girlslifttoo sixpack weightraining fitfam gymlife fitness fitnessaddict workout gains exercise goals muscle transformation activelife bodybuilding bootygains eatcleantraindirty fitstargram gymobsession happy health healthyliving personaltraining shred smile athleticgirls girlswholift gymrat fitspo чугуевгалерея
You guys see that girl on the left? She was diagnosed with cancer in May of 2016. By the end of Nov 2016... her hair was falling out, barely growing and super thin. It was a combination of extreme physical/mental stress, the life saving meds I was taking, my digestion being all messed up (from the life saving surgery) so my body wasn’t properly absorbing nutrients, and my immune system being all out of whack (from the removal of lymph nodes)... In Nov 2016, I knew my hair was thin and fragile. I could see it every time I looked in the mirror. It was obvious every time I took a picture. I just embraced it tho. It had this rocker chick vibe and I was kinda digging it. I knew there wasn’t anything I could do to change it or fix it at the time. After all, I was fighting for my life; it was the least of my worries. My hair was just a casualty during the fight. At no time did I feel like I needed to hide the fact my hair was falling out. I wasn’t embarrassed by it. It didn’t make me any less beautiful. This pic from Nov 2016, is still one of my fave pics of me when I was deep in my battle with cancer. I was smiling. A genuine smile that came from a place of pure gratitude for simply just being alive. And you know what? I never felt like I needed to get hair extensions so I looked like other girls on social media. This was me. This was where I was at in my battle and journey. And I was going to own it. I knew in my heart that with time, patience, and tlc... it would grow back. And hopefully... stronger and healthier than before. No matter if I have a head full of hair, funky rocker chick hair or no hair at all. I’m still beautiful. And regardless of things about you that may make you feel like you are less... you are just as beautiful too!
100kg Deadlift Challenge (10 reps) .
When your hijab is having a workout of its own
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It's COLD here in Utah!
Every morning I go out to my truck to go to the gym and I'm freezing!!!!
I was spoiled with Louisiana heat and am now I'm a big baby with the cold ♀️
#health #gym #bodybuildinglifestyle #motivation #body #workout #npcbikinicompetitor #fitnesscompetitor #fitness #goals #nevergiveup #fit #fitfreak #fitmom #fitchick #fitness #girlslifttoo #liftheavy #gymlife #motivation #gym #workout #canadiangirl #reds #frontdelt #girlswithmuscle #girlswholift #tatoos #girlswithtats #igfit #freezing #utah
TECHNIQUE - It’s not about how many reps you can do - it’s about how you do the reps.
Don’t ever compromise technique to get those final few reps!
Couple of tips:
•Squats - never let your knees come in and your back dip down.
•Deadlift – as soon as you feel yourself start to mainly use your back stop..
•Abs - Always keep your abs engaged, if you start to feel yourself arch and use your back stop.
@lilybod @lilybodbabe | AD | Gifted
#physiquemodel #fitnessmodel #fitchick #fitnessjourney #fitgram #befearless #fitnesstime #lifefitness #gymgoals #gymstyle #gymfam #buildingmuscle #shesquatsbro #gainmuscle #feelingstrong #fitnessfam #ig_fitness #gyminspiration #fitinspo #musclegains #fitnesstraining #fitnessgirlsmotivation #getfitstayfit #ilovefitness #instafitfam #juststrong #fitbod #girlslifttoo #girlsthatworkout #lilybodbabe