functionaltraining fitness training workout crossfit functionalfitness personaltrainer exercise fitnessmotivation strength entrenamientofuncional personaltraining calisthenics health motivation strengthandconditioning athlete bodybuilding community mobility agility bodyweighttraining coach communityfitness comptrain crossfitcommunity ddcf desertdevilcrossfit bowlingkid
One of the most important things I tell clients to think about with dynamic movement are how the dysfunctions relate and react to the movement performed, and in what way can you reorient the tensions to correct the imbalance.
Once you have figured out how to reorient the structure, focus on how that specific sensation feels... and CHASE IT!
Working on those lateral lines connecting to the floor.
#fpallday #functionalpatterns #functionalpatternstexas #functionaltraining
#biomechanics #striking #boxing #dumbellworkout #keepaustinfit #atxfitness #austinfitness
تمرین هوازی با شدت بالا با هدف بهبود تکنیک دریبلینگ+ دقت پاس به هدف+زمانبندی حرکت+ هماهنگی+ تعادل و کنترل بدن+ کویکنس پا و چابکی
۴دقیقه فعالیت و یک دقیقه استراحت، ۵ ست
پ ن: ایرج بزن خون به مغزش نمیرسید توی فشار @irajj77
#grassroots_ir #functionaltraining #soccerfitness #soccerskills #speedtraining #quickness #agilitytraining #balancetraining #plyometrictraining #explosivepower #اکبر_بهلول #فانکشنال_فوتبال #فانکشنال_ترینینگ #فانکشنال #بدنسازی_فوتبال #بدنسازی_آقایان #بدنسازی_بانوان
Habe gestern beim Abfilmen definitiv meine neue Lieblingsübung an der Lindmine für den Bauch gefunden! Die Einarmigen Roll Outs mit der Liegestütze vom ersten Video sind echt ziemlich nice .
. .7 Minuten Landmine Core Workout
1: SA Landmine Roll Outs + Push up // 45 sec. pro Seite (Wenn die 45 sec. noch nicht gehen, immer wieder kurz ein paar Sec. Pause nehmen). .
2: Landmine Russian Twist // 45 sec .
3: SL Landmine Deadlifts // 45 sec. pro Seite.
4: Landmine Crunches // 45 sec .
5: Landmine Rotation // 45 sec. .
#coreworkout #landmineworkout #coretraining #functionaltraining
Kettlebell Flow
Build strength, stability and full body control with the following kettlebell combination.
1️⃣Single arm Kettlebell Swing
2️⃣ step back lunge with KB hold, over head
⭐️Complete a total of 3-5 sets for a total of 6-10 repetitions per side⭐️
There are two regressions( easier variations/versions) for the second part of the exercise.
1️⃣ regression, step back lunge with single arm 90’ Kettlebell hold( as demonstrated in the first 2 reps of the video).
2️⃣ regression , kettle bell swing to standing Single hand kettlebell hold.
‼️DISCLAIMER, please begin with your extremely light weight. The kettlebell swings are relatively easy, however the KB HOLDS are relatively challenging. The holds require a great deal of wrist strength and stability. Start off with light weight and progress as you feel more and more comfortable‼️.
. @karim_ikh . Feel free to check him out for calisthenics workouts, and daily motivation. .
#kettlebellworkout #kettlebellswings #kettlebellflow #kettlebell #lunges #functionaltraining #crossfit #fuelyourambition #womenfitness #fullbodyworkout#motivation
Workout in coppia
All inizio del mio operato ero restio su lavorare con delle coppie(amici o fidanzati) poiché l attenzione e la programmazione era più difficile rispetto al singolo cliente.
Ma pian piano che, ho iniziato a lavorare con molte coppie, devo ricredermi.
Il lavoro di coppia ti permette una maggior attivazione del sistema nervoso centrale poiché ci si sfida a vicenda, ci si aiuta, l altro è sempre pronto a motivarti e devo dire che anche i risultati FISICI sono entusiasmanti. .
☀️E VOI vi siete mai allenati in coppia?
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Achtung packt schon mal eure Tasche fürs #gym gleich bekommt ihr Lust aufs Training.
swipe left to see almost my whole #upperbodyworkout from this mornin:
#weightedpullups missin
#seated #shoulderpress
#aroundtheworld #plate
#renegaderows + #variation
#advanced #facepulls
#cablework #coretraining
Try this #absworkout #corecardio circuit at the end of your workout! I love bilateral and unilateral training...I love to mix mine together!
1️⃣60 seconds
2️⃣8-12 reps L.R
3️⃣30 seconds L,R
4️⃣12-15 reps L,R
2-3 rounds!
Outfit Tagged! Tag someone who you would want to try this workout with!
#ginavallesfit #ginavalles #sixpackabs #abworkout #abexercises #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #corestrengthening #planks #unilateraltraining #obliques #homeworkouts #fitat30 #womensfitness #healthandfitness #instafit #fitspiration