gregsaid columbusohio payraise hustle myecon askgreg credit teamdirtandvert teamninja trailrunning coachninja dallasdirtrunners dfwtrails ozarktrailrunningclub runcoach runner running runningcoach runtexastrails teamninjacoaching trailandultra trailrunner ultrarunner ultrarunning findyourdirt findyourvert instarunners runnersofinstagram strugglebussunday askgreg
Ain’t no river wide enough : @trailracingovertexas .
#teamninjacoaching #teamninja #coachninja #gregsaid #runningcoach #runcoach #teamdirtandvert
#ultrarunning #ultrarunner #trailrunning #trailrunner #trailandultra #running #runner #findyourdirt #findyourvert #runtexastrails #dfwtrails #dallasdirtrunners #ozarktrailrunningclub
Float like a , sting like a Fi.
#teamninjacoaching #teamninja #coachninja #gregsaid #runningcoach #runcoach #teamdirtandvert
#ultrarunning #ultrarunner #trailrunning #trailrunner #trailandultra #running #runner #findyourdirt #findyourvert #runtexastrails #dfwtrails #dallasdirtrunners #ozarktrailrunningclub
Early morning start to climbing all the Vert with this crew as #TeamDirtAndVert Training Camp is about to begin
#Repost @teamdirtandvert @get_reposter
We have arrived for the first night of #teamninja x @teamdirtandvert training camp! The threat of inclement weather has scared off some participants, but we still have a hardy and experienced group left. There are 16 mile finishes between the 5 of us. And we got big plans to add more buckles this year at Cruel Jewel, Western States, Wasatch and Pinhoti. Vert til ya hurt tomorrow. .
#teamninja #teamninjacoaching #teamdirtandvert #coachninja #gregsaid #runningcoach #runcoach
#ultrarunning #ultrarunner #trailrunning #trailrunner #trailandultra #running #runner #runnersofinstagram #instarunners #runtexastrails #dfwtrails #dallasdirtrunners #ozarktrailrunningclub
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is now ready for the @trailracingovertexas #coyoterun 50K? This guy right here thanks to @syd_mowery at @massageconnectionfrisco. Seeing her is always a part of my race week ritual. #sportsrecovery #sportsmassage #massage #sheetfaced
#teamninja #teamninjacoaching #teamdirtandvert #coachninja #gregsaid #runningcoach #runcoach
#ultrarunning #ultrarunner #trailrunning #trailrunner #trailandultra #running #runner #findyourdirt #findyourvert #runtexastrails #dfwtrails #dallasdirtrunners #ozarktrailrunningclub
Changing your mindset will move you from scarcity and poverty thinking to abundance and prosperity thinking. Money will no longer be a villain in your life but will become a tool to enhance your life. You will no longer see it as something that always leaves, but as something that always comes back to you. A new money mindset will help you achieve your goals with confidence! #GregSaid #ColumbusOhio #PayRaise #myecon #hustle
It’s wasn’t the race that I wanted, but it’s the race that I needed. @trailracingovertexas Coyote Run 50K was one of the toughest races that I’ve had in a long time. I spent 2+ hours mostly hiking due to the worst cramping that I’ve experienced in a long time. To put it into perspective, my 50K split from last year’s 50M race was faster than my 50K time today. But all you can do is accept what your body has to give on a race day and learn from the mistakes that you made. Ultras never stop teaching you lessons. You just have to listen. : @ryliesisengrath
#teamninja #teamninjacoaching #teamdirtandvert #coachninja #gregsaid #runningcoach #runcoach
#ultrarunning #ultrarunner #trailrunning #trailrunner #trailandultra #running #runner #findyourdirt #findyourvert #runtexastrails #dfwtrails #dallasdirtrunners #ozarktrailrunningclub
I’ve been working with Danielle since February, but we’ve actually never met in person. So when we got the chance to actually run together, recovery be damned. We got in a fun mix of trail, hills and pavement around Arbor Hills. And then she dropped me on the last climb at the finish. ♂️
#teamninjacoaching #teamninja #coachninja #gregsaid #runningcoach #runcoach #teamdirtandvert
#ultrarunning #ultrarunner #trailrunning #trailrunner #trailandultra #running #runner #findyourdirt #findyourvert #runtexastrails #dfwtrails #dallasdirtrunners #ozarktrailrunningclub
It may be race week, but #erwinsquirclehillsofdeath stays on the training schedule. Denny and I cut back the repeats to only 2, but we kept the effort . These legs are ready to race!
#teamninja #teamninjacoaching #teamdirtandvert #coachninja #gregsaid #runningcoach #runcoach
#ultrarunning #ultrarunner #trailrunning #trailrunner #trailandultra #running #runner #findyourdirt #findyourvert #runtexastrails #dfwtrails #dallasdirtrunners #ozarktrailrunningclub