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☡ Percutor ☡.
. La utilización de pistolas de percusión se ha vuelto una de las herramientas más usadas en el ámbito deportivo.
. Si lo has vivido, comenta como se siente .
. #FF #fisioterapia #physicaltherapy #percusion #percutor #theragun #hypervolt #deporte #massage #masaje #muscle #hamstring #isquiotibiales #Musculo #sports
What better way to explain how the fascial system moves and pulls on the body. We can see how the strings represent the tensegrity of fascia. Could you imagine if these strings or membranes were not functionally tight What would happen to our bodies...big pile of jello? Truffle shuffle (Goonies ref)? We need tensegrity to maintain homeostasis in our movement patterns.
#PainIsNotALifestyle #SportsMassage #Cupping #IASTM #MyofascialRelease #Community #MyologySKRONG #rocktape #CrossFit #Raleigh #hypervolt #Durham #fayetteville #greensboro #Charlotte myologysportsmassage.com
Let's take a look at what is happening with you shoulder in muscle ups. Form and range of motion are your best defense against potential injury. If you're having issues with either of those, let us know. We can help!
#PainIsNotALifestyle #SportsMassage #Cupping #IASTM #MyofascialRelease #Community #MyologySKRONG #rocktape #CrossFit #Raleigh #hypervolt #Durham #fayetteville #greensboro #Charlotte myologysportsmassage.com
That was a doozy, just a week after running 25km, my longest run in 4 years, I had a 28km workout.
5km Warmup, 4x4km loops, w/ 1km float in between.
Things were doing great the for the first 2 , I hit paces and my injuries were holding up. Then midway through the 3rd loop, things started to fall apart. My leg was bugging me, so I pulled back so I could save energy for the 4th loop.
I bonked so hard on going into the 4th loop. Felt like I had nothing left and I kept getting slower and slower. BUT, I somehow managed to finish the workout and I'm happy about that . Not sure how I'm going to pull off an additional 14kms I'm 5 weeks at the @eugenemarathon ... But we'll see♂️. Thanks to my @mile2marathon teammates for pulling me along until I couldn't keep up anymore. I'll be spending some quality time with my @hyperice #HyperVolt now.