functionalrangesystems functionalrangeassessment controlyourself functionalrangerelease functionalrangeconditioning kinstretch rehab frrelease softtissue functionalanatomyseminars mobility frpractitioner movement health jointhealth frcms strength functionaltraining flexibility longevity manualtherapy rangeofmotion training westsidebarbell asseenincolumbus conjugate conjugateclub conjugatemethod evidencebasedpractice ajusteposturalantecipatorio
When loading shoulder external rotation, you can bias scapular retraction and glenohumeral abduction by training it in a prone position.
Using an ankle weight, you can also utilize post activation potentiation of the rotator cuff and recruit those stubborn rotators with a passive range lift off.
Here I am using a 5lb weight and held max effort isometric contractions for 5 seconds for two reps before repeating the same sequence immediately after without the weight.
Follow this up with quadruped scapular CARs for a solid shoulder mobility sequence..
Ever feel that your hips are locked up or tight? Maybe your sitting for a prolonged period of time? This 90/90 hip flow is a great way to unlock and free up the hip to get you moving better. This also a great way to prime the hips before your next squat or lower body session. Take it slowwwwwwww and control your hips through each movement. If you’re having trouble going from one side to the other, place your hands on the grounds behind you to support yourself
#shinbox #frc #frcms #functionalrangesystems #functionalrangeassessment #functionalrangeconditioning #functionalmedicine #functionalrangerelease #mobility #mobilitytraining #mobilitywod #flexibility #hipmobility #controlyourself #prehab
Mobility training
The key with @functionalrangeconditioning FRC is implementing the thought process to train joint strength, stability and control in positions that allow adaptive stimulus to work for improving YOUR bodyYou’ll notice from following a lot of FRC trainers, that it’s not about ‘exercises’ and ‘rep schemes’ but specific inputs and set-ups. We’re trying to create joint independence, strength and resilience before integrating it all in interdependent motion. No gimmicky stuff, just training that works to make YOU work betterOne of my go-to set-ups shown here for hip and knee training. Adding controlled loading to end-range hip motion via internal and external femur rotation as well as loaded knee circular articulation. Note that this is advanced mobility workNot where you start, but an indication of where the thinking takes you practically when knees and hips are cleared for loaded training
Eccentric neural grooving in a variety of angles works to induce both tissue and nervous system adaptation
ENG training works to safeguard and strengthen ranges of motion typically subject to force absorption and production
➡️Control of motion is key
➡️The more space we can create in the joint, and simultaneously strengthen joint ROM, the more options we have for movement transition
Coupled with smart use of positional (and transitional) isometrics, end-range rotational training (*advanced training CARs - my personal giddy-up) and intra-abdominal blocking (irradiation), you’ll develop greater capacities to do what you love WELLFull sequence on my YouTube channel for those interested.... cont’d⤵️
FRCms @evrett.paist
Need more hip ROM and control? These two @functionalrangeconditioning drills are a good start. Be careful though, you might yourself.
➡️Start out in a quadrupedal position. ➡️Pin yourself against a wall and Irradiate to avoid extra movement.
➡️Abduct the leg and find your end range. Set yoga blocks, books, or bench to 10-15 degrees lower than end range.
➡️Complete 5x10s hovers each side.
FRCms, FRAs and Kinstretch Instructor @chungychung
Hip Capsular Stretch.
90/90 is a great way of improving capsular mobility. But if you're someone who needs a little more cranking, leaning forward won't do you justice.
This technique provides you with the leverage to chicken wing your hip capsule and torque into more external rotation.
The key is to rotate your torso toward the midline and to lean forward. If you're looking for more, simply extend your trail leg and go into open 90/90.
If you're @hunterfitness fitness level, you can do this in pigeon (at your own risk)
Photo edit: @catherine_chung_fit
FRCms @primalprowess
Who needs a Front Squat Fix?! This variation of PAILs/RAILs for the front rack position is not the first step in the process. There are several prerequisites to satisfy before implementing this particular version. If your thoracic and wrist extension is limited, there's tightness and restriction in the surrounding tissues preventing your elbows from maintaining the proper height, you need the Front Squat Fix! P/RAILs stands for progressive and regressive angular isometric loading. The method involves holding a passive stretch in extension for an amount of time, then actively attempting to lift the elbows off of the blocks with maximal voluntary extension (PAILs), and finish with driving the elbows into the blocks in the extended position (RAILs). The time spent in each situation depends on your current competency throughout the initial portion of this series. (This video demonstrates a more rushed approach to enable me to show each phase without having to speed the video up). You being with the blocks closer to under the armpit and as you open up, the blocks are further removed toward the elbows, which demands even more extension as your upper body is able to "pour" through more easily and challenge the position. Please reach out if you're interested in receiving the entire Front Squat Fix program!
#ControlledArticularRotations ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
To become certified or to find a FRCms in your area, please visit our official website (link in Bio) in the "Find/Become a Provider" area.
#primalprowesstraining #reclaimyourendowment #frontsquat #frontrack #mobility #strength #stability #bodybuilding #powerlifting #olympicweightlifting #crossfit #frc #kinstretch #pails #rails #doanything @kristina_heimbecker @kinstretch @functionalrangeconditioning
Division I college lacrosse player with complaints of chronic low back pain associated with history of two lumbar fractures and subsequent immobilization.
• FRA of the spine showed a hinge point with closing angle pain at the thoracolumbar junction and no segmentation within the lumbar spine.
• The spine is a critical joint prerequisite for his sport including shooting (flexion/rotation) and taking a significant amount of contact when getting checked by a defender.
• When there is a lack of spinal segmentation, any load placed on the spine does not have the ability to optimally diffuse forces ➡️ leading to pain (force of activity > capacity of the non functioning lumbar segments).
• Optimal spinal function requires that each segment of the spine must contribute motion to the overall movement of the spine.
• Once I was able to restore segmentation in extension, I then progressed into flexion using @functionalrangeconditioning principles.
• The second video shows his ability to fully segment the spinous process of each vertebra. Now any load placed on the spine will be distributed evenly, enabling the spine to optimally diffuse forces and mitigate injury for his upcoming season.
#perrierpt #brickbybrick
"Don't mistake 'Bad' for 'UNPREPARED'. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⁃FRS instructor @deweynielsen
"Don't let your knees go over your toes". This is just one of the Old Wives Tales delivered by the fitness industry. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Human movement is arguably one of the most complex things on earth . How do we identify issues in a movement and intervene in a complex system?
At best, we can reduce a complex system into multiple simplified components, then try to better understand the relationship between those components.
What is the movement task?
What are the components/prerequisites of said task?
▶️Assess said prerequisites.
▶️Address said findings.
#training #therapy #treatment #chiropractor #chiropractic #torontochiropractor #manualtherapy #softtissue #jointhealth #rehab #functionalmovement #movement #personaltrainer #torontofitness #torontopersonaltrainer #bodycontrol #athleticperformance #athleticdevelopment #injuryprevention #mobility #flexibility #trainsmart #movebetterhp