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Today is International Pilates Day ✨
The true meaning of ‘Pilates’ falls under an extremely ambiguous umbrella (Jules from Bachie in Para talking ), muddying the waters of what it actually should be vs. what it can mean or be for lots of people. The debates could go on for days... People argue certain forms of Pilates are better than others, or some Pilates essentially isn’t ‘Pilates’ at all, but no one really has the qualification to formally make that call on behalf of anyone else. Perhaps the specificity and traditionalism of it all doesn’t really matter ♀️ I’m sure our energy could be better spent more positively, rather than drawing comparisons or pulling other movement forms down
The important thing to understand is that Pilates is a sophisticated form of exercise that gets people moving more! Something I’m so passionate about. Encouraging our bodies to become strong, supple, and more connected to the mind
For a long time reformer Pilates has been my primary workout of choice. My mind body connection continues to be fostered, my internal sense of creativity becomes enhanced, I am given the opportunity to push myself in a low impact nature and I get to connect with amazing people on the process. I love to work hard and I assure you, Pilates is hard work when done correctly
Everything is what you make it. Anything can be as easy or as hard as you believe. It all comes down to your approach and execution
Bottom line - whatever encourages people to move more, should be celebrated. People working hard to facilitate this for others, should also be celebrated. And encouraged. I stand by those working towards the common goal of inspiration, motivation and education within the fitness industry and thank those I’ve crossed paths with that have enhanced my career to date
What a beautiful thing to be connected with so many inspirational people, working towards the common goal of healthier, fitter communities
Plank variation Ⓜ️agic ©️ircle
#wholebodyworkout #fullbodyworkout #internationalpilatesday #opposition #plankworkout #pushupseveryday #lianabpilates #pilatesprops #pilatesinstructors #pilatesmentoring #magiccircle #pilateslovers #pilatespractice #spinetwist #pilatesforathletes #pilatesforfootball #pilatestraining #coreexercises #pilatesvideos #athomeworkout #athomeexercise #פילאטיס #סדנאות #פילאטיסמזרן #לייףסטייל
Here, I teach Carola Trier's version of Rolling Like a Ball to a Mat class at the October 2018 PMA Conference. Most people have learned this exercise with an exhale on the Rollback, inhale on the Rollup. However, Carola used a different breathing pattern, which I share here. I really like the idea of a moment of "suspension" during the quick, dynamic inhale at the top of the roll, in balance, & a two part exhale on the Rollback & Up. Try it, you might like it!
Happy Pilates DayDünya Pilates Günü Kutlu Olsun #pilatesday2019 #pilatesday #pilatesinstructor #pilateslove #pilates #pilatestv #pilatesbody #pilateseveryday #internationalpilatesday #saglik #spor #pilatesfit #fitgirl #healingwithpilates #pilatesworkout #pilateslife #pilateslifestyle #contrology #core #pilatesanytime #pilatessolo #healthylife #motivation #perfectbody #josephpilates #josephpilatesmethod #fitgirlsfam #pilatestime #powerfullwoman #pilatescommunity