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IDR 165.000
One drop calming solution! Clean out the acne spot with 30 Days Miracle Tea Tree Clear Spot Oil.
Teatree oil, well known for its anti-inflammation effect, instantly soothes skin trouble and takes away excessive oil on the skin.
As the final skincare step, soak cotton swab with oil and apply it on the problematic spot.
Apply this oil on trouble spots and it may give cool and sharp sensation to the skin. Do not apply all over the face unlike other moisture-purpose oil.
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Passion Essential oil Blend
Get it here-> https://mysticessence.com/products/passion
Sensual, comforting and anchoring, this blend has been formulated to harmonize and balance the body, mind and spirit, heightening the power of attraction.
The vibrational frequencies of these oils, in combination, can help to increase your ability to attract positive energy, connect with your innermost self and thereby manifest those things that you most desire.
Rose: Rose stirs desire, enhances self-esteem and confidence. As an anxiety-relieving, calming oil, it comes as no surprise that rose is also traditionally used as an aphrodisiac.
Sandalwood: Sandalwood is known to increase focus, peace, and clarity while acting as an emotional balancer. Practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine traditionally use sandalwood as an aphrodisiac.
Patchouli: Patchouli oil is a mood enhancer. It brings relief to stress-related tensions. It washes anxiety and promotes an overall sense of well-being. Patchouli also has a positive effect n the nervous system. It brings rest to frigidity, nervous tension, and stress-related complaints.
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So in love with this two babes.
Gold Elixir, masker rambut yang rutin aku pakai seminggu 2 kali. Bikin ngerawat rambut jadi lebih gampang, bahkan kalau lagi travelling pun tetep aku bawa karena travel friendly banget.
Oh iya, Gold Elixir ini bagus banget loh buat ngurangin kerontokan rambut. Rambut bercabang juga jadi berkurang dan rambut jadi lebih halus deh.
Kalau Tea Tree Oil, ga perlu ditanya lagi deh. Selalu ada di tas , jadi tiap berasa ada yang sakit di muka kaya mau muncul jerawat langsung oles aja deh. Sehari atau dua hari langsunh sembuh deh jerawatnya.
2 Produk ini sudah restock yah sis.
Langsung aja order
Line : @epe5660s
#jualteatreeoil #serumbulumata #maskerrambutalami #maskerjojoba #jualvco #jualcastoroil #skincarealami
Ginger essential oil, available in 2 sizes: 10 and 20ml
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SOMEBYMI Miracle Tea Tree Clear Spot Oil
Mengandung Tea Tree Oil sebanyal 150.000 ppm, produk ini ditujukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan kulit seperti jerawat yang membandel, mengurangi produksi sebum pada kulit wajah, serta menenangkan kulit yang kemerahan
Price : Rp. 150.000 (10ml)
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Essential oil adalah minyak aromatik yang menghasilkan wangi khas tanaman asalnya dan digunakan sebagai bahan dasar wangi-wangian dan pengobatan alami.
Tea Tree Oil memiliki sifat antibakteri terhadap ratusan penyakit kulit akibat bakteri dan jamur seperti jerawat, bisul, lecet, luka bakar matahari, kutu air, kutil, herpes, gigitan serangga, ruam, ketombe, iritasi dan luka kecil lainnya.
Lemon Oil memiliki aroma citrus yang menyegarkan. Lemon oil juga bersifat antioksidan dan antimikrobial sehingga mampu mencerahkan kulit, memudarkan noda hitam dan bekas luka, mengurangi jerawat serta menutrisi dan melembabkan kulit.
Harga produk:
- Lemon Oil (10ml) Rp 59.000
- Tea Tree Oil (10ml) Rp 59.000
Tea Tree Oil 10ml
IDR 140.000
A naturally sourced antiseptic. Best for minor cuts, burns, abrasions, pimples, boils, bites and stings. Organic ingredients
Usually applied to the skin for infections such as acne, fungal infections of the nail (onychomycosis), lice, scabies, athlete's foot, and ringworm. -------------------------------------------- #ubscatalog #jualteatreeoil #jualthursdayplantation #jualthursdayplantationacnegel #jualteatreeoilorganic #jualthursdayplantationacne #jualfrank #jualtrilogy #jualrosehipoil #jualtrilogyrosehip #jualredwin #jualsukin #jualfrankscrub #jualfrankbody
Believe it or not Tea tree oil is the most amazingly purifying acne treating oils. Many acne creams contain Tea tree oil. To make your own Tea tree oil acne treatment, mix few drops of tea tree oil with 1/2 tsp almond oil, 1 Tbsp of yogurt and honey. Apply and let it sit for 20 min and wash off with warm water. Tea tree oil helps fight acne while almond oil, yogurt and honey gives you an amazing glow without making the skin dry. Try it for yourself ..
@follow @adashofturmeric .
@nowessentialoil @wholefoods