kundaliniyogateacher kundaliniyoga yoga yogateacher kundalini meditation yogateachers yogalasvegas kundalinimeditation satnam yogalife yogi yogibhajan yogachallenge kundalini_yoga awaken yogaposes yogateachertraining kundaliniawakening lasvegas lasvegasgym lasvegashealth lasvegaslocal lasvegasteachertraining lasvegasworkout lasvegasyoga lasvegasyogacommunity lasvegasyogateacher lasvegasyogateachertraining originalyogasystem yogalasvegas
“When a person gets up in the morning and does the sadhana, you know what accompanies that person? All the angels, all saints and sages come to listen. Their souls fly to those places to listen where God is chanted.”—Yogi Bhajan
Join us for sadhana at @veniceclubhouse every week. Lead by either @gregcipes or me, check back weekly for the schedule.
We start every sadhana by taking a dip into the ocean at 5AM followed by a very powerful kundalini meditation. ☀️
Photo by: @mayadondonyan #venicebeach #sadhana #gurucipes #kundaliniyogateacher #waheguru #kundalini #satnam #coldshower #ishnaan
Pre•script•tion \ pri•’skrip•shen\
A written direction for a therapeutic or corrective agent, ancient or long continued custom.
Mine is usually dance, music, or nature. Better yet... all 3 combined.
How do you heal? What’s your medicinal ritual? #movingenergy #healing #soundcurrent #sacredritual #kundaliniyoga #kundaliniyogateacher #reikihealer #meditation #sacredchantartist #vibratehigher #happyhealthyholy #kundalinigown #3ho #KRIcertifiedteacher
Wearing my @kundalinigown and turban headband from @knitwhitscouture all helping with auric expansion and continuous daily meditative benefits. Curious yet!?!
White Tantric Yoga Berlin 2019 ✨✨ Thank you for this experience @annenoemiebianchi , your presence, your beauty and grace. Your strength, words and honesty are very precious to me. The universe heard me, to send me a good friend that I can trust and share this spiritual path with.
May our Presence uplift everyone that comes in contact with us on this entire planet.
May we develop our neutral mind to live in peace and tranquility.
@camille_paramdevi @daphnee_bw @itcomesfrom_within @amandanorgaard_ #whitetantricyoga #berlin #yoga #meditation #kundaliniyoga #kundaliniyogateacher #paris #universe #sadhana #mantra
About #celestialcommunication “Something has to be given to mankind to excel, and that is what we have done. We have transformed our songs to the strength of the Celestial Communication technique, which is our gift to this world. It relaxes the ten parts of the brain through the nerve connections of the tips of the fingers, which are the main active parts and ingredients in this being. When the fingers move with the prana to communicate, this cantaloupe becomes a human brain. The tension of the nerve pattern is revealed into a relaxation pattern of its own originality. It's a very fantastic release.
Some people are relaxed and some are not relaxed. Physical relaxation is not as important as the neuro systematic relaxation is. That's why the Celestial Communication system works wonders with all people from all religions and from all places. It's a methodology which will give you a tremendous amount of relief in your inner being.” -#yogibhajan on August 27, 1985
This beautiful video is of @adarshkaur and @hansu_jot.
#kundaliniyoga #kundalini #3ho #kundaliniyogateacher #3ho50 #ikyta
Sat Nam Jio! .
Feliz y bendecido martes ♥️
#shuniayoga #centrosconalma #kundaliniteachertraining #yogainspiration #ayurveda #yogapractice #kundaliniyoga #kundaliniwomen #kundaliniyogalife #kundaliniyogalifestyle #kundaliniyogateacher #yoga #yogachallenge #yogalife #yogalifestyle #yogagirl #yogagram #instayoga #waheguru_ji_ka_khalsa_waheguru_ji_ki_fateh_jio ♥️
"If you cannot be a national leader, be a local leader, be a community leader, be a street leader. Somehow as a woman be a leader of righteousness. Be a lighthouse."
8/7/79 #yogibhajan
How are you leading in your community? Tell us in the comments below. of @noelgraupner in Espanola New Mexico. #kundaliniyogateacher
#3ho #3ho50 #kundaliniyoga #kundalini
Sat Nam, Ihr wundervollen Geschöpfe. ✨ John steht kurz vor Abschluss seiner Kundalini Yoga Lehrerausbildung ♂️♥️ Es ist eine besondere Art des Yogas, wie es von #YogiBhajan gelehrt wurde.
Im #KundaliniYoga wird eine ganz bestimmte Kraftquelle erweckt, die in uns allen schlummert: Die Kundalini-Energie. Man könnte sie auch als ursprüngliche, universelle Lebenskraft bezeichnen. Wenn du diese Energie in dir erweckst, kannst du schnelle und tiefgreifende Veränderungen bewirken.
In Zukunft wird John Yogastunden und Workshops in Bremen anbieten.
Bei Interesse oder Fragen schickt uns gerne eine pm ✌✨ #3ho #mediation #satnamrasayan #movingenergy #healing #kundaliniyogateacher #happyhealthyholy