fine if I broke my streak a couple days early. & it was! In fact more than ok; I am feeling glorious after this delicious meal! • During my time on liquids, there were some days I couldn’t care about food at all and quite honestly was like, “I could never eat food ever again & be totally cool with that...” Then there were other days where I would spend all my free time on insta drooling over food porn, looking up menus of restaurants I will never go to, planning out what meals I was going to eat first, and all around obsessing like an addict fiending for their next hit. Occasionally though, I would have these “downloads” of recipes for some raw vegan dishes that I’ve never had/made before & I was super stoked to finally try one out. • This raw collard wrap was filled with toona [parsnip, lemon, red onion, celery, fresh dill, mustard powder & dulse flakes], avocado, purple cabbage, & tomato. Never made collard burritos before, but I think these came out so well & I am suuuuper impressed with myself! Feels freakin amazing too to be able to actually taste ingredients individually rather than just the result of blending everything together. • What’s the longest you’ve gone without solid food? #liquiddiet #breakthefast #rawveganfood

Hashtags for theme #FRUGIVORE

Hashtags for theme #FRUGIVORE

CITRUS fruits are astringent and will pull at the lymph system and clean the kidneys & liver. Oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruits will tone the body from the inside out. They are high in vitamin C and boost the immune system. Citrus are the ultimate detoxing fruit and will stir up viruses, I should know because every time I increase my Citrus during detoxification (like 2+ quarts per day) my cold sore comes out to say hi!! My goal is to eventually have detoxed it out completely (this may be it). My breakout has changed so much over the years as I have detoxed. It is SO much better and nothing compared to the whopper that would appear on an acidic diet!!I have suffered from it since I was 15 years old. If you can't handle citrus right now, start with the less acidic fruits and add them in as you can. The citrus will help to expose the weaknesses, acids, mucus, viruses, yeast and toxins already present in the body. Don't blame the CITRUS! Even though citrus fruits are botanically acidic, once digested they have an alkalizing effect on the body. I am feeling kind of tired these last few days (my moon cycle is amongst me), but otherwise I am truckin' along. The teens are still on 100% fruit and kicking arse! So proud of them!! How are all of you!? . . . Have you been wanting to juice and not quite sure how to go about it? What juicer? How long? How much? Seedless/GMO/Hybrid? Deficiencies? Recipes? Example day? Click the the link in my bio to get a copy of my Juice Detox Guide E-book to take you through a successful juice cleanse for however long you choose! #JuiceForJuneDetox Day 25‼️ . . . #DetoxLife #Frugivore #Alkalize #WeightRelease #PermanentFatLoss #HealThyself #RawLivingFruits #RaiseYourVibration #familyherbalist #Detoxification #VeganAF #raiseyourconsciousness #Fruitarian #FoodForTheCells #herbalist #cleanse #detox #vegan #rawvegan #fruitdiet #raw #veganfamily #juicing #MucuslessDiet

Hashtags for theme #FRUGIVORE

DID YOU KNOW? Fruit should be eaten alone especially watermelon which digest in 15minutes whilst most other fruit digest in 30-40 minutes. Combining fruit with other food groups such as fats, high protein foods and slower digesting carbs results in slower digesting of fruit which can lead to fruit fermenting in the stomach with the fruit sugars turning to alcohol. Hence, fruit should always be eaten 1 hour prior or 3 hour after other meals. Whilst some people may be able to digest other foods with fruit for example plant based milks in smoothies, this rule however is especially important for persons suffering from IBS, SIBO and other digestive issues. ... ... ... ... ... ... #detoxjuice #frugivore #holistichealth #holistichealing #fruitarian #naturalhealing #juicing #grapes #greenjuice #veganforhealth #healthandwellness #wholefoodsplantbased #healthiswealth #foodismedicine #wholefoods #grapejuice #alkalinevegan #alkalinediet #limes #alkaline #rawvegan #rawfood #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #fruits #detoxify #holisticnutrition #superfoods #healthyfoods #detoxify

Hashtags for theme #FRUGIVORE

Muita coisa mudando na minha vida como resultado da minha livre escolha de seguir meu coração - e gosto muito das mudanças, do imprevisto e de lidar de forma criativa brincando com o momento repentino que vem e vai. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Apesar disso, dessa vez as mudanças que busco são mais bruscas e com a minha tpm presente muitas sombras que precisam ser resolvidas na minha própria maneira de encarar a mim mesma, o mundo e a minha família se tornaram claríssimas. E o fato de que tenho apenas 40 dias pra resolver essas coisas pendentes aqui me assustaram. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Muito engraçado como mais uma vez pude presenciar em mim como sou a minha própria unidade e logo, essas questões emocionais já me afetaram de outras formas: meditar ficou mais difícil e vários dias recusei tal prática. Meu tempo no celular e em redes sociais aumentaram. Não fiquei presente. E comi. Comi MUITO. Além do que meu corpo precisava. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Consequentemente com tudo isso, tive vontades de coisas gourmet e fazia muito tempo que não comia vegetais - já sabia que eles não me caiam bem. Fiz arroz de couve flor cru com abacate e tive diversos problemas com a digestão. Comi salada de folhas com mandioca cozida e realmente sinto em mim que os vegetais são melhores digeridos cozidos em mim (sim!), porém me senti pesada e letárgica como todo cozido. Fiquei horas deitada e anestesiada rolando o feed e adormecendo nesse mundo do ego. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Muito bom se conhecer, afinal, cada vez mais. Fazer de mim um experimento e procurar ser melhor pra mim - e consequentemente pro mundo e pra minha família que amo e que procuro ser melhor por elas agora. Já sinto falta de algumas coisas que vou deixar pra trás. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Mas meu coração é livre demais e sou uma sonhadora que gosta de colocar meus desenhos imaginários na minha realidade. Hoje sigo em jejum o dia todo e vamos ver até quando vai. Essa foto é de outro dia aí (café da manhã do momento hehe) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Bom dia! #rawfood #rawvegan #frugivore #fruitarian #rawveganfruitarian #fruitylife #livingfood #holistichealth #vibrantfood #vibratehigh #crudivorismo #frugivorismo #frugi #crudi #comamaisfrutas #vegan

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